Me? Are you sure?

Zac Kuang

Well-Known Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Beside checking up on the restaurant in down town, Zac had to meet his younger sister who currently was having a holiday. Yes, she lived in Sofia and came back home to Beijing when the holiday was long. The black haired boy walked into the room in the luxurious apartment located in the capital city of Bulgaria and found his sister now here in his sight. He had no idea where she was. He walked into the private bedroom that used to be his and saw pictures of the family in there. He had no idea that his sister was into photography. The boy then looked at the time and ran to the door, leaving the apartment to go to the restaurant of his cousin's. The man in front of him opened the door and bowed at him. He could see his uncle standing, he followed him to the private room and listened to the task that he had to do next.

After a while, Zac was dismissed, he was ordered to check on his father's restaurant in Tokyo sometimes this week. He nodded at his uncle and left the restaurant. The sky was dark, and there was no start decorating the heaven. He frowned and walk away from the restaurant. He zipped his coat and place his wand inside his pocket. With a hot coffee on his left hand, Zac began walking, he was heading to his favorite cafe. The cafe was small, it was far from luxurious, but it was very cozy. He pushed the door and couldn't spot an empty seat. He sighed and walk away from the cafe heading back to the center of the city. He had too much, and no, he didn't want to go back home and start reading at the papers. He was under a lot of pressures and he didn't want more.
Hikari was on a break, break from school works, and break
from her so hectic life. And what could be a better way to spend
that rare free time that she had but to go around the place? No worries
in her mind but just the fear that she'll get lost. Wearing her casual white skirt
and a white hoodie, Hikari made her way through one of the
busiest streets in the area.

She was alone actually, and she had nothing to do.
She walked in and out of stores, marveling at the wonders of muggle
creations out there, and before she had realized it, it was already night time.
Hikari had always hated that time of the day, when the moon would be gloriously
shining and ilumitaing the whole are with the light that it had borrowed
from the sun, hikari hated it. It's quite an irony actually, seeing how beautiful
the moon it, she still despised seeing it. It's her worst fear, to see the
moon at it's fullest, for when that time comes, she'll have
to turn into something that is barely recognizable as her, and just that thought could
already make her shiver. Looking up at the moon as she aimlessly walked along the
streets, Hikari didn't noticed that she was about to bump unto someone, not
until she had felt the impact of of the said action, "Sorry.."
She muttered, fully blaming herself for being unable to see who it was that she had just bumped into.
Zac gazed at the dark sky and wondered why it was so empty. By empty he meant why couldn't he spot a star? And where was Sally? Sooner or later he had to give the paper to her and she had to learn how to run the family business either she liked it or not. After Genvieve's death, everything became a mess, the responsible that should be Genvieve's was given to Zac. He had no time for himself and all he knew was working, every single day. He hadn't got enough sleep and a lot of things had been running in his mind. Including the death of Genvieve. He had been blaming it to himself, he couldn't tell the rest of the family that he had a vision. He shooked his head and looked at the sky once more. `Perhaps I'm going to be like that moon over there.... Alone` He sighed. Just then, a girl almost bumped him, it was also his fault not fully hers, he wasn't paying attention at all. "Sorry" He said at the same time when the girl apologized. "It isn't your fault really" He said reassuring her.
Hikari had just shrugged as the said person that she
had bumped into had apologized to her. It was a guy, and in all
honesty, she doesn't want to be in any way associated with him,
not because he didn't like him, she barely knew him after all, but rather, it's
because she was a boy. Sighing, she had decided to accept whatever
it was that the boy had said, really, there's no point in arguing whether it was
him or her that was wrong, she wouldn't waste her time for that.

"Fine, if that's how you want to view it." She said, her voice flat as she looked
directly at the boy's eyes, others finds such gesture to be intimidating,
especially if it was her who's doing it. Hikari was born with heterochromia, a
condition which had resulted to her having two eye colors, the other a green one,
and the other, azure. It was not a condition that magic cannot correct,
but she chooses to let it stay that way, after all, it's something that defines who
she is.

