Marriage seems like a good idea

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Calixa Rider

Well-Known Member
Calixa is a cougar. Plain and simple. She has been of and on with many people, divorced once, and recently went through a one night stand with two guys (and one is now married, oh my!). So i need anyone who would like to, to post here or shoot me a PM. I'm open for more short relationships too, but i'd really like to think of a serious one for her.
Calixa is a very sweet woman, with a soft spot for children. Her divorce left her with nothing, which is why she came to NZ. She's had one miscarriage, which has discouraged her a little from having kids; though she would really love to have a family.

I'm also looking for friends for her too, since she doesn't really have many. Thanks for considering this; and thanks for reading!

Well She used to ride horses, and loves flowers and animals. She's very talkative, and loves social arrangements. She's a good dancer, but never took any classes; though she still loves to dance with anyone! She doesn't mined how old the person is.

She's nice, witty, and very sly. She is a god matured and humored woman. And she gets along with almost anyone :D

Hope that helps out.
Hey Cole!

We could always have Calixa see Kevin again?
Could be interesting, especially as his wfe is apparently related to Calixa.

What do you say?
Hey Summer!!!

Yeah that could be interesting! *evil grin* I like the way you think :D:D

Wanna start it?
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