May your feet serve you well.

Samuel Phillips

Part-Veela | Artist | Scrivenshafts Owner
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2" Flexible Cypress Wand with Veela Hair Core
Samuel was glad to finally be settled in to his apartment, after two weeks of buying furniture, books, and other things to make the apartment feel home like, he finally started to feel at ease with the place. His studio was now set up, and ready to be occupied twenty four seven by the eighteen year old, until he had enough paintings which he believed worthy enough to be shown in the downstairs gallery. Of course his paintings would be a hit and miss sort of situation, some being better, and some being worse than others, but eventually there would be a collection to show. A slight pity, as Samuel was impatient, and wanted to see his long awaited for dream become a reality in a split second, but of course he needed to replace every single work lost in the house fire. It irritated him, that everything he once worked for was lost, especially when he was so close to having enough art to open his own gallery. But at least the Part-Veela had his own place to call home now, away from Babette invading his personal space every half hour to give him home cooking. He was glad to have his own space again, to have privacy, but again Samuel felt the familiar pang of guilt render his gut, he knew it was bad to leave Jonathon alone but his younger brother knew he was always welcome at least, and Samuel would gladly let him stay whenever possible. Still, the last thing Samuel wanted was to put more distance between himself and his brother, given they relied on each other for emotional support, and that when they were away from each other too long they both started to worry. In this case, Samuel had worried himself sleepless for yet another night, occupying his time by mindlessly wandering around his apartment, in and out of his bedroom. It appeared as though he were searching for something, something which couldn't be found although truth be told; he was just trying to keep his thoughts busy so the worry didn't set in further. He knew he was seeing Jonathon for lunch that day, but waiting would cause the artist to worry further. Samuel slightly regretted moving out, and he was beginning to believe the freedom of owning and living in his own one bedroom apartment wasn't worth it, and that his duties lay with making sure his brother was safe. Samuel reluctantly decided to return to his bed and try to get at least a few hours' sleep before the sun woke him up to start another day, already dressed in his onesie, a joke present from Batman; Samuel was entirely prepared for sleep, pity that he knew sleep wouldn't come, no matter how much his fatigued eyes begged for it. But at least trying to sleep would pose as a decent enough distraction from his worsening anxiety. His pyjamas also aided in distracting him from his anxiety. If his ridiculous appearance wasn't enough to cheer himself up if even for a few minutes, the very idea of him wearing a green onesie was enough amusement in itself.

The artist returned to his bedroom, falling backwards into his bed, momentarily losing himself within white silk sheets, before unfamiliar, and unexpected knocking interrupted his short moment of peace. Samuel groaned, who could be knocking on his door at this hour of the night? He ignored the knocking, and once the sound died down, Samuel sighed with relief, only to hear the knocking start up again. Groaning once more the eighteen year old sat up, staggered out of his bedroom, and to his door. He concluded the only person it could be was Batman, who else would feel confident enough to interrupt Samuel in the middle of the night after taking so long to finally begin to settle in to his apartment? And once that realisation set in, Samuel started to worry again. It seemed whenever he managed to find a small escape, something he could find a small ounce of happiness in, reality always took it away in a millisecond. Something horrible must have happened to Jonathon, maybe he wasn't getting along with Babette as much as he thought, and he had nowhere else to go. Biting his bottom lip, and holding his breath in anticipation, Samuel turned the doorknob, opening the door slightly, just enough to see who it was. However, the person Samuel's eyes fell on was not the features of his half-brother Jonathon, which were frightfully similar to his own, but the features of his best friend, James. In surprise, Samuel opened the door fully, taking a step back. His mind couldn't conjure any reason for James to be at his apartment, in the middle of the night, but Samuel was in too deep of a state of surprise to focus on that thought for long. If it were anybody else at his door, the eighteen year old would have not had the confidence to open his door completely, with the exception of Jonathon. The reasoning behind this due to the fact Samuel was still in his green onesie. Samuel stood in silence, before he mustered up something, anything to say which might give him the answer to the imposed question of why James was unexpectedly at his door, in the early hours of the morning. "James?" he spoke, questioning the situation out loud this time. "What are you doing here?" Samuel asked, his mind too tired to analyse further the reason James was standing at his doorway.
James had no were else to go and no one else to turn to yet he could not will himself to move from the side walk outside of Samuels apartment, the last person on earth he wanted to get involved with his problems. The rain clouds overhead had been kind but they could no longer hold back thier raindrops which fell on his head and matted his dark curles against his forehead but even that could not get James to move a single inches as he fought with himself mentally about what to do now. He needed help but he could not worry Tillian with such trivial issues that teenager went through and even if he did he was sure that the older man would somehow make things worse, not intentionally but rather out of his protective side, which James could not let happen as it seemed as though his problems were as bad as he could handle at the moment. Biting his finger nails and fighting back tears it was a strik of lightening that had him moving towards the front door as he felt more like a lost scared little boy than he ever did in all of his exsistence.

