Mandrake Killer

Professor James Cade

Father of 6 | Whole Again | Always
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
OOCOut of Character:
Set outside the Herbology greenhouse after lesson four.

James was furious and that wasn't something he felt very often. After spending the lesson alone repotting a new mandrake in the obscure greenhouse four he needed to unload and he knew exactly who he was going to unload on. The person who put him in that position in the first place. Maddie. James knew that she didn't like him but he didn't know she hated him enough to sabotage his school work and have him publicly humiliated like that. She'd crossed a line, he just hoped their mutual friends would agree or else things were about to get lonely for the Gryffindor.

As he made his way out of greenhouse four the rest of his classmates were coming out of the other greenhouse. James could see Maddie walking out with Hemi and Charlotte and it made his blood boil. How dare she. James quickened his pace to catch up to them before they got too far away from the greenhouse. "Oi, mandrake killer!" He yelled as loud as he could. If Maddie so much as paused, he would have all the confirmation he needed, not that he needed her to admit it, he knew it was her from the smug look on her face when he got kicked out.
Considering how badly the previous Herbology lesson had gone, this one was actually quite pleasant. Maybe it was the notable absence of James Cade? Maybe it was the fact that Maddie's sabotage had succeeded with results that she would never had imagine? Maybe it's because she had gotten away with it all? Nevertheless she was in a very good mood when she left the Greenhouse with her best friends. She was making her way back to the castle when she heard an annoying and whiny voice shouting at her. She rolled her eyes and let out a long sigh. She waited till he had finished his rant before she turned on her heel, hand on her hip and she narrowed her eyes at him. She decided to keep a considerable distance between them, getting too close to James might result in a fat lip for him, he was better off quite a distance away.

"Afternoon James, it's a nice day isn't it? How was Greenhouse Four?" Maddie teased trying to wind up the boy even more. It was nice to be on the other side for once, James was always trying to rile her up and now it had blown up in his face. Maddie was not one to be pushed and maybe James would realise that now.
Charlotte didn't know how Maddie had managed to get away with it. She barely even noticed last lesson when she killed James' mandrake after class and it confused Charlotte as to why she did it. Truthfully, it wasn't really nice to name an annoying stupid Mandrake after a friend and Charlotte could see very much why Maddie was angry about it but did she really have to kill it? Were James and Maddie even friends? It was almost like they were siblings with the way they fought and Charlotte had to admit that it slightly amused her. She walked out of the Herbology Greenhouse with her two very good friends, Maddie and Hemi, only to find James looking quite agitated. She watched as he yelled at Maddie, calling her a 'mandrake killer' and suddenly, Charlotte became quite defensive. She crossed her arms, mouth slightly open as she watched Maddie retaliate. James was not going to get away with this.

"Greenhouse Four looks very cosy. Maybe you should ask people before stealing their names next time." she sneered, giving James quite a disapproving look. She hadn't really talked to James very much and would never really talk to people she didn't know in such a rude way before but he called Maddie something Charlotte didn't like. Sure, Maddie had killed his mandrake, but there was no need to be calling her such a name. If he just let it go then maybe there would be no trouble. He could just get a new one, right?
Apparently Herbology was an easy O as long as he stayed on Maddie's good side. Hemi spent the lesson avoiding detailed conversation, opting to water and feed his mandrake over asking about James' mandrake. Maddie didn't need to confess to the murder, he already knew she was guilty, he had noticed her take longer than usual to finish her work last lesson and witnessed her behaviour in the greenhouse just before, she had sabotaged James for sure. He smirked at her as they left, there was no doubt in his mind as to the culprit. He was pretty sure Charlotte knew, in fact the entire class probably figured it out, everyone other than the Professor who seemed oblivious.

