Closed Making Silly Mistakes

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped dropout
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (17)
Gregory was trying his best to stay out of the way. He was doing pretty well at it so far, and he was beginning to feel a little more comfortable. He was still nervous, and his nervousness always made things worse. Gregory had accidentally dropped his glasses that day, and they were now held together with tape. He was looking for either Sky or Renata, two girls who had once been real kind to him. He was sure one of them would help him with his glasses. The Hufflepuff left the Hufflepuff common room and was heading down the corridor looking for them. He knew he should try the arts room, that was a likely place for them to be. But he was glanced about a lot, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, which was silly. Gregory knew in the back of his mind that in doing this he was playing with fire, and of course his luck was as it always was because he walked straight into someone else, causing his glasses to fall to the ground.
June had been exploring many parts of the castle already. But the place where she came the most was the Slytherin area and the library for sure. Ofcourse the blonde wanted to be prepared well, she needed to be the best. Nothing else was possible. So as she made her way to the library she than figured she could also be close to the Hufflepuff area. It was disgusting ofcourse, but she could use some puffs to wrap around her finger. And they were easy. She believed. June walked further with two books in her hand and as she continued she noticed someone coming her way. As she tried to avoid him than this idiotic person walked at her and didn't seemed to be looking where he was going. And bumped into her. June counted to ten in her mind, she was not usually very short tempered, but this was just very idiotic. And her books fell on the ground. And the persons glasses it seemed. June ofcourse grabbed her own books, before making sure the boy was good. She couldn't care less, but ofcourse she had to play nice. '' Are your glasses working?'' she just asked. It was also an realistic questions since he bumped into her.
Gregory reached down to his glasses and pressed them on to his face. The boy was glad that he hadn't caused her any injuries. The boy was a little nervous about the reaction, and certainly he had reason to be, as the first thing that she said was a comment about his glasses. His glasses did have tape around the bridge of it. ”Yes…sorry I wasn't looking,” he responded shyly. He took the glasses off and wiped them on his jumper. ”Sorry for bumping into you,” he added, his voice going quiet. He wanted to move away from her, but was a little afraid to.
As June had her books in her arms again and they both stood up again. She watched the boy. As she took an good look of him and how he was she already got an feeling which house this boy came from. He seemed to be nervous or something so June figured this was fun. And perhaps she could use this. But she would see how he behaved, before labeling him. As she noticed his glasses she thought of how stupid they looked, and how poor that seemed they were broken. Why wear them than? June put on an nice smile and figured she was gonna charm him. '' I can see why you weren't looking.'' She than pointed at his glasses. And as he apologized she noticed how small he became as she observed his body language. June was good in that, and mostly her thoughts of someone were true. People who were harder to read was more of an challenge. But he seemed to be just really who he was, which was stupid and clumsy to June. '' It's ok.'' She than said lying. She hated people touching her and she wanted to look in the mirror right now. But that had to wait. '' What happend to your glasses, they are like really broken.'' June than mentioned. If she knew the spell to fix it she would. And didn't this boy knew one?
Gregory frowned a little, looking down at the ground. He wasn’t sure what she meant. That having glasses made him defective, or that the classes being broken made him unable to see. ”the glasses work…” he trailed off as he spoke. Not sure if he should say anything. She didn’t seem particularly evil or mean, but he didn’t get the impression that she was nice either. Instead, it was some middle ground, and I made him nervous. He took off the glasses, looking at them for more breaks. ”I dropped them,” he said quietly as they slipped back on. He was just always in the way, and clumsy, so they had fallen from his face when he tripped. ”They work fine, though,” he assured her. ”The tape keeps them together,”
As the boy spoke she had to listen really good. He seemed so shy and not very bright. June just nodded at him. She figured she could be irritated by this person. But perhaps she could use him also, to do stuff for her and have an bit of fun. You had to be smart about stuff, and lying to him would. She watched him and listened and there went several insults in her mind about what she thought of this hufflepuff. '' But what if you drop them again?'' June than asked and put an nicer face on. '' I wish I could fix it for you. But I'm just an first year and can't perform that magic. Do you?'' June than asked him. Trying to see if he was an first year or something. '' The tape is not the best solution than perhaps?'' June than replied and figured she could offer something else to get him at her side and think of her as very nice. '' I know it. '' She than smiled. '' I can buy you an new one. Whatever you like.'' June than offered and smiled at him.
