Maybe It's For The Best

Carter Kaster

head of international magical law
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
It had been about six months ago now since Kiera had accepted his proposal and Carter liked to think that his relationship with Kiera was going well. He'd been a lot busier lately and hadn't had much time for Kiera or the kids, but he was confident that everything was good. All the trials that were happening were overwhelming him and he often didn't get back to his apartment until the early hours and then had to get up early all over again. It was a repeating cycle that was starting to wear him ragged beyond all measure. But he was okay with that, anything to make sure that New Zealand was safe for the people he was determined to make his family. With Lyra and Link now up at the school, Kiera had a lot more time on her hands and it was mostly just her and Jemma that he spent time with. Not that he would complain. He loved all of them. Though he Carter often thought he had the most influence over the youngest of the Potter clan. The twins were lovely, but distracted and often got themselves into trouble. If Kiera's shop was anything to go by. When he'd heard about that Carter hadn't been happy, but what was he to do about it. He'd needed to get into work for an emergency, so it wasn't like he could have avoided it. Though he was going to give Link and Lyra a stern talking to when they got back during a weekend, or the holidays. They'd need to behave if they wanted to get anywhere in life. Generally though, they were all good kids and Carter loved them.

It was later than usual as Carter headed to Kiera's house. Normally he didn't show up this late, but it had been a solid week since he'd seen her and he missed her. Dalton always told him he would be the mushy kind when it came to relationships and when he was younger Carter had always hated the thought, but now he was a grown man and he didn't give a damn what his silly best mate had to say about anything. He yawned only slightly as he approached the house and knocked on the door. He hadn't alerted Kiera about being here tonight. He'd headed here straight from work so he hoped she wouldn't be too cross with him. He felt like he never really saw her much, as they had both been fairly busy, but he blamed himself for the most part. He could visit Kiera at her job, but it was more difficult for Kiera to do the same with him. Which basically left the ball in his court. Having waited a few moments Carter frowned. He would have thought that Kiera would be to the door by now. But perhaps she was preoccupied with Jemma and so he simply knocked again, a little louder and waited. "Kiera, Love, are you sleeping?"
Kiera sighed as she uncorked a bottle of red wine. It was her favorite vintage, and one that she had been saving for quite some time now. She poured a glass before heading upstairs to take a bubble bath. She desperately needed to relax after a night like tonight. Jemma had really fought Kiera tonight about going to bed at a decent hour. She was the strongest willed of any of her children. Jemma had asked for water, two bedtime stories, another glass of water, to go to the bathroom, and another bedtime story before Kiera had enough of it all and left the room. She heard Jemma talking to herself until she finally fell asleep. The brunette couldn't imagine what the teenage years were going to be like. The house was quite now, especially so since Lyra and Link started school. Carter hadn't been around in a week or so, making the house even more empty. She had been thinking about him, and their engagement, a lot lately. Happiness had radiated from Kiera at the start of their engagement, but doubts and uncertainty occupied her now. Carter was a good man. Honest, trustworthy, kind, and romantic. Things that Kiera greatly valued, but he was whole and unbroken in a way that she never could be. Not after such a loss that she had suffered. He deserved better. Didn't he? Wasn't Kiera being entirely selfish?

Kiera was on her second glass of wine when she thought she heard a knock at the door downstairs. Concern hit her like a wave of nausea. She wasn't expecting anyone, and it was late. She really hoped it wasn't bad news. That was usually the reason for such a late visit. Kiera's mind flashed to Link and Lyra, then Cameron, then Carter. She quickly got out of her bath and threw on a robe, tying it securely at her waist. She heard another knock as she padded down the stairs, barefoot with her wand in hand. She heard a familiar voice on the other side of the door. Relief flooded through her, then guilt. It was easier to pretend everything was fine between them when they weren't face to face. Kiera opened the door to see Carter standing on her doorstep. "I'm not asleep, or I wasn't asleep." she answered his question as she admitted him to the house. "Just taking a bubble bath. What are you doing here so late?" she questioned him curiously. It wasn't like him to show up so late or unexpected.
Relationships were a big thing in Carter's family. The Kaster Clan, even on this side of the world, were very big on relationships and family. There was no such thing as a Summer fling for them. Sure they all went through their rebellious phases when they were younger and Carter had two of them, but really, relationships were not to be taken lightly by anyone. It was the one thing that had caused a fracture between his parents and his Grandfather. Whilst his Grandfather did not like the idea of Gregory marrying Alice, it was something major indeed to be kicked out for. Carter of course had never known about it until many years later, but the thought that his Grandfather could kick someone out for that, well, it had honestly made him happy that he didn't have much say in family affairs anymore. Carter was happy in his life though. He was engaged to a beautiful woman and her three gorgeous, though sometimes infuriating, kids. Carter loved them and he loved the life he could see himself happening. Were there any kids in his future? He didn't know. He'd like to think that there would be, but h wasn't all that concerned with it either. He was happy with just the three Kiera had now. Jemma didn't know her father and the twins were only young when James was lost. Not that he worried about that at all. Though sometimes he did wonder what Kiera would say to them when they ask about James. Link and Lyra were mostly out of that phase now, but Jemma, not so much.