He turned his head at James' call, he was amused by the scene that was unraveling before him, letting the pair bicker amongst themselves rather than get involved at first. He didn't make any snide remarks like the other two, James was his roommate and good friend, he wasn't about to fall out with him over a dead mandrake.
James couldn't believe how nonchalant Maddie was being about the whole thing. She had just sabotaged his work and she was strutting around without a care in the world. Though he had to admit he liked watching her strut. Wait, what! James pushed his strange thought out of his head and focused on how angry he was at his fellow Gryffindor. Charlotte amd Hemi were close by and by proxy were involved. Hemi seemed to be remaining neutral which surprised him a little, what didn't surprise him was Charlotte coming to Maddie's defence, they all knew Maddie was guilty but it seemed her friends didn't really care.

"I get it Madz, you down like me, I take too much of Amy's attention whatever. Throwing food at me to start a food fight is one thing but sabotaging my classworkbis going too far, I have Detention and could have failed the year all because of your petty baseless vendetta. This has to stop!" James wasn't sure how Maddie was going to react but he was hoping for something. He usually enjoyed her blowing up like she did, but now it was about getting stuff out in the open, for everyone's sake. That and he was really pissed about his mandrake.
Maddie rolled her eyes at James, this whole situation was pathetic and she just laughed at his pitiful attempt to get a rise out of her. But if that's what he wanted then who was she to deny him? She stepped closer towards him to retaliate "you pushed your luck today James" she warned him. She noticed that he called her 'Madz' which was a term of endearment by anyone else but she knew James used it to her annoy her. Nicknames were personal and it was what Hemi usually called her, she didn't want someone like James calling her that. As far as he was concerned her name was Madeline, he had no right to be so personal and no right to use that as a way to get at her, it made her all the more angry. Her hands balled up into fists and she realised she had her wand with her and it was so tempting to get it out and duel with James right there.

Maddie was thankful, however, that Charlotte seemed to be on her side and she was a little disappointed that Hemi was taking a back seat with the argument. All of her attention had to be on James at that moment and she decided she would think about Hemi after she had finished with James. Maddie audibly gasped as James mentioned their mutual friend Amy, thankfully she wasn't here to witness this argument. She probably wouldn't want to be friends with either of them after this. "This has become so much bigger than Amy now" she said angrily to her fellow Gryffindor. She giggled at the memory of the food fight, she hadn't meant to throw the food maliciously, she thought it would be funny and it was, but if James wanted to take it that way then he was welcome to. She flicked her hair over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes at James. Was sabotaging his work wrong? Obviously yes. She felt a little guilty that he had got detention as a result but that didn't enter her head when she did it. "Well you didn't fail the year did you? Only a little bit of detention. I'd say that's pretty positive, considering how careless you were with your mandrake" she teased and sighed "you're so cute when you're angry James" she commented, only half joking... right?
Charlotte stood and listened as James and Maddie continued to bicker, talking about someone named Amy. Hemi didn't really seem to be doing much and Charlotte was unsure if whether or not he would soon walk away, not really caring about the fight. Perhaps he agreed with James and was too scared to say anything because he was Maddie's friend? Whatever it was, Charlotte gave him a sideward glance and raised her eyebrow at him, wondering why he wasn't really doing much. She brushed it aside nonetheless and wasn't really sure what else to do about the situation. If people were just more creative with naming their mandrakes then maybe this whole thing wouldn't happen in the first place? But what the two were saying made Charlotte wonder if perhaps they had a crush on each other and the only reason why James named his mandrake Maddie was because he really liked her and wanted his mandrake to be as fantastic as the real Maddie. It still wasn't a good enough excuse and she stood there, arms folded as they continued to talk. Truthfully, the argument was starting to get a bit silly but she stayed by Maddie's side, not really wanting to leave it.