Gregory felt a little nervous about this girl. She seemed nice enough, but he still wasn't sure. He didn't felt comfortable, though since he'd gotten back to school, he hadn't felt confident once. ”I will drop them again,” he replied, since even when he could see where he was going, he was liable to trip up over air. ”One of the older kids knows a spell. I think I learn it this year,” he said, he didn't have charms till the second semester, but maybe he might be able to do it earlier. ”Oh no…you don't need to do that, these are just fine…,” he told her. Of course, it would be nice for her to do that, but he was worried that she would want something for it eventually. ”I'd just break them too,”
June really had runned into an big idiot. Why wear glasses if you only brake them again? Wasn't there any spell which made you not have to wear glasses anymore? At least he could use an better glass, this one looked silly. And if he wanted to not be bullied or anything he better could listen to her. But she had to get to know more about the boy, what he liked and stuff. He would be funny to mess with for sure she could tell. '' Why does that happen?'' June than asked him. '' Oh that's good. How old are you?'' June than asked him. Trying to find out which year he was in. Than she already knew how long she had to wait for that spell to learn. She watched at the glasses and than thought. If he really was so clumsy as he said he was they would be broken again soon, not that she cared. '' It's no problem. I would like to give you one.'' June than said. '' How long do you have this one?'' June than asked him. She could give him the most ugly glasses ever and make him believe they are pretty. But she had to see if he would take it.
Gregory gave a little shrug, ”I trip up a lot, and they fall off,” he replied with a shrug. ”I'm twelve, my birthday is the 1st of January,” he replied with a little smile, the girl was putting him a little at ease. In his gut, he didn't want to trust her, but she seemed nice. ”When's your birthday?” Gregory asked with a shy half smile. He shook his head, though, as she offered to buy him a new pair of glasses. As much as it would be nice, he knew he'd break them, and that would be so rude, she'd be mad at him for doing so. ”I've had these a year or so,” Gregory replied while shaking his head. ”I really don't need a new pair, I'll just get a professor to fix these,”
As June heard his explanation it made her wonder how one could ever be so stupid to trip over themselves. She heard and read about an trip jinx but that didn't seemed like the point with this guy. This was just an reason why she thought Hufflepuff was such an dumb house. It was sure not someone who the house could be proud of. June than watched him with an concerned fake look. He was older than she was and June actually wondered how he could be older than she was. But than June smiled as they were suddenly talking birthdays. '' That's an special day.'' June replied. '' My birthday is on March 15th.'' She than commented and smiled shortly. It was hopeless this boy. And she was done with his whining. '' There are also something like contact lenses. Perhaps that is something helpfull.'' The blonde than suggested. If she could tell the boy in an nice way that he looked stupid with that on this was it. '' Just think about it. '' June than said. '' I know an professor who is very good with spells. He can help you. Perhaps even make it unbreakable'' June said with an smile, meaning Misha ofcourse. No idea if there was an spell for that. '' I'm June by the way. What's your name?'' She than asked, trying to remember this idiots name and see how people thought of him.
Gregory shrugged a little, knowing that his birthday while it could be special and his dad made sure he felt good on his birthday, it had just been the day that had been picked for his birthday. He knew this. ”Nice,” was all he said in response, not bothering like she had to call it special, just to said good essentially. He shrugged a little at her, ”Dad said he'd look into it when I was a bit older,” that had been before magic. So he didn't know what that meant now. Perhaps it was something to consider. ”Oh it's okay, I don't need to bother a professor with it, I can just find a prefect,” he said, he didn't want professors involved necessarily. They would probably ask questions more so than any student. ”Gregory,” he replied. He put out a nervous hand to formally shake hers. ”Nice to meet you, June,” Though he still wasn't sure if that was actually right.