Carter turned and smiled at Kiera immediately as she opened the door. She was in a bathrobe which only served to widen his grin. "I can see that. Do you have anything else on under there?" He asked playfully as he stepped into the house and shut the door behind him. "I only got off work not long ago. I've been so busy lately with all these damn trials, I wanted to see you. I haven't seen your face in a solid week." Carter stepped closer to her and caressed her face. "Is that really so wrong of me?" He asked, playing with her hair a little as he smiled down at her. The height difference between them was something that Carter enjoyed. Kiera was tiny, and it was probably Carter's most loved feature. Of course there were many other things he loved about his fiancee, but her height was definitely up there in the top three. "I am sorry about the time. I tried to get off earlier, but... no go."
Kiera laughed at Carter as he asked if there was anything under her robe. "You interrupted my bath so no. I threw this on and rushed down to answer the door." she said, ushering him into the house and closing the door behind him firmly. Kiera had always been careful with having Carter over when the kids were home. She never let him sleep over if the children were home. If he did, he had to leave before they woke up. Kiera was a little old-fashioned that way. Carter moved towards her, speaking playfully and caressing her face. She restrained herself from putting a hand on his as she answered him. "Can't say I blame you really." she teased lightly, knowing that what he said was all too true. She hadn't seen Carter in a week, and it had given her time to think about him and their relationship. The nagging thoughts that had been in the back of her mind since she had agreed to marry him six months ago. Was she being fair to him? Was it right of her to marry a man despite the fact that she loved him--or maybe because she loved him-- when she wasn't sure she could give him what he wanted--or deserved-- in a wife? Kiera came with so much baggage. Baggage that she couldn't and wouldn't want to get rid of even if she could. "Come on and sit down." Kiera said, leading him by the hand into the living room.

Kiera had been preparing herself to do what she needed to do ever since she made the decision. She knew what needed to happen now. She wouldn't prolong the inevitable. She sat down on the sofa. "Listen, I think that we should talk." she said, seriously. Kiera avoided looking him in the eyes so that her resolve wouldn't weaken. Slowly, the brunette slid the engagement ring off of her finger. "Carter, I've had a lot of time to think this week, and well...I don't think I can marry you." Kiera said, looking at his face with sadness and regret in her honey eyes. "I am sorry. I am so very sorry." she said, her eyes tearing up as she handed the engagement ring back to him.
Carter grinned at Kiera as she confirmed what he had already suspected. Bathrobe and nothing else. Carter was usually a very modern kind of guy, to the point that his mothers meddling and contracts sent him all kinds of mad, but he would always respect Kiera and her wishes and so though he wanted to do something else, he kept his hands to himself. Carter loved Kiera more than anything and though she often chased him out of the house if he stayed over, it was all in good faith. He knew that she loved him, she'd told him as much, but he didn't need to hear it as he saw it on her face just as often. Spending time with Kiera was the highlight of his week, even beyond the types of criminals they were putting behind Dementors. Still, it was good to know that their little slice of the world was getting safer by the day. "You don't say? One can never be blamed for the acts of those around him, my dear." He said, walking with her as she lead him towards the living room. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he didn't care right now, he was just happy to see her. Though he loved his job in the ministry and would never give it up if he could avoid it, he loved spending time with Kiera too and sometimes it was a choice between love and livelihood that got him all wound up.