As Maddie called James cute, Charlotte couldn't help but laugh loudly in disbelief, wondering if what she was saying was really true. It didn't very much seem like it and out of everything Charlotte had agreed with Maddie with, this definitely wasn't one of them. James wasn't acting cute at all and was acting rather baby-like. Who cares if he had a little detention for it? Everyone gets detentions. Charlotte didn't think Herbolgoy was important anyway and they could easily drop it when they were older. But that didn't mean James had failed the year and she doubted the school would make him repeat because of one mess up. "It's not the end of the world, James." she told him, mocking him a little bit. As far as Charlotte knew, Maddie was right in saying that James took a poor job in caring for his mandrake. Why else would it die without fighting back? But mandrakes were stupid anyway and Charlotte hated them with everything she had. One small assignment was definitely not going to make him fail the year.
The whole thing had unravelled very quickly. James hadn't thought about what he was going to say, which wasn't unusual for the Gryffindor but he found himself in a situation where he didn't really know where he was going. Was he overreacting? Surely not, she killed his mandrake, it wasn't about the mandrake per say because he had no attachment to the plant but the girl had crossed the line by killing it. "I pushed my luck? I called mandrake Maddie, you respond by killing it, don't you think that's a little bit of an over reaction? I just thought naming the mandrake would be funny it's not my fault your so sensitive,"

It was at that point Charlotte joined in, which annoyed him, he liked the Slytherin girl, she was cute but she was clearly so entrenched on Maddie's side that she couldn't even see James' side. "Charlotte it's not about the mandrake, it's a plant after all the point is Maddie wildly over reacted and crossed the line," He knew he wasn't going to sway Charlotte, she and Maddie were close after all but he hoped she wouldn't hold this incident against him in the future.

James mentioning Amy seemed to bug Maddie, what did she mean ìf was beyond being about Amy now? Had she moved on from petty jealousy and had graduated to hating him in his own right. What Maddie said next forced a smirk onto the young Gryffindors lips. Surely she didn't just call him cute. Surely she didn't mean it. So why did part of him hope she did? "Carless? Oh you're cute, it was sabotage and we all know it, did it ever occur to you that I named my mandrake Maddie because I thought she was cute? At least by mandrake standards," it certainly hadn't been a veiled attempt to call her ugly, Maddie was a lot of things but she wasn't ugly. What was he even saying.
The whole situation was just becoming tiresome now, James had absolutely no proof so he needed to just let it go. He didn't fail the class, all he got was a bit of detention and he was no stranger to that. Maddie had no idea that her little act of sabotage would create this amount of drama. She was incredibly grateful that Charlotte still decided to back her up and decided to defend her to James. Maddie felt more guilty about lying to Charlotte than she did about actually hurting James. She hoped Charlotte would never actually find out what she did because Maddie didn't want her friend to be disappointed in her. Hopefully she would never find out because she wasn't planning on admitting to James that it was her that sabotaged the mandrake. She was sure that he would forget all about it in time anyway. Maddie scowled at Jame's statement about her being so sensitive. "I didn't do anything to your mandrake James, I think you're just looking for someone to blame over the death of your precious mandrake because you're not very skilled at taking care of them, and not very skilled at Herbology by the look of it" she retaliated, the comment about her being too sensitive really annoyed her and he wasn't about to get away with it.

She rolled her eyes, maybe she did overreact at the time but now he was just as bad by overreacting this time. Her comment about James being cute clearly didn't have the effect that she wanted it to have, James seemed to enjoy the fact that she called him cute and she caught sight of Charlotte and she looked just as confused. Maddie wanted to throw him off guard, off the fact that they were arguing about the mandrake so he would give it a rest but it seemed to inflame him further. The last straw was James commenting on her resemblance to the mandrake that he named after her. In the blink of an eye she pulled out her wand and directed it at James' throat. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't hex you right here and now" she snarled, inches away from James' face, close enough so she could see her own reflection in his eyes.
James always thought he had a pretty good read on Maddie, she was mischievous and seemed to like getting in trouble, and one thing for sure she didn't like James. The Gryffindor always took her dislike with a pinch of salt, he just figured he spent too much time with Amy and she didn't like that. For whatever reason. James never considered for a moment that Maddie might actually hate him, perhaps their dislike wasn't as playful as he had always thought. No part way through their second year it was like a joke that had run its course and the girl had crossed the line, she had overreacted to what was a harmless joke. The mandrake was one part annoying and one part cute (for a mandrake) what else could he call it but Maddie?

