Me? Are you sure?

"It's up to you, why not call me, Hikari-sama then?" Hikari said, smirking
now, of course, she didn't mean it, she wouldn't like anyone to call her
that way, after all, that's just too much. Hearing that Zac was also
from Durmstrang, Hikari had had to laugh, after all, who would have thought that
she would meet someone who was a graduate from the said school, right?
"Sally Kuang?.... yeah, I've heard of her.." She said casually, thinking
back to her life at her school. Sally was nice she guessed, for if she's
not, then Hikari wouldn't even pay any attention to her
at all. "What are you going to do with those papers anyway? Maybe I can help,
that is, if I know what it was."
She said with a shrug, giving a quick
glance to the older boy's bag. Surely, she's got nothing to do,
and well, she still have to return the favor.

OOCOut of Character:
yes, and I saw pictures, collapsed buildings, infernos, jeez.. there were even videos of the actual events.. :cry:
Zac chuckled as he tidied the plates and everything. "Hikari sama... Hmmm Hikari chan sounds better" He knew that the girl was kidding, well of course, she wasn't older than him nor his boss so there was no way he would call her that. "Ah okay, actually I came here to meet her, well beside to go and check up on this place" Talking about Sally, he still had to meet her, she was probably back in Beijing or wandering around the street or sleeping at the apartment. "Oh these are the reports from the worker, the stocks, finance, everything of the restaurant. And all I have to do is read it and summarize it, give my opinion and probably find a solution of the problems and then give it to my uncle" He said, it wasn't that hard. "Do you not have to go home? I mean aren't your parents worried about you?" Of course he didn't want her to leave but some parents were over protective and would freak out if their kids weren't home at night.
OOCOut of Character:

thats horrible :(
Hikari had just shrugged when she heard what Zac had said, really
she didn't care either way, whether he call her Hikari-kun, Hikari-chan, as long
as he won't make fun of her, it's fine. "It's your choice Zac." She said with a
smirk, watching as the older boy began to clean up. Surely, she was supposed to
be the one to do that, but since he had, then, she'll let him
have his way. "I see, then, shouldn't you look for her then?" She then replied
as she began to stood up, walking towards the balcony once
again, too engrossed with the beauty of the scenery around her.
"Is that so? Then you better start already, from what I've seen, the paper
works that you need to read were quick thick."
She said, not turning
to look at him at all. "They're not here anyways, I am staying in a hotel right now,
but I'll probably go back to school this week.."
she then added, her back still
on him, "Why? Should I leave now?"
Zac was started to be annoyed with the girl telling him what to do, but then again he had to keep quiet. He knew what he had to do, he was used to finishing all his works and had experience through worse than this. He smiled as he stood up clapping his hands twice as the house elves came and clean up. "It's alright, I can call her" He said not knowing if the girl knew what on earth a handphone was or not. After all not all wizards were muggle lovers. "Oh no, please stay, I just don't want to make your parents worried about you." He said and went up to get the menu and handed one to her "Desert?" He asked and smiled. "Let's go to the kitchen and see what's there" He said and stood up, walking to the kitchen as he entered the freezer grabbing different flavors of desert that was made earlier in the morning and decorated it a little. He grabbed two spoons and gave one to Hikari. He tried each of the puddings and found the chocolate one was the best. He grabbed his note and start taking notes of it. "This one is too sweet" He said softly as he wrote it down.
"Call her? So you like non-magical folks then Zac?" Hikari stated, turning
to look at the boy now, it was rare for Hikari to use the term muggles, for after
all, she had spent almost half of her life with them, she had attended a muggle school
before, way before she had attended Durmstrang, and honestly, she like
them more than she likes her own kind. Her mother was a muggle lover as well,
and so, she had somehow inherited that liking from her.

Hikari just followed Zac as he went towards the kitchen, it was
quite huge, and really clean, it might have been fun to work in such a place,
no wonder why the foods being served in the restaurant were all great.
Taking the spoon given to her by Zac, Hikari had imitated what
it was that he had done, she started to try each puddings as well, and
honestly, everything taste great, though she had liked the cheesecake and
the chocolate ones. "Too sweet? Well, I think it taste just fine though.." She
commented, gesturing to the different types and flavors of puddings
placed in front of them.
Zac nodded when Hikari asked him if he liked muggles "Of course, they're very creative and they invent a lot of cool stuff. The electricity, the devices, and everything. It's hard if you're underage and can't cast lumos in a dark place. But muggles can just switch on the torch's switch and boom, you can see what's in front of you" He said defending muggles. He loved them and loved their inventions, they were brilliant. He then got back to his work and started sketching the pudding and the decorations. "Is it really? I think they put too much white sugar a lot of people doesn't like it when it's too sweet" He was really curious why she thought it was fine. Probably she was right?
Hikari had had to smile when Zac started to talk about
muggles, at least, they share a common interest for Hikari likes
muggles as well. "Yes, truth to be told, I think they're better, at least they
do their works on their own, not depending on magic and such, they're
really a creative bunch of people. "
Hikari said, her voice full of amusement
of the said magical-folks. She's been really fond of them, in fact,
she missed hanging around them that she would want to return back to
her home now.

