Closed Meet The Family?

Leia Hume

girly | self-conscious | hnz duelling champion
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (??)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 Inch Flexible Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
06/2039 (22)
Leia loved being a professional dueller, and she loved so many aspects of her job, but it was busy, and she was always having to practice and going to competitions. She was feel pretty tired from it. But it was good, she was making good progress, and getting good deals. She came home after a gruelling practice and was immediately greeted by the warmth of the place she and kia shared. It was just..perfect. Leia smiled, "Kia, you here?" she called out not sure if her girlfriend would be home. "You'll never guess who'll be taking pictures at the next competition and also then who didn't realise who they were related to?" if no one was home, the questions would go unanswered.
Kia was a little surprised with the turns her life had taken- spending time still at the farm with Waldo and Zelda, while living with a beautiful woman and starting to make a name for herself in the fashion industry. She was at home now, debating between a pair of fabrics for a new dress she was making. "Back here, love," She called, pinning both swatches to the mannequin and running her fingers over them to test the texture against her skin. They were both pleasant, though one was more silky than velvety, so she took the swatches down and started measuring out the more velvety fabric. "Someones taking pictures of something?" She offered, not having heard all of the questions while she was distracted.
Leia followed the voice of her girlfriend and smiled at her when she walked into her workshop room. She liked the fabrics that Kia seemed to be working with. "Yeah, my brother, Vader, is going to be taking pictures at the next competition, and people were not aware we were related," Leia said with a smile. Just watching her girlfriend with affection in her gaze. "Hume isn't really an uncommon name," she said thinking that people should've put two and two together.
Kia turned to Leia as she came in, trying to guide her over so she could start comparing a few shades of color against Leia's skin. "Your brother?" She asked half distracted, though she was trying to keep the conversation going. "He, ah... ran the paper, didn't he?" She asked. "Which one do you like better?" She asked, holding up two different colors.
Leia moved to where Kia guided her and stood where she needed to. "Yeah, Vader," she repeated. "He ran Accio, the yearbook," she replied, finding it a bit interesting that Kia didn't know that. But Leia knew she hadn't talked a lot about her family. "That one," she said, "He briefly worked for the designer EVELYN too," Leia said, thinking that might be some Kia knew about.
Kia hummed, moving back to pin the swatch of fabric to the design. She'd need to pick up some more. She set it down, knowing she'd need to go to the shops before she could continue, and turned to Leia with a small smile and holding open her arms for a hug. "That's pretty cool, he sounds like a fun guy. I'm sorry I didn't know him right away," She apologized. She'd been working on being more open with her feelings, at least with Leia, and trying not to be so cranky all of the time.
Leia accepted the hug when Kia offered it and then just shrugged. "It's okay, I just didn't realise I didn't really talk about them," Leia replied. "I have a sister also, she's older than me," Leia said softly, with a little nervousness on her tone. She hadn't spoken to Padme in years, knew that Padme had just left without leaving any indication of where she'd gone.
Kia smiled softly and leant into Leia. She squeezed her arms around her a bit more at the tone in her voice. "Do you wanna curl up on the couch and talk about it?" She asked softly, pulling back a bit to meet her eye. "You sound like somethings wrong with your sister?" She offered, rubbing her hand gently over Leia's back.
Leia shook her head quickly, she didn't want to make Kia feel bad or annoyed as she complained about her sister when Kia didn't have a family. "There's not much to say, she left school and then just left," Leia shrugged slightly since she didn't know more than that about it. "Vader has a friend who said she's fine, but she just has never reached out,"
Kia raised a brow. "Hey," She scolded gently. "Look at me." She tried to turn Leia's face to hers. "You never need to hold back with me. You have my full, unconditional support." She encouraged. She tried to lead Leia to sit with her. "I'm sorry she just took off like that- do you have any idea why she would've just left like that?" She asked, offering out her hands to her girlfriend.
Leia glanced at Kia when the girl prompted her to, and help her gaze. "Yeah, but isn't it rude?" she said before letting Kia lead her to sit and then nodded. "I thought she maybe was seeing someone, but no idea why she'd never get back in touch or why Vader's friend would say she was fine," Leia gave a little huff.