The climb to Samuel's door was done at a slow agonzing pace as Jamie would turn around every so often feeling ridicuouls as the fear fo rejection overwhelmed his senses for his greatest fear was that Sammy would push him away like yestardays old news. However somewhere in his very soul laid a voice of reason that kept him moving foward as the voice told him that Samuel would never reject him even if he tried to get the boy to reject him. After an agonizing ten minutes of back and forth he finally found himself on the doorstep of Samuels doorstep and with the all the courage he could musterr he hammered on the door which went un answered for a few passing seconds that felt like several life times. It was late or rather early morning and James was sure the older man was asleepby now or worse not at home altogether as James knew quiet well that the man was a rather "needy" individual in regards to the company of a beautiful woman or man if he was feeling adventous however after Buddy, Jamie did not know if Samuel had ever been close to another man like that but it was none of his business anyway. After a couple more seconds Jamie had determine that it was better if he simply left and went home when the metalic sounds of locks began to go off behind him.

As he turned around he laid eyes on Samuel and all fo his doubts and childish emotions were swept away as the sleepy eyed Veela looked upon him wiht a look of sheer confusion not to mention the slight air fo grumpiness that often came when Samuel had little to no sleep. Jamie was at a lost for words as he searched desperately for some answer to give his personal Superman that would ease the other man's confusion but when no were found Jamie turned a began to make his way to the stairs once more. However he had only taken few steps before falling to his knees from sheer exhaustion as he had walked several miles to get to Samuel place from the bus stop not to mention the climb to up the stair and the emotional rollercoaster that had been going on since he left his own home several hours ago. He had come so far and it seemed that now that he was where he needed to be he had nothing more to do or say but a whisper that was loud enough for only samuel to hear. "I had no where else to go and I need you to make everything all better!" his weak voice cracked slighlty as he laughed inside his head at how ridicuoulous he sounded, he had never need anyone ever since he left the temple he grew up in what felt like ages ago but here he was beaten and broken on the verge of insanity.
Truth be told, Samuel was startled. It would be daft of him to expect any visitor at this time of night, let alone James. Not because he had no expectations of his best friend, in fact he had quite a few, but because he just didn't expect James to be showing up at his apartment, soaking wet from the rain and looking too emotional for words to pronounce. Spiderman looked like he was desperate for help, like Samuel was the only person he could turn to. But why would he need to turn to Samuel in the first place? Surely his friend had somebody else's door to knock on in the middle of the night. This lingering thought caused the artist to momentarily dive into a deeper confusion, but luckily he hadn't become too lost in his own thoughts, something which usually occurred when Samuel's need for sleep grew too much for him to handle. This just showed he wasn't as tired as he thought, or the sudden appearance of his best friend on his doorstep was enough of an eye opener to ward off collapsing for another night. No matter for the reasoning Samuel felt at least half awake, he knew he had to find out why James was at his doorstep. But before the Part-Veela could open his mouth once more to question James' reasoning for arriving to his apartment so early and unannounced, James turned his back to Samuel. He took a few steps, and Samuel's confusion worsened. Why would Spiderman travel all the way to his apartment just to knock on the door, and stand in silence for a minute or two before leaving? This confusing situation was too much for a weary eyed Samuel, his fatigue somehow still lingering although James' interruption left him feeling close to awake. In the blink of an eye, James had fallen to the ground, by instinct; Samuel rushed to his best friend's side, kneeling next to him, a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Samuel did not know how he was supposed to make everything better for James, when he did not know what the problem was. However instead of straight up asking Spiderman of the woes that brought him to his door, Samuel sighed quietly, before pulling James' arm around his shoulders and helping him onto his feet, and into his apartment, where the two both ended up on his sofa. He thought it a better idea to stall questioning his friend and instead focus on getting him comfortable first. Surprised at his own strength, Samuel managed a small smirk as he stood up to close and lock his front door, returning back to his couch in what seemed an instant. "You must be cold." He alleged, standing up from the sofa again to stroll into the kitchen he hardly used. He shouldn't have bothered purchasing an apartment and art studio with a kitchen when he only used it for making coffee and storing copious jars of peanut butter and boxes of fruit loops. Samuel quickly made himself and his friend a coffee, returning to the sofa once more, handing James his cup after sitting himself back down. "You'll have to excuse me if my coffee's not very good; I'm an artist not a barista." Samuel chuckled, trying to ignore the elephant in the room while staring blankly into his cup. He didn't know if he was truly good at making coffee or not, but at least it gave him a buzz, that was all he needed. Sooner or later one of them would cave and either James would tell Samuel why he was there, or Samuel would ask out of curiosity, it was just a simple matter of time. The heating was turned on, so soon enough James would be warm, it just depended on how saturated his clothes were. Samuel was willing to lend James something to wear if he needed it, he was never opposed to helping somebody he cared about, on the rare occasions he managed to care about anybody besides himself and that night, or early morning wasn't going to be an exception.