As Carter sat down, he reached out to pull Kiera with him, when something made him pause. She soon joined him however and spoke, though her eyes did not see his. Carter frowned. "Talk about what?" He didn't like the sound of this at all. These words were not the kinds of words he wanted to hear from someone who would soon be his wife. The look on her face was bad enough. He looked down as he noticed a movement of her hand and she began to remove her ring. Carter's face remained as it was as he watched the ring move. He eyes remained on the ring as she spoke to him, the words smacking into his skull with the force of a freight train as he processed what she was saying. Slowly, he reached out to take the ring from her, but did not move. What had brought this on all of a sudden? He had thought everything was fine. Had he done something to upset her? Were they moving too fast? He stood up and moved away from the lounge, pacing in front of her. "I uh, didn't see this coming, Kiera." He held the ring firmly in his hands as he turned to look at her, finally seeing the regret and sadness on her face. He finally allowed his own pain to surface and walked over to kneel in front of her. Placing his hands on her shoulders, Carter attempted to look her in the eye. "I thought we were okay? Why are you doing this now? I love you and I know you love me Kiera, I'm not going to accept this. I know I've always told you I'll respect your wishes, do what you want, but I'm not taking this Kiera, not now." He was perhaps being a little tight with her, but this was so unexpected. Was she worried she would never see him? "I'll take less hours at the ministry if that's the problem. Come on Kiera, tell what the issue is. Let me fix it." He said, rubbing her shoulders. "Please."
It was worse than Kiera even imagined it would be. She certainly hadn't thought that telling a man that loved her so deeply that she did not want to marry him would be pleasant, but she hadn't prepared herself for the devastation that was so clearly written all over Carter's face. A face that she loved. He looked as if she had slapped him across the face, and maybe she did in a sense. Still, Kiera had to continue. She steeled herself and strengthened her resolve to finish this. Kiera had to do this. It was in his best interest. She knew he would thank her one day as unexpected and as hard as it was for him to hear. Of course, it was just as hard for her to say. It would be much easier to continue on like they had been. To marry Carter in front of their friends and family. Kiera just couldn't do that it Carter. It wasn't fair to him. "I'm so sorry, Carter." Kiera said again. The brunette watched him as he paced back and forth, with her ring in his fingers.

Carter came and kneeled in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders. She listened to him, but she had made up her mind. She could match him equally for stubbornness, and Kiera had made up her mind that she was going to do this. Her lips tightened and she tilted her chin up. "I don't see how you can stop me. You can't force me to marry you." she said, determined. It maybe came out a little crueler than she intended. She wanted to let him down as gently as possible, but he wasn't letting her. He was stubborn too, and normally, Kiera adored that about him. It was one of the first things that attracted her to him. "It's not the ministry." Kiera told him. She understood the commitment of the ministry. She knew how much Cyndi and Cam had always sacrificed for the good of the ministry. "Can't you see I am doing you a favor?" she asked, heartbreak in her voice. There were some secrets she kept from Carter because they were too painful to relive and share. She kept those to herself, and she had one now.
Carter didn't know what to say. Actually, he knew exactly what he wanted to say right now, but it would not have the desired affect and probably would cause him great pain in the future, so he remained silent. Never in all the time they had been together had Carter suspected that something like this would happen. He thought that they were okay, he thought that they were happy. Had he made that all up on his own? No, he didn't believe that, they were happy. He didn't know what had changed, but he was going to find out. He wasn't leaving until he fixed this even if it took all night. As she apologised for what seemed like the thousandth time, Carter shook his head and squeezed her shoulders. "Don't Kiera. Don't you dare. If you have to apologise you know this isn't right." He didn't expect to be dealing with this at this time of night. He didn't know what to do. He loved Kiera and he didn't want it to end like this. What was wrong? What had happened? It was all so sudden and Carter was having trouble wrapping his head around it all. They were supposed to be getting married in a couple of months, did she change her mind because of something he'd done?