Clearly his comment about naming the cutest mandrake after her went over his head, all she wanted to do was insult him and his Herbology skills. Which he really didn't care about. Her attempts to hurt him were really not working, it was almost pathetic, but he still found it cute. Really he found her cute. He didn't like that. James didn't want to find her cute, it was weird, it was gross. It was wrong. What happened next, James would never have seen coming. Maddie drew out her wand and held it to James' neck. Surely Charlotte and Hemi weren't just going to stand there, surely Charlotte's unwavering support for Maddie would at least be shaken...surely. When Maddie asked him to give her a reason not to hex him, James smiled. A move he knew would infuriate the girl. "Actually, I can give you several. Number one, you don't want to hex an unarmed man in front of your friends who think so highly of you, especially since at least one of them is my friend too. Number two, if, when this gets back to Amy, she might never speak to you again, you wanna risk that? Three, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you're too nice to actually hex me. Four I'm way too cute to hex, you said so yourself, I mean look at this face," At that last point he beamed at Maddie. If anything that make her more likely to hex him but he was having too much fun to care. "Five, you like me a lot more than you let on, other wise the mandrake thing wouldn't have hurt you, does the thought that I might think your ugly upset you that much? Oh and six, as this is the closest you and eye have ever been to each other, in the minutes you've been stood there, with your wand to my neck I guarantee you've thought about kissing me, at least once. Twice now that I've mentioned it, at least," That was it. He'd probably have signed his own death warrant if Maddie knew the spell for it. As much as he may have been joking, some of what he said was true. He knew he'd thought about it, at least once, well twice since he brought it up.
Hemi watched as James and Maddie engaged in a back and forth over the dead mandrake. Hemi didn't think there was any point intervening, nothing was happening, that was until Maddie took out her wand. "Woah, put that away Madz, save it for the dueling chamber." He interjected, thinking that was a bit extreme, even by the troublemakers standards. After all James was actually in the right, or at least he was in Hemi's opinion. Maddie did kill his mandrake and humiliate him in front of the class. If anything James should be the one hexing Maddie (Hemi kept that thought to himself to avoid becoming Maddie's new hexing target).

Hemi silenced, letting James list off reasons why Maddie shouldn't hex him. He raised an eyebrow, feeling he shouldn't really be standing right beside Maddie listening to this, especially with the mention of kissing. This entire altercation was taking an unexpected turn. "Okay!" Hemi interrupted, Well, I don't want to listen to this." He replied, "And if you guys are going to start snogging, I definitely don't want to be around to witness it!" He looked at Charlotte, wondering if it was best to go with her and leave them to it.
The situation was becoming uncontrollable, the whole thing was unraveling before her eyes. Why did she pull out her wand? Why was Hemi not sticking up for her? Why was James trying to bait her? This was not how she imagined spending her afternoon after Herbology. She began to lower her wand until James answered her intended rhetorical question with unbelievable answers. With everything he said her eyes got narrower, her wand dug deeper into his neck. She turned to Hemi as he called for her to put her wand away "I can't Hemi, I can't let this go..." she said directly to James hoping that he would take it like a challenge. As he listed off the reasons he deemed satisfactory for Maddie to relinquish the hold on her wand she looked around at her friends and Hemi at least seemed to be regarding her with suspicion. She tried to shoot him an apologetic look, she had no idea what would happen between them after this. But she had come too far to turn back, and she was not someone to do things by halves. It was either retreat or follow through with a tirade of insults and maybe a hex to teach James a lesson.