The part-veela cleared his throat after gingerly sipping his coffee, unsure of what to say next to stall asking the important questions further. The only safe and unobtrusive subject Samuel's mind could conjure was the weather. It had been pouring down with rain all night, the pitter-patter of raindrops on his apartment roof just a small contribution to Samuel staying awake longer than he should have. "How about that rain? It's pretty heavy, isn't it?" He asked, nudging James in the side with his elbow, desperate to talk about anything but what brought Spiderman to his door. Samuel had a small belief if he moved the subject in the opposite direction; it would help his friend to feel better. He had never been good at cheering people up, or bringing a smile to somebody's face, in fact Samuel was the one who usually caused somebody's sadness, so needing to console somebody was far from what he was used to and Samuel was further out of his comfort zone than he could imagine.
Jamie was lost in his own misery to notice Samuel at his side nor did he notice the man's warm embrace as he helped him inside the apartment. All he was registering at the moment was a mind full of turmoil and fear due to his unpredictable visit to the small yet cozy apartment. Why did he come to Samuel's? What did he hope the man could do to ease his suffering? What if he could not deal with the emotional nightmare that was Jamie? All of these questions battered his consciousness and wore down his defenses as a dark cloud seemed to roll in to consume what little light he had left. He was shivering and his skin was covered in goosebumps but all that seemed to of little importance as he stared in to his up turned hands as if by some miracle they held all the answers he need in life.

Something crossed his vision as a cup was placed in his hands causing him to blink before looking up and seeing the worried look of his best friend staring back at him. If it had been any other circumstance he would have teased the man for his inability to deal with emotions but now he could not help but feel even worse as Samuel was cleary not cut out to deal with an emotional teenage on the verg of a breakdown. In truth their was no one else to turn to as Jamie was dreadfully unpopular at school and in fact it was part of the reason he was on the verge of a break down. Somehow his secret got out and now he was being bullied and teased almost constantly not to mention he did not look the part to be part of a school who was known for thier beauty and utter ruthlessness. He was forever an outsider except when he was with Samuel or Batman though his relationship with the younger philips was still on uneven ground due to the fact that upon first meeting he had smacked the boy after a misunderstanding. Jonathan still flinched when he saw Jamie but overall their freindship was on the up and up.

The rain drummed against the window with enthusiasim as thunderclaps vivrated the air, it would be a night that surely somewhere in France a young artist was creating something masterful for... he should be creating something but its seemed as though his passikon for art had left him and would not return until he was able to work through his problems. It was a fate worst than death to someone who loved to draw but one he would accepted as a punishment for his weakness and vulnerability. He looked down into his cup which smoldered in an inviting way as he could just barely make out some noise in the background. Once more he relaized that Samuel was sitting next to him in his rather adorable pajamas, which in truth Jamie alwaysed imagine the man to be one of those sleepers who slept nude due to the feelings of imprisionment when forced to conform to modern societies rules on clothing. He was glad however that the man was not nude and was alone as it would be ten times more awkward if it was revesed. "... Rain.... Heavy" The words broke thought his clouded mind and willed him to do the unthinkable he closed the distance between him and Samuel and hugged the man with all his might. Warm tears ran down his faced as he attempted to fight them back to no avil.