"Oh, but it taste just fine for me.. some people likes sweet foods as well,
you know, that sort of rush when you taste something sweet? And besides,
since it was a desert, I think that you should put the children as your target
market, children love sweets, right? The way that the adults taste foods is
different from the way that a child does. But, you're the expert here, don't mind
Hikari said, explaining her side. Hikari's family had this sort of family
business, so she was quite familiar with this marketing stuff.
Zac couldn't agree more with Hikari, muggles were very great when it came to creativity. They invented a lot of brilliant things that wizards couldn't. And what made them more special was they made it without magic. Zac then listened carefully to what Hikari said, what she said was true but then the restaurant was pretty fancy, a lot of adults ate there instead of kids. "Hmm... True, but sadly I rarely see kids here, a lot of adults likes it with a lot of dark cocoa" He said as he looked at the graph in the previous page, tracing his hands on the paper. "Thank you though, I really appreciate your comment" He said thanking her.
Hikari nodded in understanding as Zac explained his side,
now she understands why he had said that those puddings had tasted
too sweet. "I see, then don't mind me then, just do what you want to
She said with a casual smile, now starting to look
at the counters inside the kitchen, "Do you cook as well?" She asked
him randomly, looking at him now. Surely, he was quite
busy with all these analysis that he was doing. "What you are doing
here is really quite hard eh? Hard to pin point what it was that
the customers like after all."
"Yeah I do, my baba hire one of the best cook from Swiss to teach me how to cook, including styling it. I might be taking more classes soon with the muggles, my baba doesn't trust other people except his own family" Zac shrugged, it was normal for someone to trust their family more than other people. After all, Zac had always wanted to be among muggles and learn more about them. "Do you?" He asked curiously. "Yeah well at least for a couple of years, but probably not after that. Soon my sisters and brother are going to graduate so it wont be that hard." Genvieve had been through a lot more than Zac. She always looked tired at school, and she barely had any sleep.
"I do, my okaa-san taught me how, but I just knew simple bakings,
and well, simple Japanese dishes."
Hikari said, shrugging once again, surely,
back at home, being the oldest girl in the family, she's been taught how to
do household chores, and her mom's too fond of cooking as well.
Hikari then had to wonder why it was that Zac had too much responsibility
in his shoulder, her brother, who was just the same age as him, was probably
just doing anything that he had wanted, hanging out with friends, he's not
as responsible as Zac is. "Don't get me wrong Zac, but, aren't you still
young to be doing all of these? Have you been doing this since.. well, a long
time ago?"
Zac was quite amazed that the girl could cook, a lot of girls now days couldn't. Well all of his siblings had been cooking since they were young, they were taught to. "That's awesome, you can make your own mochi then?" He grinned, he loved mochi, those were sweet but not too sweet, it was perfect. "Ah no, we knew that we're going to do this anyway once we grow up. My cousin is.... Well used to do it since she was in the sixth year, her father sent her the papers. He wants her to learn how to do business" Zac said not minding at all, his father had been preparing since they were very young, he brought them to different restaurants and examine the food.
Hkari nodded when Zac asked if she can make her own mochi, of
course, that was actually one of the things that she really love to do.
"I can, maybe, I'll make you one once I get the time, that's my payment
for all these favors that you were doing me now."
She said, shrugging once
again, really, she'd been doing that for quite sometime now, shrugging
in every statement that she said. "I can add some onigiri too if you like.."

Hikari cannot help but to amazed when she heard that Zac had
already accepted all of his responsibilities, after all, it was rare
to meet someone like that these days, teenagers, or more so, a lot
of people prefer to live life easily, trying to pass all
responsibilities, thankfully, Zac seemed to be not that type.
"If you don't mind me asking, where is she now?"
Zac couldn't help but smile when Hikari said that she would make him mochi and onigiri. "There's no need really, I know how busy you are. I mean after all you're a sixth year, you'll be graduating soon, well in a year and you should study hard. I don't want to bother you by making you make all these food" Not that he didn't want to taste it, he was actually dying to know what it tasted like, it had been a while since he ate Japanese food that wasn't made by the chef in the restaurant. "My cousin? Shes' not here, obviously" He said laughing, he was used to cover up about Genvieve's death. No one had to know, at least except the family and Veronica.
"Actually Zac, I'm a fifth year now, it would still take a few months
before I become a sixth year."
Hikari said, frowning, surely, she did
tall him that she was a fifth year, right? Or maybe she had forgotten
to do so, even so, she would want to remind him then. "And beside, I told
you that I would want to return the favor, right? So, just let me do what I
want to do, ne?"
She then added, placing her hands on her hips, "You don't have
to eat it if you don't like to anyways."