She snapped at him and Carter dropped his hands from her shoulders, pulling away from her slightly. He had to fix this somehow. "No, I would never... you know I wouldn't force you, but... Kiera please help me to understand." He moved away from her then, but stayed close. He didn't want to feel like he was crowding her, giving her as much space as he could stand to. He was feeling a little angry now and concerned. He had no idea why she was saying these things and he wanted to know. He didn't look at her, he couldn't, but he spoke softly to her. "If it's not the ministry, then what? I don't understand!" However as she told him she was doing him a favour, he looked up immediately, between his love and the ring he now held. How could she possibly see this as doing him a favour? He frowned now, no longer upset at thinking this was his fault. He was still concerned, but at least he could see that maybe this wasn't something he had done after all. "Doing me a favour? You think this is doing me a favour? Marrying me would be doing me a favour, not this. Kiera, you don't get to decide this for me. You don't get a say in what's good for me." His voice was low, but not threatening. He was trying to not wake up Jemma, because that'd be exactly what he needed right now. He moved back to where he had been before, but instead of holding her arms, he caressed her cheek and held her face. "Now I'm angry at you, I don't want to be angry at you. I shouldn't be angry at you, not ever, but you're not making any of this easy Kiera. Come on, what the hell is happening?"
As Carter squeezed her shoulders, Kiera could just imagine him shaking her until she told the truth. Not that he was the violent type, or that she was afraid of him. In fact, this was the most angry the brunette had seen him in the entirety of their relationship. He was always so much better at controlling his emotions than she would ever be. Yet, there was some truth in his words. Kiera knew that this was wrong, but she felt that the alternative was too selfish on her part. She loved him too much for that. He deserved to have everything in life that he wanted, and Carter would not get that with Kiera. He just didn't know it. Kiera stayed quiet, defiantly so as Carter demanded that she help him understand. That she tell him what it was about if it wasn't the ministry. Kiera knew she was causing him pain and that caused her pain, but it was unavoidable. Some secrets were just too painful to share. She wanted to keep them hidden away, wishing James had carried them away with him when he vanished. Kiera just shook her head as her ex-fiance said that marrying him was doing him the favor, not the other way around. "You're wrong about that. As the person that you wished to marry, I get a say in it if I can stop you from regrets." she said stubbornly. Her voice was quiet, but strong. Absolutely convinced.

Carter wasn't looking at her, which made resisting so much easier. She couldn't see the damage she was causing him with his back to her. But, as if he heard her thoughts, he turned and came towards her. He took her face in his hands, and she had no choice but to look in his eyes. To search his face for his feelings. His touch was gentle, but Kiera saw the rage behind his normally kind eyes. She could hear it in his voice as he spoke to her. He told her as much with his words. It was all her fault, and he didn't even know why. Her resolve began to shatter the longer she stared at his face. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes. "I have secrets. Things I haven't ever told you." she said, pulling away from him and standing up. She was quiet for a few minutes, pacing back and forth. "I know that family is important to you. Don't deny it when I know it's true.You deserve to have a wonderful family with children of your own, and Carter-- I can't give you that." she said, still pacing the room. It was if she had unlocked Pandora's box as the words came tumbling out at a rapid pace. "I have had three miscarriages. The healers didn't think I would be able to have children. Ever. Lyra and Link were the result of fertility treatments and six months of bedrest, and Jemma was an fortunate accident. There were complications with her birth. But after she was born, they said I could die if I tried to go through childbirth again." she said, bitterly. Kiera had never wanted to admit that. She hadn't thought she would ever need to admit it. No one knew it. "Don't you see?! There are so many things I can't give you in life because I'm not whole. I was broken a long time ago." she said, turning to face the fireplace.

"Please, take your ring and leave. It's what I want." Kiera said, essentially kicking him out of the house. She didn't want his pity. She just wanted to save him from choosing the wrong person with whom to spend the rest of his life. Kiera had so many fractures in her heart it was hard to imagine sustaining yet another.
Carter couldn't believe they were even having this conversation let alone having to deal with Kiera stubbornly telling him that he didn't get a say in who he wanted to marry if it was her. He didn't even know what regrets she was talking about because she wasn't telling him anything. Carter wasn't one to get angry, he was usually a lot more in control of his emotions and whilst he didn't want to force all of this on her he believed that he had a right to know why she didn't want to marry him. Of course he was going to try to fix it whatever it was, because this was just not happening. They were both stubborn people and to be honest, Carter was wondering how they'd ended up getting together, the stubbornness of refusing to not was probably what did it. They loved each other and he didn't care what she had to say anymore. "You don't know what I'm going to regret, Kiera. I've not got many of those in my life and you certainly won't be one of them." How could she ever think he would regret this decision. He'd thought about it for months, the pros and cons. No, he wasn't letting her get away with this. However soon he could see the cracks beginning to form and tears began to well up. She told him she had secrets and Carter began to wonder what those secrets could possibly be. He was about to ask when she suddenly pulled away from him, leaving him on his ass on the floor, to pace across the room.