"I need help... I am so lost... and I am afraid what I will do if I am left alone..." Jamie choked in a panic as his heart began to race. "I do not know what to do but I need to do something or I will go mad..." Jamie managed to say before sobbing softly into his best friends chest.
Samuel was still unable to conjure up an idea to stall confrontation any further; lack of sleep had weakened his creativity in concocting any form of brand new idea, so he was left with conventional ideas to fill the time, small things that did not work in the long run. Getting up to get his best friend a coffee and dabbling in some small talk could only take him so far and eventually Samuel's ineffective way of distracting from confrontation faltered. James suddenly removed any distance between him and Samuel, hugging him tightly and uttering a couple of sentences before sobbing into his chest. The eighteen year old still did not have much idea of what was going on, but judging by what Spiderman had said, something was terribly wrong. Samuel felt helpless in not being able to figure out what the exact cause of James' pain was, this helpless feeling worsening as Samuel's obvious lack of comforting skills became more obvious by the minute. He quickly realised he hadn't actually returned James' hug, and wrapped his slender arms around his best friend as quickly as he could, hugging James tightly back and resting the side of his face on James' wet hair. He knew James must have still been freezing, and that extra thought worried the artist further, but alas he could not move from his spot, so he was left to hold his best friend until his tired mind worked up another idea. But he did know one thing from what James had said to him, that he wasn't going to leave James alone when he was so emotionally unstable, or at least what Samuel considered to be emotionally unstable.

The part-veela had been in many situations before when his emotions were too intense for him to have been left alone, but he was always alone, he didn't have anybody to turn to, no shoulder to cry on, which lead him into the self-destructive path he was now spiralling down, with no way out. Samuel felt momentarily tempted to share this with his best friend, but he ignored this temptation, knowing that deflecting everything towards him wouldn't help James at all, at least he knew one thing about consoling somebody: they needed to be put first. Samuel moved to kiss James once on the forehead, just another pathetic and probably failed attempt to calm his best friend down. "I won't leave you alone." Samuel whispered, he thought if his voice were at a normal volume, it wouldn't sound appropriate to the situation, and had the possibility of making Spiderman uncomfortable in his arms, so speaking in a kind sounding whisper was deemed fitting. If the roles were reversed, and James was the one holding Samuel tightly while he was a crying mess, he would expect James to act the same way he was acting, but some things were never set in stone. For all Samuel knew, James could reject him on the spot if he ever chose to let Spiderman into his mind, and finally reveal his problems to somebody else rather than letting them bottle up further. "But you have to tell me what brought you here tonight, okay?" Samuel whispered once more as he inched his body slightly away from James', moving his face to make eye contact with his best friend. He was surprised with his fluency and confidence in straight up asking James why he arrived at his apartment so late, after making such an effort to stall it before. It seemed after being engulfed in a long embrace Samuel felt more comfortable with the situation; he hoped James felt the same.

Moving away from James completely, Samuel stood up. He finally had an idea in his head of how he could keep James, and himself occupied so neither of them did anything stupid. Luckily for Samuel his half drunk coffee was starting to kick in, waking him up a little more. Instead of explaining how he was going to distract his friend, Samuel half genuinely smiled while he pulled James to his feet, leading the younger male by the wrist into his bedroom. It appeared as if Samuel's intentions were sexual, leading James into his bedroom the way he did, but this was far from the truth. In reality, Samuel was going to give James a palm reading, right after he gave James some dry clothes to change into. Samuel silently gestured for James to sit on his small bed, elevated above the floor on a wooden platform while he retrieved a comfortable grey t-shirt and a pair of pyjama pants from his chest of drawers. Samuel was proud of his bedroom, after managing to fill the shelves that invaded his walls with books. He hadn't yet had the chance to read any of the various books yet, but he was going to read them all in due time. "You can get changed in my bathroom which is just to your left." He uttered to James, turning to face the closed door which lead to the bathroom attached to his bedroom. While James got changed, Samuel hastily searched his bookshelf for a book which featured palm reading; he managed to find one in no time, and was leaning against his wall, flicking through the book when James emerged from his bathroom.
James found some protection in the arms of his friend as he nuzzled into the man's chest no longer afraid to embrace the closeness that was shared but even here in the small flat that the world would not let him be as his mind told him that Samuel was not one for extended displays of affection friendly or other wise. The warmth that poured off of Samuel was greatly appreciated though his clothes were more than likely wet from absorbing the water that poured of Jamie currently in buckets which made him feel even worse as he was sure the furniture was going to also suffer slight water damage when all was said in done. Samuel was not wealthy or at least he did not exude wealth in their entire relationship more so he seemed like a true bohemian artist the kind that lived to day on cheap Chinese food and cold pizza with an endless supply of coffee that provided the fuel to their sleep deprived brains. Why anyone found him appealing was beyond Jamie but he knew that under all he was in love with Sammy completely forever and always no matter if the emotion was not mutual on both ends it was a price he would pay over and over again simply to have known someone that had everything that he wished for in himself.