Kia smiled softly, squeezing Leia's hands gently in hers. "Absolutely not. You don't need to hold back anything from me," She reassured her. She rubbed her thumb over the womans knuckles. "Perhaps she's just working through something right now," She offered gently. "Sometimes people just need a little space to get things worked out. All you can do is respect that and hope they'll come back when they're ready."
Leia shrugged a little, she knew it in theory. Knew that with Kia she did not have to hold back. That with Kia she could ber herself, but Leia was also still mindful of doing certain things, keen to not get things wrong or accidentally annoying Kia by being herself. "Why wouldn't she at least send a card every so often, or just...I want her to get to know you," Leia sighed. "She doesn't know I'm gay, and we used to tell each other everything,"
Kia tried to pull Leia in closer. "Well," She spoke slowly. "You can't force anyone to be part of your life," She murmured slowly. "But... that doesn't mean you just have to walk away, either," She gave the woman her most reassuring smile. "Maybe you should go find her?" She offered. "We can go together," She promised, squeezing Leia's hand in hers.
Leia sighed somewhat, knowing that Kia was right, that she couldn't force her sister to be a part of her life, though she did really want her to be. But finding her, that felt too far, if she didn't want Leia to be a part of her life, Leia doubted she'd want her turning up. "Oh no, that....if she doesn't want to get in touch or for me to be in her life, I'm not going to turn up on her doorstep," Leia said with a shrug. "I'll maybe write a letter, have Vader's boyfriend get it to her, and just...see," Leia said.
Kia smiled. "Alright, well then, why don't we get some wine and curl up, relax for a while, and when you're feeling better we can work on the letter, or you can work on it and I'll rub your back," She mused, trying to find supportive options for the issues that Leia was having. "Or we can just get drunk and forget it for now altogether," She chuckled.
Leia gave a little smile and shrugged a little at the suggestions. "I don't think we need to get drunk, but let me think on it," she said softly, leaning in to kiss Kia. "Tell me about your day, about your work?" Leia was looking for a distraction, eager to not have to think about herself for just a little bit.
Kia returned the kiss with an easy smile, shifting so she could try to play with Leia's hair. "Well, I've been thinking of working on a new line- duelling couture," She offered. "Fashionable, stylish, yet functional and epic," She tried to explain, motioning a bit with her hands. "Like... why can't you dress like a rogue and have it be acceptable?"
Leia leaned into Kia, listening as she spoke. Feeling that her work was absolutely influencing the thing that Kia was doing. "That's what I keep asking," she agreed with a little smile. "Although, clothes probably do need to be a bit more durable most, given spells," she did add, knowing that though she wanted something fashionable and stylish, that it would be best if the clothes weren't flammable.
Kia laughed, offering out her hands. "That would be the caveat," She offered. "LIke literal armor, of a sort," She mused, her mind working. She smiled, struck for a moment at how gorgeous Leia was. She leant in, meaning to steal a kiss. "Have I mentioned today how beautiful you are?" She murmured, letting herself be a bit sappy for a bit.
Leia nodded easily. "Yeah," she agreed, it would need to be like light armour, but armour nonetheless. She glanced at her girlfriend and blushed deeply at what she said. She blushed deeply at the compliment and kissed Kia back eagerly. "You're sappy today,"
Kia chuckled. "Maybe I should be sappy more often," She countered. "Things are really turning around... I live with a gorgeous, brilliant girl, I have a weird but endearing set of adopted parents, basically, with a herd of dogs and basically a found brother that got hitched and decided a giant house plant was a great way to say thank you for the work I did for his wedding," She chuckled, revealing the presence of their new plant before Leia could stumble on it. "Though how he thinks I know what it would need is beyond me."
Leia laughed lightly, but listened with a fondness over what Kia was listing. She glanced towards the plant that was the present and rolled her eyes, they were absolutely going to kill it. She glanced back at Kia and gave a little smile. "I like seeing you happy and sappy," she complimented gently.
Kia blushed and shook her head, getting up and stretching. "Yeah, well, anything is an improvement over angry and confrontational," She countered, starting for the door. "I'm going to go search the pantry for dinner. You in?" She asked, calling back over her shoulder as she moved.
Leia reached for Kia to bring her back to her, to keep her in close and just linger in being next to her for a moment, but it seemed Kia was already moving. "Yeah," she agreed, getting up and beginning to follow Kia into the pantry. Pretty eager to make dinner with her.

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