She was quiet for a moment and Carter wondered if she would continue to talk. Then finally, she did. It all just came spilling out like an uncapped tap. All the worries she had been facing on her own, the secrets she thought she was keeping from him, the concern she held for his own wishes and the fact that he really wanted his own kids. Carter's burning anger began to flare again however, despite his softening face. He stood up as she told him to leave and Carter almost growled at her, but kept his fury at bay. He sat on the lounge now, anger and hurt now evident as he spoke. "How dare you." He said, his face in his hands as he looked down at the floor between his feet. "How dare you think I would ever turn my back on you for something like this." He loved Kiera, he would never, ever leave her for something as simple as a lack of children. He looked up at her now, the ring still tight in his hand. "You think I care for you so little... that I would ever allow something like that to come between us?" He finally asked, standing up and crossing the room to look at her. Their height difference was large and he used his advantage now to his full ability. "I don't know how love works in your family, but in mine we stick together, always. The day I asked you to marry me, I made a pact with myself and with my own family that I would always love you and support you in anything. I decided on that day, no matter what happens, that I would never leave you." It was true, divorce was almost non-existent in his family to the point that when his cousin got divorced he was seriously frowned upon for it. Kaster's didn't marry for strategy, they married for love and for the promise of companionship. Even if it was arranged, the couples never separated. Love was a major part of his family's value system. "I am not marrying you for children, Kiera, though I would have liked one of my own." Lying would have had no purpose. Not now. "I am so disappointed that you could possibly think my love comes at a price. The fact that you think so makes me wonder if you even know me at all."
Kiera kept her back to him, thinking that it was better that she not see him leave the house. She knew that she had to do this for him, but it didn't make it any more pleasant or easy for her. The brunette waited, thinking she would hear the tread of his feet cross the room followed by the sound of the door swinging shut. Instead, Carter spoke to her. She was shocked to hear the anger in his voice. Kiera could tell that she had made him furious, but there was also hurt there. The brunette knew that she had really hurt him, to bombard him with this so late at night hadn't really been fair, but she hadn't be able to pretend that everything was fine. Not when he was looking at her with those eyes and smiling that smile that made her go weak at the knees. Kiera had to rip the band-aid off. She knew Carter matched her for stubbornness, but she hadn't expected that stubbornness to go this far. He still wasn't understanding why she was doing this. She turned to face him as he came towards her. He loomed over her. Carter's face showed tenderness, but his voice still sounded of the rage within him. He spoke of what love meant to him and his family. He knew very well that her parents had been divorced almost her entire life. She had been raised by her muggle father who never even dated anyone else until Kiera and her siblings were grown. He loved them more than anything, but it wasn't as if she could look to her own parents as a model of love and marriage.

Kiera flinched visibly at his last accusation. "I know it doesn't come at a price." she said, her eyes shining. "I told you that I am doing you a favor. You might say this now, but you have no idea what it's like to have children of your own." Kiera accused him. "You don't know what it feels like to hold something so defensively and innocent in your arms. It's instant and unbreakable love. To know that you would give your life in a heartbeat if it meant that you could protect them. They can certainly be a pain in the arse, but I wouldn't trade my kids for anything in the entire world." she told him, feeling so strongly about this. Didn't Carter understand that she knew he would never abandon her for her weakness. That's why she had to take the choice away from him. "I can't take that away from you. I would never be so selfish.You deserve that experience Carter, and I can't give it to you. You deserve children, Carter. You would be such a wonderful father." Kiera said, looking up at him with pleading eyes. The brunette wished he would just understand the gift she was giving him. "Merlin's Beard! Why do you have to make this a hundred times harder than it already is?!" she exclaimed, exasperatedly.
If Carter had been told years ago that being in New Zealand would change his life, he likely wouldn't have believed it. It wasn't that Carter didn't believe he deserved change it was more that he had never formed the kind of strong attachments to people that warranted the kind of changes that he was now facing. Once upon a time, during his more rebellious teen years, Carter did everything he could to be seperate from his siblings. Standing out was something that he strived for. Stubbornness was a well known trait in his family just as striving to succeed was. It was this ambition that had driven him to even move to New Zealand in the first place. Well ambition and an overwhelming desire to escape the clutches of his ever present mother. Yet here he was now wondering if he'd made the right decision. Perhaps he really had pushed Kiera into this. No, that couldn't be it. From what she was saying she only wanted to spare him the harm she was sure would be caused if she couldn't give him children. But Carter loved her. Did he want kids of his own? Well he's certainly thought of it and what his life would be like, but was he willing to risk everything he had now for that opportunity? No, no he wasn't.