Soon the tears began to ease as his body began to give way to sweet blissful sleep which he could use right now but he knew that it would do nothing but delay the inevitable and so he pushed the urge to the back of his mind as he gave one more tight squeeze to his bestie before letting go. However as he was about to pull away the unthinkable happen that caused him pause, Samuel in all of his wild charm leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his forehead as he whispered the words that made everything right in the most simplest of ways. So how the thought that he would not have to endure life forever alone was more than enough to set his trouble thoughts to rest and allow him to truly relax but more work would be needed before Jamie would be able to face his demons face on and push forward though all of the pain and bitterness that awaited for him. A promise was all that was asked of him and one that he had no problem keeping as he looked back into Samuel's and nod his head in agreeance as he squirmed under the intense stare of the beautiful eyes as his cheeks began to turn red causing his brow to furrow while he bit down on his bottom lip to hide the smirk that was threatening to ruin the moment.

As Samuel slipped away he felt a pang of panic but after a deep breath he relaxed once more as he tried to remember that he had to learn to control his emotions in Samuel's company considering that in the past Sam was often unarmed by Jamie's emotional state finding it nightmarish which meant hyperventilating and freaking out because of a moment of separation was one of those things that fell into the emotional nightmarish box. Possible sensing that he was still a little unstable Samuel smirked and reached down grabbing him by the wrist before pulling him off to some unknown location further back in the flat. Unsure of what was happening Jamie followed though he gave the man an side way glance before turning and looking back to the living room one last time as if he was trying to burn the image in his mind before his mind caught up and told him where he was headed. More blush colored Jamie's cheeks rosy red as his mind went to a very naughty place as his heart began to patter in side of his chest at a million miles an hour after all sleeping with Samuel was something that was often left for his imagination to roll around in, never to actually happen in the real world. He was not ashamed of the thought after all he was a growing teenager with needs that had never been tickled in any since of the word and he feared that the animalistic desire would never be sated at least not in this life time and any one who said that it was "unlady like" could go lick a pixie after all he was still human.

His heart sank a little when he was told to change and he even let a pout slip his guard but soon he pulled himself together and through his walls back up a little so that his emotions and now his hormones stayed in relative check though given how the night had gone so far he doubt they would last forever. Gathering up the clothes he walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him as he changed into the his new clothes which hung off him which accent his boyish charms not to mention his soft locks falling into his puffy eyes which also gave him a dangerously helpless look. Staring into the mirror he had no clue who was staring back at him but that did not prevent him for feeling jealous of his reflection for it would never suffer what he had for being who it was like he was at school and with that thought he turned away and headed back out in the open space of the room. It was the first time he got a good look of the cozy room which was filled with books that beckoned for him to waste his life away in all of their pages and unknown adventures or numerous personal tales that would paint a different image of the cold dark world that he lived in for a little while. As if to prove a point the bed look super comfy and soft like clouds or cotton candy but it was the lone figure standing by the door that made the room complete with his nose deep in some tome that he had picked up while he was away changing. Jamie smiled as he ran and jumped on the bed feeling a little more energetic than before but curious as to what his superman had up his sleeve and why he had dragged him in to the bedroom of all places.

"What are you reading?" Jamie asked as his voice came out in a raspy voice do to his constant crying as he waited for Sammy to explain himself.