As June tried to read what the boy would think she smiled thinking being friendly and make him feel good about himself was something she needed. But the boy was annoying and boring and glasses were already stupid, but broken ones even more. It had no use she figured so just nodded with an smile. '' It will look and work better for you. Believe me.'' June than just said lying obviously. And was bored by this conversation and loser in front of her. '' What you want. But that is just temporary as you said.'' June figured she had to be more direct. '' Don't think that would help you.'' June than put on an fake concerned look. '' I'm sure not everyone is so nice as me. If you accidently bump at someone?'' June than asked him, trying to see if her image of the boy was right. He was sure an victim of bullies she could tell. '' But your choice.'' June than quickly added and smiled. He put out his hand and June didn't actually liked to shake it but June touched his hand and noticed his body language. And quickly put her hand back to her side. '' Nice to meet you Gregory.'' June said and really hold in herself to do something mean to the boy right now. '' How less can you see without your glasses?'' she asked the boy curiously.
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Gregory didn't think he would win this argument, she had her thoughts on it and he just stayed silent. He knew that everyone was not as nice as she was or had been. But he knew that only part of that issue was his glasses, but he didn't want to add to her already likely negative opinion of him by making himself look worse, even if that was how he was. He was quick to pull his own had back. "Oh, I'm pretty lost without them," he did specify how bad it was, not sure that he wanted her to know, still not wanting her to know but that was enough. "It's why I tape them up, until someone can fix them,"
This boy seemed to hold back June figured. He was not answering all of what she said so she stopped the energy in this. But now she had an clear image of what she thought the boy was. And that was what mattered for now. And now it was time for fun. Especially as he said he was lost without it. She just nodded about the taping and gave him an warm fake smile. And than wanted to see if this boy would trust her. '' It's kind of smart to tape it than, otherwise you can't see.'' June than replied. '' Now I understand.'' June lied and smiled to him. '' I've always wondered how glasses would look on me. They say it makes you look smarter. Can I try it? We can test your tape skills as well.'' June than asked him, wondering what his reaction would be.
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Gregory nodded in agreement, since he did think it was the best stop gap method when his glasses broke. He wasn't exactly sure why she wanted to try glasses, nor did he trust it, but she hadn't really given him any reason to not trust her with them so he took the glasses off and handed them out to her. "They're a pretty strong prescription, so it'll probably give you a headache," Gregory told her a little nervousness in his voice, but perhaps this would be fine.
As the boy was thinking of what she suggested it was interesting to see to June what he would decide. If he was giving the glasses away it was an sign that he was not, not trusting her. And she did something right. And it would mean he was influencable. As he took the glasses of and handed them over June smirked. '' How long do you have your glasses already?'' June asked him trying to distract him for an moment. '' Let me put down my books first.'' June said after taking the glasses quickly with one hand and walked over to an bench close to put down her books. She looked back to Gregory but as he was honest he could not see what she did. '' I couldn't decide what to study, so brought a lot of books.'' June said trying making conversation and grinned for an moment. She than smirked and as she put the books down she turned around to Gregory. '' I'm wondering if I really get an headache as you say.'' June went on. And turned around again, quickly slipping the glasses in her pocket from her skirt all the way down so it was impossible to see it was inside.

There were students walking by so it wasn't like they were alone. But she made sure she protected herself. So June was smart about the joke she was gonna pull on him. There was no way she could get caught.
'' Huh?'' June than acted like the best role she ever played. '' It was just there on the bench..'' The blonde than pretended to look for it as she put her bag from the bench and looked around it. With her back towards Gregory she grinned mean. This would be fun. And she wondered how he would react. '' Gregory.. Your glasses are gone.'' June than said as she walked closer to him and put on an sad face. '' How is that possible? I mean they were just right there.'' June sighted. And looked around to the students walking by. She had already been thinking ahead of to who she could give the glasses back. An person she wanted to see and him to see her.