"Kiera, I've listened to you and now I ask that you listen to me." He said, making sure that she could see him from where he stood over her, backing away now so as not to crowd her. This was important and it needed to be said. "Yes, I've thought about having kids and yes, I think I would make a great father. I'm not disputing this and I'm not going to lie to you now." It would have been a futile attempt anyway as he already knew that Kiera knew he had spoken about kids before. She was worth more to him than a lie. Small or not. "You think our marriage will weaken us, that it'll make me regret the marriage when you don't give me children. " he really hoped that she was listening to him. He needed her to hear all of this because he didn't know what he would do if he lost her. "Okay, sure I don't know what having my own children is like. But you are making the mistake of assuming that I do not treat James children as my own." Carter told her, moving to take her hands in his. This family was so precious to him. He couldn't lose it, not now.

"Link, Lyra and Jemma are all so important to me. I love them as if they were my own." She had been right about his not experiencing the love of his own child, but why would he want that if it meant that he couldn't feel the same about her other children. The children whose lives he'd been apart of for a long time now. He protected them and he loved them. He grew angry when they were naughty and was proud when they achieved things. How was that not like being a father? "I love you more than I have ever loved any other woman and I would never forgive myself if I ever let you convince me into leaving without saying this one thing." Now Carter pulled Kiera to him, holding her close despite the tension they both felt. "Kiera, you make me stronger. You and the kids. You make me better. " he didn't think he'd ever said more truthful words in his life, except for telling Kiera that he loved her. She meant so much to him. Why couldn't she see that? "I never thought I could do the things I've done without you. I don't need children of my own, please believe me Kiera." He pulled away from her and looked her in the eye again. "I love Link and Lyra and Jemma and I want you all to be a part of my life. I love you more than I desire a child." He said. "I don't need anyone else if I have you."
Kiera raised her honey eyes to meet Carter's as he told her that he heard her, but he wanted her to listen to him. She nodded her head, thinking that it was only a matter of minutes before he walked out of her house and out of her life forever. Listening to him now was the least that she could do. Kiera had been preparing herself for this moment for a week, but now that the moment was here, she realized how much she didn't want it to happen. She didn't want him to walk out the door. The brunette would miss this stubborn, caring, impatient, hardworking, honest man. She would miss him more than she could say. It would be like ripping another giant hole in her heart, but she would do it for him. It was what was best for him, right? Kiera wanted nothing more than for Carter to be happy. Surely, he would be happier with someone else without all the baggage she carried?

Kiera watched Carter as he spoke to her about her children. He claimed that he loved them as much as he would if they were his own. She thought about Carter's relationship with Link, Lyra, and Jemma. It couldn't easy to love another man's children as his own. Did he not treat them with as much love and consideration as he did Kiera? She thought about the park outing last week when Jemma had fallen off of her bike, earning a giant scrape on her knee. Kiera had watched with a smile as Carter had cradled her in his arms, wiped her tears away, and bandaged her boo-boo. Wasn't that something that a father would do? Jemma had never known her father. All she had ever known was Carter. Lyra and Link had been so young when James disappeared. They remembered him some and knew of Kiera's stories of him. Would it be right to push him out of their lives? She hadn't thought of the damage that she would be doing to her own children by pushing Carter away.