Hikari was about to move along on her way when her stomach had made this small
sound, indicating that she was hungry, come to think of it,
she hadn't eaten yet. Being not that familiar around the city, Hikari, though she
didn't like it, had had to resort to the last possible choice that she can think of,
she had to ask the boy for directions. "Is there a cafe or a restaurant nearby?"
She inquired, her eyes wandering around the area, searching in case that the boy
wouldn't answer her at all.
Zac was definitely not surprised when the girl had such an attitude, he didn't mind anyway. She was no one to him, at least not yet. Some client of his were rude anyway and even his own brother was sometimes like that. He then notice something else, it was the girls eyes having different colors. He kept quiet, not daring to give a comment on her. After all, it was none of his business. What he had to do was to go back to the apartment and rest there or go back to China and start reporting to his father. Zac then stepped to the side and lean opened his bag, trying to find the papers but he couldn't find it. He must've left it back there. He nodded at the girl and smiled before taking another step, but right before he left, the girl asked him if she knew a restaurant or a cafe nearby. Well of course he knew, his father own one anyway. So why not bring her there? And perhaps she would go there regularly?

A smile appear on Zac's face, one more time. "Yeah, my cousin own one not too far form here. It's closed tho but there are house elves who stays up late to clean up" He shrugged trying to see if she wanted to go with him or not. If not then he could always find any other people to be a regular costumer, after all he didn't want to force other people to go eat there.
Hikari knew that she didn't have any other choice but to go
to the place that the boy had just suggested, no, she wouldn't waste
her time looking for another restaurant when she had just learned one
already, why look for more, right? Sighing, she decided to ask
for further information, though she hated relying on other people,
she knew that she had no other choice, she could always pay him back
later anyways. "How can I go there?" She asked, this time her voice
hold curiosity in them, not the flat tone that she had used earlier.
"House elves?" She then added, more curious than before, she had never really
seen any house elves out of her school, and she would often times wonder if
a house elf's life is much better or easier outside.

Shrugging to herself, turned to look at the moon once again, it was getting
pretty late, yet, she hadn't eaten yet, she really had to now, before she would
have to go back at her dorm. "Would you mind if you company me there?, I'll
return the favor once I had eaten already."
She then said, turning to look
at the boy once more, now that she had thought about it,
she hadn't really asked for a name. But that's not her nature, it's not like
she would want to be friends with him, right? She's better off not knowing anyone
out of her school.
Right after the girl asked for the direction, he pointed at the north and began to speak "A couple of blocks from here" He said. He could see the restaurant from the far, the lights were still on. It was either his uncle still working or the house elves forgetting to turn off the lights. "Yeah the house elves, you know those creatures in school" He said, there was no way this girl was a muggle. Muggle couldn't go to the wizarding place. "Do you... Wanna eat there?" He asked gesturing for her to come with him and nodded in an agreement right after she asked him to accompany her. "I have to go there anyway" He shrugged not minding at all.

Zac then started to walk in silence. For a while, he kept quiet but then he broke the awkward silence. "I'm Zac by the way, Zac Kuang" He said introducing himself, after all the girl had to call him by his name sooner or later. When they've arrived, Zac took out his wand "Alohomora" He said and pushed the door. "Is he still here?" He asked one of the elf referring to his uncle. "No sir" The little house elf said, he nodded and walked inside and looked back signaling the girl to come with him to the kitchen. He placed his bag on the table and hung his coat and took the menu and gave it to the girl.
Hikari followed the boy wordlessly as he lead the way to the restaurant.
Honestly, she was enjoying the sheer silence between them, yet, without
further ado, he had just decided to break it. Frowning, she just nodded her head
when the boy introduce himself. He's probably Asian too by his looks as well
as his name, well at least, they have one thing in common now.
"Nice to meet you Zac." She said, her eyes fixed in front of her, deeming it
necessary to introduce herself as well, she had stopped walking to fully turn and face
the boy once more. "My name's Hikari, Hikari Izumi." She said, extending her hand
for a handshake before she had once again started to walk.

When she saw Zac took out his wand and opened the supposed to be
locked door, Hikari had instantly know that he was really older than her.
Possibly, out of school too, seeing as he can now freely use his magic.
Looking inside the said restaurant, Hikari cannot help but to have all her stress to
wear off, the ambiance of the place was just so comforting.
A smile appeared on her face when she saw a house elf, she had always
like those creatures, seeing how determined and industrious they are,
being unable to stop herself, she had patted the said house elf
on the head, "How are you?" She whispered before she proceeded to sit
down on the nearest table. "I don't really have any preference, you choose,
you suggested this place anyway."
She then remarked as she handed that menu
back to the boy, no, the man.
Zac couldn't help but smile right after he saw HIkari patting the elf's head, a lot of people especially wealthy wizards underestimated the house elves. And he was against it, he loves these creatures and he couldn't imagine if they weren't there for him, work would be worse than now. "Japanese eh? My mama is half Japanese" he said before taking a menu. "Let's check out the kitchen" He said as he walked into it, getting the list of the stocks. He walked into the huge freezer and checked the little box in the list. He smiled as he looked at the fresh sashimi that they just got an hour ago and some other meat. He walked back out of the freezer, toward Hikari. "Well we just got Kobe Beef and Sashimi an hour ago fresh from Japan" Since the girl was Japanese, she might like the food.

