Meeting 5: Styx's wrath

Kalif Styx

retired † patriarch
OOC First Name
The final one was likely the one that Kalif felt would not be as bad, since the deputy took care of it. However, he still wanted to know why, and why the attitude against Professor Cliffeton. It wasn't like anyone could ever lie to him without Kalif knowing it. One of the many perks about being a legilimens. It greatly helped him with his family matters. He did hope that he would not have to use it at the school. Kalif opened the door to the final person before motioning with one of his hands, "Last, but certainly not least, Asaiah Murphy." Cliffeton did take away a lot, but was it enough? Kalif wasn't sure. It really did depend. Add the lack of extracurricular activities, no brightstone, and what Cliffeton dealt him, perhaps it was a bit much. But not in Kalif's eyes.
The fifteen year old definitely hadn't been looking forward to this meeting at all, specially given the mood the older man was currently in. Asaiah sat down in the chair in front of the desk, slouched, not saying a word as he entered the professor's office. He didn't really care what would happen to him now since the two things that he cared for the most had already been taken away from him. Instead, he just looked at professor Styx, wondering whatever punishment he'd be receiving on top of what the Deputy and the professor had already given to him. It simply couldn't get any worse than it already was.
Kalif waved his hand and the door shut. This one, Kalif was livid with. Mainly for different reasons. He walked behind his desk and sat down, lowering his gaze to the boy. "Sit." He motioned toward the chair that was directly in front of him. "I gave Professor Cliffeton permission for your punishment. Had you been in front of me, you wouldn't be standing here today. However, I won't add to your punishment. After all, costing the house their Brightstone weekend and setting the curfew is an added burden. What I want to know is, what went through your head to do something such as vandalize the school, specifically, Ravenclaw house.." Whether or not Asaiah ever stepped a foot on the Quidditch pitch for the remainder of his time here was up to Kalif. Even just a hair out of line, and he would enforce that without blinking. His cold stare studied the boy, already demanding answers.
Asaiah rolled his eyes when the professor mentioned the curfew, he didn't know what the other students on his list had done, but if breaking into the common room was the reason Slytherin house had the curfew then professor Styx was overreacting, big time. ''What went through my head was that it was time for Ravenclaw house to understand that you don't mess with me or my best friends.'' Asaiah said truthfully, still looking at the man. ''What went through my head was that I was done playing nice all the time.'' Teagan had made sure of this the moment she went after Marisol and her condition.
Kalif narrowed his eyes. At least the Slytherin didn't deny it, or lie. However, a gloved hand went to his temple. "So, you sunk to their level, instead of using the dueling tournament or Quidditch to your advantage." Kalif needed a moment to allow this to sink in. Kids were so hormonal, it was ridiculous. "I suppose you hold no regret for what you have done either. You are aware that there are other ways of reporting what fifty some students did to you and your friends, besides throwing a tantrum and destroying school property." Kalif paused for a moment, his mind collecting his thoughts. "Keep the other ways in mind before it costs you your Quidditch career, wand and education. Is that clear?" Kalif folded his arms across his chest, curious as to whether or not that message sunk in. "No petty student, no matter the case, is worth losing everything."
Asaiah squinted his eyes at the professor. ''Do you honestly believe that I didn't use my position as Beater to hurt that spoiled brat? Because I did, professor, several times. And still she continued to come after me and my friends.'' The Slytherin could feel his hatred for Teagan Maxwell boil up inside of him. ''So don't tell me about trying other ways because it didn't work.'' The boy said whilst sitting up straight. At what the professor said next he shook his head in disbelieve. ''You would really expel me for doing something like this? So you actually think that trashing a common room is just as bad as burning a kid?'' After realising what he had just said out loud Asaiah immediately shut his mouth, he hadn't meant to bring it up, it just happened out of anger..
This kid, it was adorable. Instead of his face flushing in anger, a cruel smirk slowly crossed his lips. "You didn't use all options because you could have come to me. I could have easily received permission to deal with this girl. So, no you didn't try everything." However bringing up Chaos wasn't exactly a smart move. He continued, "Chaos received much more than just expulsion for that. There has been more than just Chaos. I expelled one for attacking a professor. Two girls were expelled for fighting, which I feel is less worthy than trashing a common room over a single student​. If you feel as though you won't come to respect the institution that gives you the privilege of learning your heritage then by all means let me know, and I'll help you pack. Otherwise, stay here, earn back your place on the team, and have a future. Chaos's anger, as well as the previous expelled students, ruined their lives. Put a lid on yours."
Asaiah looked up and listened as professor Styx spoke. It was true that he could've come to him and tell the man all about Teagan and what she'd been doing, but at that time he felt like that would only make things worse between them. The Slytherin simply nodded after the professor was done talking. Come to think about it, the girl wasn't worth losing his spot on the team, and education over. ''I will, I promise.'' he replied, slowly calming down.
It seemed as though the Slytherin was not as thick headed as he originally thought. Kalif waved his hand at the door and it opened. "Smart choice. You are dismissed." Kalif didn't have to use what he would had to on his own kids to get through to the mind. His kids and many of his relatives inherited stubbornness that was a mountain high. He was done with this one, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't keep an eye on him from now on.
Asaiah was suprised to hear that, instead of punishing him even more, professor Styx had decided to dismiss him. So, like anyone would do, he nodded his head and left the office before the man would change his mind, glad that he had let him go.

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