Kiera's resolve was wavering before Carter turned his steady blue-grey eyes on her. Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes as Carter spoke about how much he loved her and the children. How he loved her more than he had loved any other woman. How he didn't need anyone else if he had them. Kiera didn't doubt the sincerity of his words. She knew that he would never lie to her, especially about something as serious as this conversation. She didn't want to lose him, and he was so adamant that he wasn't leaving her. Selfishness was not a typical character trait, but maybe she could make an exception this one time. His face was full of love and tenderness as he pleaded with her. Kiera smiled weakly. "Okay." she said, reaching out and touching his face gently. His stubbornness and her love for him won out in the end.
Finally, finally Carter seemed to have convinced Kiera of what he was saying. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled down at her as he stepped back, dragging his hand down his face. Tension seemed to be a constant presence in his life these days. Sometimes he wondered if he was just going to scream at the world for constantly putting him in these situations. Between work and family and his room mate, pressure and tension were his life partners. Still, it was fortunate that Carter could hold his own under the life he was leading. He didn't mind though, he would do anything to keep his life the way it was. His family was important to him, but Kiera was the only thing he loved more than them. If it ever came down to a choice between them, well, he'd made his decision a long time ago. Running his hand through his hair, Carter smiled at Kiera. "I need a drink." After the conversation they'd just had, he needed more than a drink, but this would do for a start. He wasn't a heavy drinker, but he did drink on occasion and could more than hold his own when he did so. Of course his cousin Lisa was even stronger than he was. She could drink even his mother under the table. He didn't know how she did it, though being a barmaid likely helped, she was a monster with the alcohol though and so competitive. It always amazed Carter what this part of his family had done with the little resources they have. All the Kaster's were decent drinkers, likely the German part of them surfacing. It was often easy to forget that Carter was German, considering he had all but lost his accent by now, but when he got to drinking, it usually reappeared with full force. He missed it sometimes, and would have to take the kids to see him family sometime. He hadn't been back in quite a while and he was sure that his mother would want to see them. She popped by occasionally to chat with Lisa, but other than that she was mostly preoccupied with her work. Training horses was a full-time job after all.

Carter stepped over to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whisky before proceeding to pour himself a glass. Bourbon was not something he drank often as it was a little too sweet for him, but he didn't like Scotch and so this was the next best thing, one of the heaviest drinks he could grab at first thought. He held up a glass before then looking at Kiera and pouring one for her too. Tonight had certainly gone in an entirely different direction to what he had been expecting. He popped the bottle back into the cabinet and nudged the door closed before walking back over to Kiera and offering her a glass, taking his own over to the lounge and slumping into it. "Fascinating end to a long day, huh love?" He asked, tipping the drink to his lips and savouring the sweet taste on his tongue. They'd sorted their problems, something they always did, but did he want to wait the next couple of months to get married? How long could he justify waiting to call Kiera his wife. He loved her and he just wanted to het married now. Another sip of his drink and Carter looked at Kiera. "Let's get married." He was surprised at himself. They were set to be married in only a few more months. But he was impatient now. He wanted her now, before she had a chance to change her mind again. Maybe she wouldn't, but he hadn't read the signs the first time. It could happen again. Carter stood now and took another sip of his drink. "Let's go now, just pack our stuff and go." He flipped the ring around in his hand before handing it back to her. "Come away with me Kiera."
Kiera looked at Carter with a small smile as he said he needed a drink. She could understand the sentiment and even echoed it. She felt drain emotionally from what was ultimately her fault. Kiera wasn't sure what she had ever done to deserve Carter but she thanked the stars for sending him to her. She liked to think it was James looking out for her still, and that he had hand-picked Carter for her knowing they would be a perfect match. "Pour me one too, please." Kiera said, with a sigh. He was familiar with her liquor cabinet and knew where to find what he needed. The brunette ran a hand through her hair as she watched him pick up the whiskey. Kiera grinned. She liked whiskey. Probably too much. It was a fact that could be traced back to her Southern roots no doubt. Whiskey and bourbon were drinks of choice for her father and his family. Despite her small stature, Kiera was pretty good at handling her liquor as were Katheryn and Cameron. She smiled at Carter as he placed a drink in her hand.