The house elf that listened to Zac speaking, quickly took the meat before he even ordered the house elf. "Thank you" He thanked the house elf and smiled. He always liked them and treated them like a family. "Anything to drink?" He asked leading her to the private access to the balcony. Only the family could go there, no guest were allowed. But since Zac was there, Hikari was considered as a friend of his and was allowed to go there along with him. He let her choose whichever table she wanted to sit. "Pretty eh?" He smiled as he looked at the view from the balcony. He always liked it, but sadly he hadn't had time to enjoy the view lately. Not until now.
Hikari turned to look at Zac when he had said that his
mom was half-Japanese, making him a part Japanese as well, though
on his case, he doesn't really look like one. "Really, but you look more like
a Korean, and I figured that you are one."
She said, her eyebrow raised
as she watched him walked into a huge freezer and checked out something.
The boy intrigues him, he was just too nice for her, like
he was too accommodating and she doubts if everything that he was
showing her was real, there got to be something, he's got to have
some flaws.

When the boy announced what it was that she can take, Hikari
cannot help but to smile, she missed those foods, she had
never had that since last vacation. "I'll have that, I guess.." She replied,
nodding at the said boy.

Hikari let herself be led to the restaurant's balcony, it was nice. Real
nice actually. "Pretty? that's an understatement Zac, it is amazing." She
remarked, her eyes fixed at the view before her, it was just so...captivating.
Leaning in further as she rested her hand on the balcony, she turned to look at
Zac. Her figure being illuminated by the moon behind her. "How old are
you anyway, you had just performed magic earlier, and if you are under-aged, then
you had just broken a law."
She commented, he head tilted a bit to the right
and her hands now crossed in front of her chest as she waited for him to
answer her seemingly harmless question.
"Really?" Zac rose his eyebrow, he was a little surprised since the girl was the first one who told him that. "Well my baba (papa) is Chinese and my mama is half Korean and half Japanese, so I guess that makes me Chinese, Korean, Japanese" He laughed as he think about the creepy fact. Not that he didn't like about his heritage. "Where are you from? I mean in Japan? My mama used to live in Osaka but then she moved to Tokyo due to her work but we live in Beijing now" He said not knowing if the girl cared or not. He just felt like telling her a little about him. At least both had Japanese blood, so at least there were some similarities.

Zac walked toward the cabinet and grabbed the plate, fork, spoon, chopstick, napkins, everything and place it on the table. He lighted up the candle and not turn on the lights. "Sorry, I don't mean to be hopelessly romantic, but it's better without lights" He said looking at the stars above them and the dim lights from the city. Right after he finished setting up the table, he walked toward the fence, and rested his arms on it. "Me? Of course I'm not underage, I'm eighteen. You do look younger than me. Let me guess.... Fifteen? Sixteen?" He asked and smiled.
Hikari had had to laugh when she heard how Zac had relaid to her his heritage,
really, she hadn't met anyone with as many blood lines as him. "You're a true Asian then.., my
Okaa-san(mother) is a pure Japanese, my papa is half-French, and, that would
make me, 3/4ths Japanese and a 1/4 French then? "
She commented, smirking at the boy.
She then placed a finger on her chin as she think of how she would
describe her hometown, "Kanagawa Prefecture, that's where we live, at least, where we used to
live before."
She said, deeming it to be necessary to answer the boy's question,
after all, he had been doing her a lot of favors. It would only be civil if she return the
favors too.

