- Messages
- 625
- OOC First Name
- Kathy
- Galleons
- 1,380
- Inventory
- (View)
- Sexual Orientation
- Personalities
- Wand
- Wild 10 3/4 Inch Reasonably Supple Ebony Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
- Age
- 6/2031
Rory burst excitedly through the Floo into her grandfather's entrance hall, any soot that had come with her shaking itself from her shoulders and hair to fall on the pristine marble floor beneath her. "We're here!" she yelled loudly, announcing herself to anyone that might be within hearing range. It wasn't too often that her family on the Night side all gathered in one place together, and it was for exactly that reason that she always looked forward to the Christmas celebration there with a vengeance. Some members of the family just weren't that fun by themselves, although she could never get Sophia to agree with her about this. The thought of her sister made her turn her head back over her shoulder, impatient for her and their parents to hurry up and arrive already. Or for someone to come and find her - was there no one here? They definitely weren't the sort to hide from her, that particular joke would be set up and executed by her Mustard family members only. It was sort of proof about the whole not-fun thing, really, Rory thought with a smug smile. Take that, Sophia.