James started listing off reasons that confused Maddie, why did James think she was too nice to hex him? He didn't know anything about her! She certainly didn't give James any reason to think she was nice, quite the contrary actually. She scoffed when he said that he was too cute to hex "don't think I wont do it!" she interjected. Yes, Maddie may be trying too hard to overcome these new weird feeling for James but she wasn't about to let him know that. Especially not if this would get back to Amy, besides she wasn't interested in that kind of thing yet... was she? Maddie felt too self conscious to admit these feelings out loud with her two best friends with her and he was still talking! She was actually getting sick of his voice and his reasons she eventually lowered her wand and stood with her hand on her hip waiting for him to finish.

Maddie rolled her eyes at his comment about her liking him more than she let on, was it that obvious? No, of course it wasn't. She was pretty sure half of Gryffindor knew about their feud, hell, half of the school knew about it. Nobody would suspect any deeper feelings that she felt towards the Gryffindor boy. She wasn't even sure of those feelings! She pinched his cheeks with her hand to make him stop talking, she glanced at his lips. Yes, now she had thought about kissing him but that was never going to happen. But she thought it would at least be interesting to entertain the idea for James' sake since he was the one who brought it up, and the one who seemed to have some alternative feelings for. After what seemed like ages, Maddie was jerked out of her daze when Hemi spoke about leaving. She took back her hand and glanced over to her friend "no Hemi, wait don't go wait for me" she called. Maddie began to slowly walk away when she quickly turned, directed her wand to James and shouted "Locomotor Mortis!" hoping the spell hit it's intended target.
James knew that Maddie wasn't going to take his comments laying down, even if every word he said was true. He wasn't sure if he actually believed what he was saying or if he was just trying to bait her, what he did know was that his own feelings for Maddie were somewhat confusing. He would be well within his rights to hate the girl given everything they had been through together, she wasn't exactly friendly towards him but he knew from Amy and Hemi that she was actually a nice person when she was with them, there was something about James that brought out her inner psycho, which to him only strengthened his argument that she had feelings for him that she was refusing to deal with that was resulting in her behaving like this.

The plan to talk her into submission appeared to work as Maddie lowered her wand away from his neck and stood impatiently waiting for him to stop talking. Eventually he did but not before he gave her plenty to think about, James wasn't sure if she was even listening, she seemed to be starring at him and if he didn't know any better he could have sworn she was starring at his lips, so she was thinking about kissing him, it was funny as he was thinking the same. If the two were alone this scenario might go an entirely different way but alas they were surrounded by their friends. Finally, it appeared that Maddie had been all talk and she back off him. That wasn't the last of it though as she turned and fired a leg locker curse at him and he was frozen in place. James sighed and pulled out his own wand and pointed it at Maddie, it was drastic but she fired the first shot. "Stupefy!"
The rest of what had happened had all unfolded quickly for Charlotte. She watched in shock as Maddie took out her wand and pointed it straight at James' throat and she froze, not believing what Maddie was doing. She obviously had a lot of anger towards james right now but Charlotte did not think that taking your wand out to hex somebody was the way to solve the problem. Despite the sudden turn of events, Charlotte did not do anything and simply just stood there by Hemi's side as he began to list off the reasons why Maddie shouldn't do it. Charlotte wholeheartedly agreed with Hemi and for once closed her mouth and simply let him speak. Maddie would soon agree with Hemi too and then away her wand would go. But, unfortunately, it didn't exactly turn out like that and Charlotte screamed as Maddie used her wand to lock James' legs together.

"MADDIE!" Charlotte yelled, face in panic as she watched James freeze. They were all going to get into big trouble now and Charlotte knew that it wouldn't turn out pretty at all for the four of them. "Please put down your wand and we can sort this out another way." Charlotte tried her best to sound calm to make Maddie feel calm too but before she knew it another spell had this time come from the end of James' wand and she instinctively jumped in front of Maddie, taking the spell herself. She fell to the ground instantly, unconscious. There was no way that anyone was going to hurt her best friend.
Sorry this is late!