Hiakri raised an eyebrow when Zac started to arrange the tablewares in front of her.
Really, he was just too...gentlemanly and she didn't like it. Too perfect it seems.
"I don't mind, I think that it's better this way too anyway, and if you are planning to let the
setting be like this, shouldn't you eat with me as well?"
She answered, imitating his own actions
as she too had turned to look at the stars above them. They're beautiful, too beautiful that
they are blinding as well. "No, actually I'm 76 years old.." She said sarcastically, converting
her real age to that of the age of a dog's which. "Nah, I'm kidding, I'm I really
look that young though?"
She then added with that flat tone of hers, her face blank though
she had just said somthing that could possibly be funny in other's opinion.
Zac was quite surprised that the girl was from Kanagawa Prefecture, a lot of his Japanese friends were either from Tokyo, Chiba, Osaka, or Kyoto. "Oh wow, So I'm guessing you own the copy of the famous Great Wave off Kanagawa?" He asked chuckling. His father own one, he always loved it and it was placed in the living room so that everyone could see. "I'll turn on the lights when the food's ready, don't worry" He said not wanting her to misunderstood. He wasn't a big fan of flirting random girls but some girls misunderstood him. And he had never liked it, so this explained why he never really hung out with girls except Veronica, a best friend of his and an ex of his.

"I don't want to miss a fresh kobe and sashimi"
It had been a while since he got to eat while enjoying the view. He was always busy and was locked up in the office or at least in his private workplace. Just then the food were served, he walked toward the wall and pressed the switch, and then the lights were on. He walked toward the table and set things up and finally sat on the chair as he laughed at Hikari's sarcastic joke. "My younger siblings are on your age. They can speak French, but not me." He laughed and continued. "And yeah you do look young" He said and took a bite of the kobe beef. "Itadakimasu" He said politely.
"Yes, okaa-san had one, something made by Katsushika Hokusai, ne?"Hikari said,
smiling now, it's been quite a long time since she had spoken to someone
who knew their culture, for most of those from her school
were from western countries.

Hikari had had to frown when she heard the boy's statement. "What's
there to be worried for?"
She said, her eyebrows raised, and her
arms crossed in front of her chest. Really, she can't see any reason
to worry if the lights were off, not like there's something particularly bad that
would happen right? And if there is, well, Hikari is perfectly capable
of protecting herself. And besides, Zac looks decent enough
in her opinion.

HIkari had squinted her eyes to adjust herself to the sudden brightness
when the boy turned on the lights to no avail. Really, her eyes were not that
easy to adapt to sudden changes in lightning after all."I have an older
brother, probably about the same age as you,but actually, he looks more
like a girl than a guy, and he's annoying."
She said,frowning once again
when she remembered her brother back at home. He would often get on her nerves.
"I probably look young, but believe me, I might be more mature than
you are."
She commented randomly, taking a bite of her own share
of food. "Ittadakimasu.."
Not all Zac's friends had the Great wave off Kanagawa, probably several of them. They weren't big fans of arts or muggles. "Correct" He said after listening to Hikari explaining about the maker of it. "Oh? Or do you want me to turn off the lights?" He asked, letting her to choose. Zac didn't mind, really, honestly he liked it with a dim light but he would let the guest to choose, after all, if she liked the place, she might be a regular later on. "Some people dislike eating with dim lights." He shrugged "But I can always turn it on if you want" Again, it was all up to her.

Zac chuckled as he listened her, commenting on her brother who looked more like a girl. "How's so?" He asked, probably he was just like what Brad used to be like, enjoyed shopping, and do stuff with girls. Or probably not. "Of course" He said deciding not to argue when she said about her being more mature than him and took another bite of the food. It tasted so well, and the house elves cooked it well. The sashimi was raw and fresh, the best one so far. "How do you like the food?" He asked, hoping that she liked it as much as him.
Hikari had shrugged off Zac's question.
Honestly, she didn't care whether the light was on or not.
"It's entirely up to you." She said, her voice taking it's
casual tone. Zac wasn't like those boys that she had met
before, he's not that annoying it seems.

Hikari had frowned when Zac laughed about her brother,
honestly, though she didn't like it, she cannot help but to laugh as well.
"He had androgynous features, and he likes it, he acts sweet
when in front of his friends, but actually, he's far from that. And he's a
cleaning freak."
She said casually, counting out her points in her
fingers, really, she can talk all day about that brother of hers, for though
they didn't get along that well, they do know a lot about each other.

"It's great, I might come back once I had the chance." Hikari said, smiling
as she commented on the food prepared for her. "Which reminds me, aren't
you supposed to get something?"