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Gregory shrugged at the question. ”A long while,” he said, a little anxiously. He had given her the glasses and was shifting from one foot to the other. He just nodded along with what she said. ”If you get headaches you might need glasses,” he hadn't been aware that she had placed the glasses down or anything. If he had known that she was putting them down, he would've asked for them back. He had followed her a little but hadn't noticed much. He had been looking mostly at the ground. So he was very concerned when June started being concerned, or seeming concerned. ”They're gone?” He asked nervously….”How's that possible?” he asked. He frowned, glancing around, unable to make out too much. He wasn't blind, but his glasses were doing a lot of work. ”Can you look again?” he asked nervously. ”Maybe they just fell?” he didn't know what he'd do without them. Gregory bent down on to his knees and began feeling around where she'd just been, trying his best to find them.
June wondered what would go inside the boys mind right now. She could tell that he was not confident at all. And June was in a way suprised he trusted her with the glasses. But he was an dumb Hufflepuff so obviously he made that choice. And she was gonna play the innocent part. '' Oh really?'' June replied to the headache part. She was never gonna wear glasses. As she stood in front of him and heard his reaction she could hear he was nervous and stressed out about them gone. '' I.. I don't know?'' June than reacted. As he wanted her to look again that was what June already hoped. He was not getting mad at her directly and all. So it was working. '' Yes ofcourse..'' June replied and as she turned her back to his to pretend to search on the bench underneath it and beside it she smirked. June than put her bag on the bench. '' And put out her books out. '' It's not around the bench or under. But I will look between my stuff in my bag. But I know for certain I put it on the bench.'' June watched to him and back to her stuff. As he started to bend down on his knees June was pleased with herself and how this turned out. He was really helpless without them. '' Is there anyone who had been mean to you? Or broke your glasses?'' June asked him wondering if he would answer it honestly. June than put her stuff back in her bag. '' It's not here..'' June than looked around, trying to think of possibilities. She was gonna leave him to this and she actually had since she had class soon.
Gregory was more and more worried. Of course it was never good when his glasses broke, but to not have them, that was by far even worse. He just didn't know what he would do without them, or how he would manage to do his classes or any work if he simply couldn't really see enough of it. The boy sighed heavily as the girl seemed to suggest that someone had taken them. Cassius was cruel but he tended to only annoy Gregory by hurting, he wouldn't do something without the boy know it was him who'd done it. "A few names spring to mind," he replied with a solemn expression. "I'm gonna go...look in the library, maybe someone picked them up and took them there," he said. "If you see them, can you give them in to Professor Carter?" he asked.
June hold on to her innocent act and watched Gregory as she put her bag again and put it around her. He really seemed to be touched as she had asked him who could done this. And more pleasure as he didn't suspected her at all. Hufflepuffs were so dumb, and easy to fool. And she felt very smart herself. He actually had some people in mind and she was certain it was not herself. She nodded, but figured to not ask directly he was open now and it was good enough for now. She nodded to him as he suggested leaving and was actually glad when he would, so she could move on. '' Yeah that is an good idea.'' June than replied. '' Be careful ok?'' She than acted to be worried. '' I have class right now. I'm so sorry I have to go.'' It was not an lie, but she actually wanted to leave this loser right now as well. And as he mentioned the person she had already been thinking of and was part of her plan, her lips curled. '' I will! I'm gonna help you find it. '' June replied and sighted. This was just perfect. And an first meeting with the person she very much hated. With an concerned look she watched him and than turned around. And started smirking as she walked away from him. This offered so many chances. She could put the blame on anyone she hated. But it depended how Landon would react. She would improvise.
The girl was leaving. Gregory nodded, just sure that she had had something to do with it, but he hadn't been paying attention and now his glasses were just gone. He was left looking around himself, seeing everything just blurry, and knowing that at least his dorm was close enough. He knew he could just spend some time there, and surely someone like Zerrin or Ezra wouldn't mind him following them to class. This was not ideal, and certainly he needed to tell the head of house, but venturing all the way to the greenhouses didn't seem like a smart idea.

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