To Maddie's surprised her spell had actually met it's target, James froze but not before he had chance to get his own back. Things had been taken way too far, Maddie now realised this. She regretted sending the hex James' way and began to wonder how to at least try and make amends when he decided to give her a taste of her own medicine by throwing a spell her way. Just then, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Just as Maddie was about to block the spell, Charlotte ran in front of her and took the hit. "NO! CHARLOTTE!" she screamed as her best friend fell to the floor. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" Maddie shouted at James. This was not what Maddie had planned, this what not how this encounter was supposed to go. Charlotte was lying unconscious on the floor and Maddie had no idea what to do. She tried to rack her brains for the spell that would wake her up but she was in such a state of shock that she couldn't remember a thing.
Everything that happened next came in slow motion. As soon as the spell left his wand James regretted casting it. For one he didn't want to stoop to Maddie's level and two he didn't actually wand to hurt her. James couldn't believe it when he saw Charlotte leap out in front of her friend and his spell hit her square in the chest and she hit the ground. James dropped his wand and it had barly left his hand before he was sprinting to an unconscious Charlotte. Maddie was screaming at him that it was hia fault and for once he agreed. He had stunned Charlotte and now she was unconscious. "Charlotte! Come one Charlotte wake up!!" James tapped her cheek as if somehow that would bring her out of it. "No! NO!" James looked up at Maddie, "ARE YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF!!! What you couldn't handle a few quips from me so you draw your wand, LOOK AT HER!" James knew it was his slell that did this to her but her actions had led to wands being drawn. They were both to blame for this but he was too angry to be rational and calm about it.
James was sat behind his desk inside the Greenhouse going over some pathetic excuse for OWL preparation essays. The man sighed in exasperation as he thought about the students who would soon be taking their OWLs and who were clearly under prepared. He would need to up his game in the coming weeks. There was suddenly loud noises coming from outside the Greenhouse and the sounds were unmistakably the sounds of spells being cast. That was never a good thing to hear. The Professor dropped his quill on top of the pile of parchment and got to his feet. He needed to see what was going on outside and deal with it if need be.

The man was not prepared for what he was about to see when he stepped outside the Greenhouses and saw a group of students, too young to be in his classes they mostly likely were not long out of one of the early years classes. To his horror he saw one girl laid on the floor and she looked unconscious, there was a lot of screaming between one boy and the other girl. If James had to guess, those were the two firing spells at each other and the other girl got in the middle. James quickly made his way over to the group. "Everybody calm down," James crouched down and placed two fingers to the girls neck. "Which one of you cast a stun spell?" He looked up at the two second years wondering if they would own up or try to pin the whole thing on the other. "No matter, we need to get Miss Owens to the hospital wing and as for the rest of you," He noticed another student standing a little further off, he didn't think he fired a spell but he was clearly a friend of one of theirs. "The rest of you are going to..." James took a moment to look at the group, he recognized them as Gryffindors, all three of them. "Professor Kingsley's office, whether you fired a spell or not she will deal with you,"
Hemi wasn't sure what happened, it all escalated so quickly! He turned back when spells started being thrown about. He instinctively removed his wand from his waistband ready to use if he needed but there was no need, the damage was done, "Charlotte!" He shouted, running back and crouching down at his stunned friend side, unsure what to do next. "Why did she do that?!" He looked at Maddie and then to James and then to... Professor Woodlock?! Where did he come from? Hemi groaned inwardly at the Professors arrival.