Kiera took a swallow of the whiskey before moving to sit on the sofa. "Yes, well, it didn't go as expected at all." she said with a coy smile. She hadn't expected Carter to show up tonight, and she hadn't thought he could persuade her into changing her mind. "Certainly full of surprises." she said, shaking her head. Kiera took another swallow of her drink, draining it dry with a frown. She hadn't realized she was drinking it so quickly. She was more tense than she even realized. Kiera looked at Carter, puzzled by his statement of the obvious. "I thought we just established that we were going to get married." she told him with a laugh. She stopped laughing as she heard what he was really proposing. Kiera wasn't the practical one. She wasn't the one that thought through her actions and carefully considered all of her options and possibilities. She was the impulsive one, and she must have really terrified him tonight to bring this side of him out. Kiera took the ring back from him and placed it on her finger where it belonged. "Are you serious? What about work?" Kiera asked him. It wasn't like him to abandon work especially on such short notice. He was always so responsible. While having children had certainly mellowed Kiera, she was still as impulsive and rash as she had ever been. Hell, Kiera had gotten engaged to James on a whim, without even having a ring, and look how that had turned out. She knew she wanted to marry Carter, and she would marry him now, if that's what he wanted. "I can phone my dad. He would watch Jemma for us." she said, not feeling right about including her without including the twins. Besides, she had done the big wedding thing, and really wasn't interested in it again.
Carter shook his head and waved his hand in a motion to not worry about it. He had absolutely nothing figured out, but he wasn't telling Kiera that. "Work can wait, they aren't going to miss me for a couple of days." He'd spent almost the entire week there already, Surely they couldn't ask much more of him. "They can deal, your brother is my bosses boss, I should be okay." He hoped so, but he couldn't be sure. But either way he needed to do this, he wanted to do this. He didn't want to leave anything to chance again. He didn't like chance. Absolutes were his forte, not what ifs. He smiled at Kiera and took the last sip of his drink before placing it on the mantle. "Don't stress, I'll work all this out. There's a place we can go. We've magic, this'll be easier for us than for muggles, promise." He caressed her face again, an action he seemed to have done a lot lately. Not that it mattered as he was never going to stop. He leaned down to kiss her and smiled. The bourbon as yet had done nothing to affect him, but the knowledge of it in his body was enough to make him feel better. This was not something that he'd ever done before, but he didn't want to wait. Kiera had terrified him today and it was not a feeling he was accustomed to. He didn't like feeling helpless at all.

He nodded as Kiera placed the ring back on her finger and mentioned getting her father to watch Jemma. He thought it made sense. He would have mentioned Dalton, only he wasn't sure how much sleep Jemma would get with his loud mouth room mate watching her. "Yes, your father. Good idea, do that." He walked away from her for a second and counted on his finger how much they were going to need to bring with them. Carter could easily get his hands on whatever they needed. It wouldn't be hard. He was surely going to disappoint a couple of people, his cousin and mother for example and probably Kiera's family, but they would deal with that later. This ceremony had been for them. The wedding was all that they wanted really. Nothing to do with either of their families. This was for them, not anyone else. "Okay, okay I think I can get everything we need. People are going to be pissed, but let them. We aren't doing this for them." He told her, walking to the front door. "I'll be back in about half an hour, I need to get a couple of things. Call your dad, get him here and then we'll go. Okay." He headed out the door but looked back at his soon-to-be wife as he exited. "I love you." And he was gone.
Kiera was a bit surprised at how relaxed Carter was being with no set plans in place, but she liked it. She loved the thrill of not knowing exactly what they were going to do. She had always been someone who appreciated the journey just as much as the destination. The brunette was impressed by Carter's caviler attitude towards work. "Good point. I doubt Cam will let you be fired for making an honest woman of me." she teased him lightly. She knew her brother had issues with Carter in the beginning, but those were long gone now. Cameron got on splendidly with Carter and wouldn't allow him to be fired. In fact, she imagined her family would be very pleased, and not all that surprised that they had run off to get married without telling anyone. Her family had already witnessed two of Kiera's weddings. She doubted that they would mind missing this one. It was Mrs. Kaster than they had to worry about, but Carter could manage telling her. Her thoughts were interrupted by his lips pressing gently against hers. Her honey eyes met those steady blue-grey eyes and knew that she was making the right choice. "Let them be pissed. I'll call Dad and get dressed. See you soon, Love." Kiera said before Carter apparated away.

The first thing Kiera did was rush to the phone. It was late here in New Zealand, but still early in the day in the States. She told her father that she needed him to watch Jemma for a few days. He was retired and had the time, besides which Jemma adored him. She didn't tell him why, but he agreed easily enough without reason. Especially since he would get to visit Jake and Noah as well. The car in the garage was mostly kept for him to get around whenever he visited since he was a muggle and couldn't do magic. Kiera ran upstairs and checked on a sleeping Jemma, before hurriedly changing clothes. Kiera certainly couldn't get married in a robe. She did grab a dress out of her closet but not the one she had been planning to wear for the ceremony in several months time. This was a new dress she had been saving for a special occasion.

By the time she finished, Carter had arrived once more. He had two bags with him and seemed to have everything sorted, though he wouldn't tell her where they were going. She apparated to her dad's house and brought him back with her to watch the youngest child who would be delighted to see him when she woke up. Kiera hugged her father, thanking him once more for coming on such short notice. The brunette smiled as she took Carter's hand and let him whisk her away to marry her.

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