Thankfully, James changed quickly, appearing a lot warmer when he emerged from the bathroom. Samuel immediately felt relieved at this sight, but worry was still apparent as he knew although changing into some dry clothes had the ability to warm somebody up, it could never warm somebody completely as they continue to feel cold even while clinging to the humble comfort of dry clothing. The energy James' showed in the way he ran and jumped onto his bed also diminished Samuel's worry further, although he still couldn't help but feel responsible over his younger friend. He had a lot he owed James for, distracting him from the day to day torture of dating Elspeth when they were together; being a friend to Batman when he was away at Beauxbatons so he had some security his half-brother was safe away at his first normal school experience. The problem with this was that Samuel knew he couldn't pay James back for being such a great friend, no matter how hard he tried he knew there was nothing that would be enough of a thank you to his Spiderman. "Just a book which should hopefully cheer you up." Samuel replied, grinning at James. He walked over to where his bed was, sitting across from his best friend on the platform his bed rested on, crossing his legs Indian style while placing the book in between them. Stretching over to a lamp which sat on one of the book shelves, Samuel flicked a switch, letting some soft light make his already cosy bedroom even more comfortable, if that was imaginable. Samuel was glad to have found such a warm, and homely apartment, he thought he never would have found another place to call home after losing his first home in such a tragic circumstance.

James looked adorable in the warm light from his lamp, Samuel didn't know why, but he concluded the reasoning behind him thinking his best friend was so adorable was humbly because James was wearing his clothing, and by instinct the part-veela thought that anybody who donned his clothing were without a doubt adorable. The light almost felt as comfortable as fire would feel on such a stormy night if Samuel hadn't developed a phobia of it over the past few months. Even thinking about fire was enough to trigger fear to arise in Samuel's stomach, unsettling him from the situation. Attempting to ignore his thought, Samuel focused on the book which he had sought out of his cramped bookshelves, Samuel realised he had lost his page, turning back to the beginning of the book before flicking back through to settle on the page he found earlier. Letting out a sigh, Samuel clapped his hands together, an indication that things were going to start finally moving along. "Give me your hands please." He said, gently grasping both James' hands with his own while reading in the book which hand he should pick. The book said that for males, the right hand symbolises what they have accumulated throughout their life, while the left hand symbolises what they were born with. The book also stated that the least dominant hand can represent their future life, and their dominant hand represents their present and past life. The words began to become blurry on the page, and were too confusing, and also hardly made much sense. This indicated Samuel needed another coffee to wake his tired mind up. "I'll be right back." Samuel stated with a cheerful tone, as he stood up from the wooden platform to take a quick trip to the kitchen. Taking a few short minutes to whip himself up a fresh cup of coffee, Samuel managed to drink half of it before he returned to his bedroom. Samuel wasn't going to read his friend's palm just yet, before he began anything else, he desired to know why James had shown up at such a late hour without any notice. "Now before we start anything else." Samuel began, placing his hand on Spiderman's shoulder, while the other held his cup of warm coffee, alternately trying to make his voice sound clear and comforting, but not threatening or accusing. "Why are you here?" He queried the younger wizard, making an effort to keep eye contact.

Samuel braced himself for the answer to his straightforward question. It could have been anything, the possibilities could create and endless list of painful situations that nobody deserved to go through. The part-veela knew that only something dire and torturing would bring him to James' door unannounced in the wee hours of the morning, so James might have experienced something truly horrible, or James’ tendency to be an emotional nightmare may have caused him to overreact to something which others would deem less horrible than James thought they were. Whichever answer the younger wizard posed to him, Samuel would be ready to give advice if it was needed, or just be a third party James could rant to, after all, that's what best friends were for. Samuel didn't mind sitting in silence, waiting for an answer as one might think, it meant he had more time to finish his coffee and wait for the familiar hit of caffeine to kick in so he had the chance to actually read the book properly. The lighting made Samuel feel sleepier, but he had a coffee, that should be enough to keep him from nodding off to sleep if even for an hour or two.

OOC: This is horrible omfg
Tall, dark, and mysterious was the only hat came to mind as Samuel stood looming in the door way like some untitled work of art by one of the those legendary artist that he had read about in his art history books. No doubt it was do to his Veela blood but Jamie would find Samuel devastatingly beautiful if he was half goblin. Jamie was one of the rare few that was allowed to see a softer and ore endearing side of the infamous Slytherin boy which not to many could claim yet it was a curse as well as a blessing. Jamie was the super cute best friend and everyone who seen a muggle teen movie knew, the best friend was only ever that no matter how hard they tried.