OOCOut of Character:
Jeez... I feel sad for those people from Japan.. :(
Zac listened to Hikari who was talking about her own brother. She reminded him a lot of his cousin who he missed dearly. Back then, she was exactly like her and she grew up just like Zac, but her life ended when she was young. "Hmm... My younger brother is a clean freak too, but he's too goofy to be sweet" He chuckled as he remembered the last time the twins fought back in Canada. "Well maybe he's trying to impress his friends" He shrugged and took another bite of his food. He snapped his finger and the house elf came. "Do you want anything to drink?" He asked and ordered him to bring a hot chocolate for him after Hikari ordered. Well at least if she wanted something to drink.

Zac smiled right after Hikari said that she would come back, this one's with him. He wouldn't ask her to pay, after all he got to let her try. He knew this tactic from someone older than him, his cousin, someone who died young and someone that he missed dearly. "Thanks, well maybe you'll get a special discount when I'm around" He smiled and laughed a little. "True, I'll get it before we got out of this place, for now, I'd like to eat my food without those papers bothering me" He laughed once more.

OOCOut of Character:
OOOH MY GAWD! IKR!! Its crazy... :cry:
"He IS trying to, but honestly, he gets on my nerves. He's too
kind when my parents were around, but when they're not... I better not say
it then."
Hikari said, she didn't know why she was complaining about her brother
now, especially in front of this guy that she barely knew, but there
was just something about him that makes someone tell him their
problem, at least, that's how she sees him.

"A chocolate drink? Sure." She then said as she heard Zac ordered
something, actually,, she's not that picky anyways, so long
as the person is sincere in giving something to her, she'll take it happily.
"No, that's too much already, I haven't even returned the favor yet." She remarked,
shaking her head in disagreement at what Zac had said, she can't allow him
to offer her special discounts, she would hate to rely on someone.

Hikari just rolled her eyes when Zac talked about
those papers that he should get, "Important papers?" She asked, her head
tilted a bit out of curiosity. She didn't know whether the boy
was busy, cause if he is, then she better go already.

OOCOut of Character:
Yes, I'm worried about them actually.. It's heartbreaking to see the news.. :cry:
Zac nodded his head as he listened to the girl "Is he really that bad? Why not tell your parents then?" It was best to tell parents about something that they didn't like. "I'm sure they'll sort things up for you two" He said, telling parents were usually the last thing in teenager's mind, but not Zac, oh no. He told them everything except the vision of his. Just then the drink came, he took a sip and placed it on the table as he told the house elf to come. "Don't put too much sugar in it, it's too sweet" Zac said making a thorough examination. "And please bring me the whip cream, cinnamon, and marshmallows" He said politely and waited saw the house elf took it. He placed it on the table and took a spoon of sugar and marshmallows and mixed it all together, decorating it with a whip cream on top and ground cinnamon as well. He pushed it and gave it to Hikari "Tell me if this taste better, if not then we'll stick with the previous one" He said, after all he needed help with tasting food or drinks.
"Yeah important papers, the stocks, finance, well almost everything of this restaurant" Zac said and smiled. "I really need a break tho" He said stretching his arms to the air and twisted his body from left to right.

OOCOut of Character:
I know :cry: ... I have a good friend who lives in Chiba and I haven't heard anything from her...
Hikari shook her head in disagreement at Zac's suggestion.
Surely, he does have a point, but for her, that's like the last thing
that she'll ever do. Not because she didn't trust her parents, but rather,
it's just the way she functions. "No, I don't want to give
him that satisfaction, it's like admitting defeat which I never do, specially to
my brother, though I'm probably loosing, I'm not thinking that way."
She said
casually, watching as Zac started to experiment with the chocolate
drink that he had just ordered from the house elf. "Aren't they getting
tired when they were ordered around?"
She asked randomly, her
eyes following the house elf that was currently serving them.

Taking the cup from the boy, Hikari started to take a sip, it's quite
good actually, no doubt about that, and it's warm. "It's fine. . " She said,
her attention focused on the drink in her hands. She turned her attention back
to him when he started talking about that papers of his. Honestly speaking,
she had not thought that he'll be that busy. "Why don't you take a break then?
It wouldn't help if you would push yourself too hard, you'll end up without
achieving anything at all."