Hemi had no idea how to explain what happened, nor did he want to. For once in his life he hadn't actually done anything wrong but was still being sent to Professor Kingsley, he thought that was very unfair. "It was an accident." He said, avoiding answering his question, "She'll be alright though." He decided, in Hemi's opinion stunning spells always looked worse than they actually were.
Phaedra just finished her second year class and went to her office for a couple of minutes to grade some homework from the last lesson. She might have been guilty shaming her student but no one really learns if you just deduct some points, they will still do the same act over and over. So, she has to do what she has to do. Upon checking one paper and grading it, the Professor's calm environment was shattered by screaming from outside of the greenhouse. She immediately stood up from her chair and came outside of greenhouse two.

A group of students she recognized as hers and her colleague, Professor Woodlock, were huddle in a circle. "What in Merlin's beard is going on here?" Phaedra asked Professor Woodlock rather than her students while walking toward them. She stopped behind Professor Woodlock, enough to see that there's an unconscious girl on the ground, it was Charlotte Owens, her best student. "James, is she okay. Does she still have a pulse?" The young Professor asked frantically. First job handling children and she's already failing it.

Phaedra managed to glance at the other children there, she pinched the bridge of her nose when she spotted James Cade. It seems that the kid is always in trouble since she started here. "Mr. Cade, every time I see you there's always something happening. I would like to take all the Gryffindor points just for this but I'm in no position to do so." She told the boy. Phaedra couldn't help but shake her head slightly in disappointment.​
For a moment James didn't know what to do. He needed to get Charlotte to the hoslital wing. She was just stunned by the look of her so she would be fine but je wanted her to be somewhere she could be watched while she came to, he also needed to get the duelists to Professor Kingsley's office but he couldn't do both at the same time. As look would have it he was soon joined my Professor Kazuyuki his new Herbology colleague. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her."Merlin yes she has a pulse, she's stunned but just to be safe could you take her to the hospital wing? I need to get these three up Professor Kingsley so she can deal with them," He noted the way she spoke to James Cade and assumed in her short time at the school she had already had a run in with the boy. Some students were just magnets for trouble, especially in that year group.
Maddie ignored James shouting at her, the only thing on her mind at that moment was making sure Charlotte was alright and getting her help. She was going to suggest carrying her to the hospital wing but then a Professor emerged from the greenhouses and Maddie knew that this was the end. The only thing that could make this situation worse was the arrival of not only one, but two Professors and one of those Professors was incredibly strict. She could not even enjoy Professor Kazuyuki's comment to James because she was so worried about her best friend. Maddie didn't want to get in lots of trouble for what happened so she hoped that the male professor would just give them a slap on the wrist and let them go. But no such luck, Maddie audibly gasped when the male Professor told them that he was taking them to Professor Kinglsey. "Great" she thought "that's all we need" the young Gryffindors were not exactly on the best of terms with Professor Kingsley, especially since it was partly Maddie's fault for getting the curfew enacted last year. She sighed and followed the Professor back up to the castle. She took another look at Charotte and felt so bad for the state that she was in, she hoped Charlotte wouldn't be too angry with her. A lot had past between the two girls recently but Charlotte's loyalty to Maddie had never faltered. Which made Maddie feel even worse, the fight with James was never supposed to include anyone else but yet here they were with Charlotte lying unconscious. To make matters worse Hemi was made to join them in Professor Kingsley's office when he was the one telling her to leave.
Professor Woodlock confirmed that Charlotte does still have a pulse and will get through it. Phaedra nod in agreement when asked to take the unconscious girl up to the Hospital Wing, "I'll take care of her. Best to go and catch Professor Kingsley." She said while taking out her wand. Wandless magic is just weak to levitate a human than lighter stuff. Though, thank Merlin she's wearing flat shoes today or else, she's going to attend a funeral. With a swish and flick of her wand and a non-verbal levitating spell, Charlotte was lifted up a couple of feet from the ground. "We're off ... and children ... good luck." With a sarcastic smile, Phaedra started walking up to the castle, in front of Phaedra was Charlotte's body levitating. Peacefully sleeping. The Professor just hopes that she remembers everything and can rat out whoever did this to her.

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