The smoldering voice of a clearly tired Samuel caused him to focus as it seemed that he had faded out yet again which was a habit that had caused him much trouble growing up. It was like revers ADD or ADHD or something like that he had no little knowledge about medic like Tillian who when not working with child services was in St. Mungo's as a healer. Either way Sammy was more than use to it by now and often time ignored the fact that his best friend was nothing more than a daydreamer which worked out just fine for the pair of them. Jamie scooted over to allow Superman to sit on the bed beside him as he brought with him the book which meant that Sammy had something up his sleeve and based off past experience was going to be interesting to say the least. With the lights turned down low along with the drumming of the rain on the window Jamie had to stay alert or else he would fall asleep after all it was outrageously late , a fact that he did not take into account before heading out on his journey.

Samuel did not say anything for awhile which allowed him imply gaze at everything letting his curiosity run rampant as it saw fit it was a several more moments before he Samuel woke up enough to do something. Clapping, an action that he was not fully prepared for as was mirrored in his small jump and racing heart, the older boy asked for his hands or rather took them as if Jamie had any choice in the matter. Jamie of course did not put up a fight as he enjoyed the strange feeling of holding someone else's had after all he had never in his life held someone else's hand. The warm and slightly rough hands of Superman send a chill of electricity across his skin and Jamie found the heat building in his face which turned his cheeks brick red. He was glad that Superman broke contact for coffee as it allowed him time to attempt yet again to get his libido in check maybe coming over late at night to a boys house was not the brightest idea in the world, a thought that would surely have his father in agreeance.

Before Jamie could begin to wonder what Sam had to get all of a sudden he was back with a cup in his hand which Jamie should have guessed but do to crying all day his mind was not working all that well. When he looked into Samuel's face he noticed a change in his friend's mood and felt the presence of the purple elephant in the room and that was when the question was asked causing his mood to darken quickly. He knew that this peaceful comfort would need to be marred by his black clouds after all this was no sleep over but a cry for help in a search of some confirmation that what he was going through would eventually go away. Sighing slightly to himself he leaned against the head board of sorts as he stretched out a bit and pulled back much of the fear in his voice that would cause Samuel to truly panic or worry.

"Well it seems as though I screwed up royally this time and now I am up to my eyeballs in crap at school. A guy that I had a crush on that plays for the school quidditch team has told everyone I am gay. It would be something that I could defend if in fact he and I did not almost kiss. We had detention together after I got in trouble for setting the schools mice free when I head that they would be used in transfiguration, he was there do to a male testosterone act of his that included him riding through the halls naked on a broom a sight that I would have paid galleons to see. Any way we were cleaning trophies and one thing led to the other and we were about to kiss when one of his buddies came in and almost caught us. Of course he called my a queer and then punched me in the face leaving dazed and confused for a good hour before I head to the nurses office.

I was fine for a day or so until people started to avoid my like a werewolf with rabies that is when I learned that everyone knew and that the jerk had told them I came on to him. Afterwards people including his friends have been harassing me of course Professors ask me about it but I tell them nothing is wrong though I am sure none of them believe me . I figured if I say anything then it would make matters worse but now it has gotten so bad that I have thought about ending my life...." tears were once more running down Jamie's face as he stood up no longer wanting to look Samuel in the eyes. Jamie stood by the window as he looked out the darken window once more long for a world without pain.

Samuel's suspicions had proven to be right, something dire had brought James to his door so early in the morning. The part-veela stayed silent throughout James' story, letting the silence linger for a few minutes more after he finished. He had no idea of how to respond to the story, how was he supposed to make his friend feel better now? Samuel remembered when he was bullied for the exact same reason as James, no he did not have an almost kiss with one of the muscular Quidditch players, but he was still demonised by his peers after it was outed he was sleeping with Buddy. The bullying Samuel had to endure was horrible, and violent to the point he visited St Mungo's a couple of times before transferring out of Durmstrang. What worried Samuel further was that the students at Durmstrang knew he was Bisexual, since he womanised while he attended there. James' experience must be one million times worse since he was fully gay, and judging by what he knew of his best friend, Samuel didn't think James had many encounters with the female students at his school, they must have known he was completely flaming. James had no chance to lie his way out of this. Yes, the Part-Veela's first thought of advice for his friend was to pretend he was something he wasn't until he left Beauxbatons for good. But that was the coward's way out. Samuel hated confrontation; whenever possible he avoided the hard-hitting topics of conversation, or situations which endangered his ability to hide things from people. He never wanted to be a burden, and knew all his problems were pathetic. Why would anybody care about his eating disorder and newly developed phobias when his friends were being tortured daily by their peers?