OOCOut of Character:
I know the feeling, I have these Idol group out there that I really like , and there were some rumours that some of their members were injured.. :( . . and our country too was said to prepare for the wave of a tsunami too.. :cry:
Zac didn't understand why Hikari wont let her parents know about the problem between her and her brother. But then it was none of his business to know deeper. He nodded his head and took another bite of the kobe beef. It was so soft and it tasted so nice that he could eat three plates of it. "Oh... No, they work from night until morning and in the morning my baba hire someone else." Zac's family wasn't like those who treat the house elves as if they were unpaid slaves. The family let them rest during the day but not at night.

The word `fine` didn't satisfy Zac at all. `What else should I put in it?` He thought wondering how to make other people go crazy right after they drank it. But then it would be rude if he asked too much to the guest. "Yea well, I can't really take a break, at least not at the moment" If Genvieve was alive, Zac didn't have to work so hard. Right now he was doing both his job and her job, the restaurant here should be hers not his, this explained why he was meeting his uncle earlier instead of his father, because the restaurant belonged to Genvieve's family.
Hikari was really relieved when Zac said that the
house elves that were serving them were not mistreated
in any way. She didn't like those who think that they were above
another person. She didn't like those who views others as a tool
to get what they like, that's probably the reason why she's not
too fond of veelas. "That's good then, but, they weren't getting
paid, are they?"
She said, she knew the answer already though, House
elves were creatures who had accepted to themselves that their purpose in life
is to serve, they were actually offended when someone helps
them, that's the sad truth about them.

She shrugged when Zac told her that he can't take a break, it
is his choice, she can't tell him what to do. She had no real
right to do so after all. "If that's what you want, but believe
me Zac, try to take a break sometimes.."

"No, they're not paid of course" But the house elves were treated very well. Zac liked them very much and they liked working with him as well. "I will, thank you for the advice" Zac knew that he needed to take a break, but this girl had no idea what was going on in his life and there was no need for him to tell other people about that. Zac then got up "I'll be back in a minute" He said and walked toward the office, unlocking it manually with the lock and grabbed the papers. There were a lot and he had to get it done by the tomorrow. He sighed as he grabbed in and walked back to the balcony, putting it in his bag and sat back to the seat, finishing his meals. "What school do you go to Hikari chan?" He asked wondering if she was in the same school as the twins.

OOCOut of Character:
Its sad really... I can't imagine the damage and the people that r trapped :cry:
"I knew it, but honestly, I think that better if they would change their outlook in
their lives, they're not supposed to be just slaves, but I guess that's what
they want, it was their choice."
Hikari said with a frown, she had always like those
creatures, they're quite helpful without even her asking for any help, they're
very loyal as well, they had those characteristics that one would ask for a friend.
If only they would be able to make decisions on their own.

Nodding her head as the boy went out, probably to get those papers
that he was supposed to get, Hikari cannot help but to think
of the past events in her life, and of course, the full moon that was about to
come by then. Some people at her school already knew that she was a
werewolf, and of course, there was that one part-veela who wouldn't stop
annoying and maltreating her because of that condition of hers. Honestly, that girl
gets on her nerves.

Her train of thought was stopped when she heard Zac came back,
tons of papers in his hands, surely, it would take him some time to read all of that.
"Hikari-chan?" She asked incredulously, not really used to such name, only her
parents use that after all, and besides, it's been quite a long time since she had
heard that. "I attend Durmstrang, 5th year there now." She then answered casually
with a shrug, more people didn't like the said school, seeing how it was
focused on teaching dark arts, but honestly, she didn't
mind. "You really are busy, aren't you?"

OOCOut of Character:
I know, just seeing those people from the news, it really is hard to accept what had happened, but we can't really help it... Just hope that it won't happen again..
"Yeah, you want me to call you Hikari Kun?" Zac laughed at this point, probably people hadn't been calling her Hikari Chan since there wasn't a lot of Japanese in Durmstrang, except that psychopath, troubled-teenager and his sister and they rarely talk to him. But probably there were a lot now, he wasn't sure it had been a while and somehow he missed school and his friends. "Ah okay, I was graduate from Durmstrang, my sister is also there, she's a seventh year. Sally, Sally Kuang" He said hoping that knew who on earth Sally was. Sally was probably one of the nicest kids in the school so if the girl in front of him wasn't one of a kind they she might not know. "Yeah I am, but again just like what you said, I need a break for a while" He smiled as he finished his food and sipped on the hot chocolate.

OOCOut of Character:
Yeah I was watching NHK, Aljazeera, CNN all the time worrying about them. And it's crazy that the subway, buses weren't operating in Tokyo. Yeah let's not hope that this wont happen again.

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