Hikari had had to frown once again when she heard
Zac's statement, surely, he's not being sarcastic, is he? "Well, yes,
it's quite obvious Zac.. really..."
She said now, with that smirk of hers as
she watched him laugh, she wondered what it was that he was hiding,
either way, she had no right to ask.

Zac stayed quiet when the girl talked, no he didn't want to argue with her and he didn't want to annoy her. So it was best for him to listen to her as she talked. "Alright then, sure. I'm sure I'll like it" He smiled, again he didn't mean to annoy her by declining it. But he didn't want to burden her, he was sure he had a lot already, homework, exams, and stuff like that. "Would you like to try anything else?" He asked wondering if she wanted anything else.
Hikari nodded in satisfaction when Zac
had finally agreed with her, really, she
just wanted to do what she had wanted to do, hopefully
he won't reject her of what she had wanted. "That's
great then.."
She said with a smile, leaning on the counter now, the spoon
at hand as she had finally had had enough of the puddings in front
of her. "What's the main dish here?" She asked, wondering
what it was that the restaurant is really known for.
Zac stood still and stopped right away right after the girl asked him what the main dish was. "Now, since I'm new here I don't really know what's the main dish in this restaurant. But our kobe beef is quite popular, people said that it's like eating cotton candy because the beef is very soft. Well I'm not sure if you think that way too" He chuckled, he felt stupid for not knowing what the main dish was. After all, this was his second time going here and last time what he did was talking about the financial problem. "Hmmm... I think the house elves are leaving" He said and walked to the door finding the house elves bowing at him and left. Zac then walked back and sat on the table "Yeah, they're no longer here" He said and clean up the mess.
"I see, well, I must say that your kobe beef
is really good.. No doubt that is popular."
Hikari said,
smiling now. Of course, she did enjoy the dish that was
served earlier, if not, then she wouldn't have complimented
it. Hikari followed Zac as he went towards the door, saying that the
house elves were just about to leave. "Where do they go once they left here?"
She then asked out of curiosity, wondering where those house elves would take
Zac smiled as he listened to the nice comment that was given by Hikari. He was glad that she liked it, it was pretty pricey but it was the best one so far. "One will go back to my place in Beijing, the other one to Shanghai where my uncle lives and the other one to Toronto, where my cousin lives." Traveling around the world wasn't a big deal for them magical creatures but for muggles they would need a lot of effort. "Where are you staying?" He asked wondering if she was staying somewhere around this area or somewhere near his sister's apartment.
Hikari nodded in understanding as she was assured that
those house elves working for Zac's family had a shelter to get
back to, though, in her intuition, they will have to
still work once they get back there, but nevertheless, seeing that
Zac was real nice, she figured that the house elves
were in safe hands, it's not like they were being overworked, right?
"Where do I stay? Well, just somewhere outside this district, it's
pretty close, don't worry."
She said, shrugging at the thought,
the place where she had opted to spend the night was very
accommodating and comfortable, but it cost her some money as well.
Knowing that the girl was still underage and that she was a student in Durmstrang, Zac decided to trust this girl. So far, she wasn't acting like one of those psychopaths so why not give her a chance? "Hey listen, my sister lives near here and if you haven't book the hotel or inn or whatever you can stay with her. At least you can rest there for a night. I'm sure she wont mind." He looked at his watch, it was pretty late and he was a little worried about her wandering around the street all by himself. He too had younger siblings and he was also worried about them if they were in her position. But after all, Zac was a stranger to her so there was plenty of reasons for her to not trust him.
Hikari raised an eyebrow at the boy's suggestion.
Was he really meaning what it was that he was saying? Or was he
just playing with her? "Are you kidding me Zac? You trust
me that much?"
She said incredulously, still being
unable to bring herself to actually believe what he had just said
Of course, it would be great if she would have
somewhere to stay in to, but even so it was kind of weird hearing
that offer from a perfect stranger.
Of course the girl would be surprised if Zac offered her to stay in the apartment of his. He placed his hands on her head, messing it "Why not" She reminded him of his younger siblings. She didn't look dangerous, well hopefully not. If she was one of those psychopaths then Sally should be able to deal with her, she could perform magic outside school anyway so there was nothing to worry. "But if you don't want to then I can't force you" He shrugged and smiled before looking back the clipboard that he was holding and walked over to the wall and hung it there. "I'm going back to my sister's, she's probably in Paris right now with my younger siblings and I probably will stay here for a while, at least until tomorrow" After all Zac was too tired to read the whole article, he wanted to take a break for a while.

OOCOut of Character:
sooo sorry for the late reply
Usually, Hikari didn't like it when someone touches or even messes with her hair,
not because she was vain about it, but rather, it was because it was a gesture
of too much familiarity for her, but this time, she figured that it doesn't matter any
more, Zac seemed like a nice guy, and in fact, he's more like a brother to her
than her real brother. "You're taking back your offer?" She asked, not quite sure how she would
say that of course, she would appreciate it if he would really give her a place to stay in
for the night. "Where do you live anyway?... I mean, permanently live, not just the place
where you were staying."

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