Knowing he needed to say something, anything to get rid of the deafening silence Samuel swallowed hard in attempt to rid the huge lump now developed in his throat. He was doing his best to act adult, although the serious aura and confident exterior an adult possessed had never come easily to him, he knew he was failing miserably, anybody could tell from miles away. "Your professors need to know about this." He stated, deciding that advising his best friend to run away from his problems was stupid, Samuel didn't want James turning into a self-inflicting ugly human being he now was. Over the past year, Samuel had changed and he knew it, but had James noticed this change? The artist hoped his friend was ignorant to what was going on in his life, but thank Merlin it seemed like James didn't know a thing. Or he was just really good at hiding his reaction to how significant this change was, or it just plain did not matter to him at all. Samuel hoped it was the latter, because then he would never have to speak of his problems to anybody, it was getting hard enough to brush off Batman's sudden tendency to ask prodding questions already. "Because then they can do something to stop it." He explained. In James' situation telling somebody who had the power to make a change was the responsible thing to do, as opposed to telling somebody pathetic like him. Maybe the younger wizard just needed to hear it. Letting out a sigh, Samuel stood up from his bed, and trudged over to James, wrapping his hand around his arm to drag him back to where they sat before. He was going to cheer James up and he was going to do it now. Samuel sat across from his friend, snatching James' left hand. He was being aggressive because he had an inkling James wouldn't agree to a palm reading unless Samuel made it clear it needed to happen. Turning his gaze to the vintage-looking book, Samuel read that he must identify the four major lines, the heart line, life line, head line and lastly the fate line which apparently varied between people. Samuel was never good at palm reading, but he was going to do his best that night.

He knew that James was a hopeless romantic, or at least had a variation of that trait and Samuel was optimistic that the promise of love and a happy long lasting relationship in the future would cheer his Spiderman up and make all his struggles worthwhile. Samuel moved his gaze from the book to James' palm, tracing circles on his palm with his thumb. He was going to start with his head line. "See here? Your head line is curved and sloping, which means you're creative." He chuckled, quickly gazing back at the book before focusing his attention back on James' hand. He needed more light. Samuel reached over to turn on another lamp, this one closer to his bed. "Your heart line starts below your index finger; do you know what that means?" Samuel questioned, not giving enough time for an answer before answering the question himself. "It means you're content with your love life." This was going well, but it must have sounded completely stupid to James, since he hadn't said what reading his left hand meant. Samuel had succeeded in acting cheerful while doing this palm reading, and it sure sounded like James had a bright future. However he was too busy with the reading to notice if it was having any effect on James. "You have two lifelines, see? That means you have extra vitality, and the deepest line forms a half circle, which shows strength and enthusiasm." He was excited to tell James that since he was reading his left hand, it meant this was his future, so he had something to look forward to after all the mess he had described, but he had to be patient and read Spiderman's fate line first. By the looks of it he had one; it began at the base of his palm and finished in-between his index and middle fingers. "This one here is your fate line. It's broken, then it changes direction after the break which means through external force, you're prone to change." He said, tracing the line as he spoke, ending the sentence with a whisper.

Now it was time for him to reveal the best news to Spiderman. Samuel closed the book, another half fake smile taking over his handsome features. He stood up to return the book to the exact spot where it lay in his bookshelf earlier. Now he knew where to find it if he tried this again. At least he knew where to distinguish one book's placing out of the many he possessed. He sat back down, his toothy grin widening as he caught eye contact with his friend. This was the part he hoped would be the icing on the cake, the part that would give James hope for a happy future so he would never consider taking his own life again. With a reading like the one Samuel just gave him, how could somebody not have hope? The part-veela was confident he did well reading Spiderman's palm, even if he drip feeded the information from the book as he went. "That wasn't even the best part." He began, pausing to let the excitement set in. Dramatic effect wasn't something Samuel usually went for in a conversation, not even for humour but this night was an exception. "I was reading your left hand, which means that I just predicted your future!" He finished, sounding a bit over enthusiastic as he waited to gauge a reaction from his best friend, finishing his cup of coffee.​

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