Making friends

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Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
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Mixed Blood
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Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
So, I have two major characters right now and one minor......

So, first off is Conan. Well Conan, is a easy to befriend and he just moved in so I'm kind off looking for some people who want to be friends with him. Well, he can be protective with his friends and such.... My plan is that most of the time he could be together with his sister Ai, so if you have any other plot suggestions, feel free to PM me. And those who want to be friends with him, feel free to post.

Conan Edogawa​

The other character is his twin sister, Ai. Well, Ai has sort of a hard to befriend personality. But, I really want her to become friends with someone. So if you think you can handle her shyness, stubborness, and sometimes being mean, feel free to post. My plan is for her to stick close to her brother because she finds it hard to be close with other people because she is afraid to lose them... So if you have plot suggestions, feel free to PM me as well.

Ai Edogawa​

Well, if any house for both of them is fine with me. As for my other character I'll be posting him as well maybe in a few days or so.
hey i have stefan a 4th year puff who maybe can help them out if they venture to the forest as he spends most of his time there.
thanks david..... any others???????
well I have Taylor for either of them, her bio is in the siggie.
sure taylor.... wanna rp???? just tell if you want.... ok.......
well I can't right now, but i should be good for it tomorrow and the weekend.
ok..... i'll just PM you the link and reply whenever you feel like it ok.....
I have Satsuke here that could RP with either one of the twins. I am still working on his bio.
I can live with that.

ok. satsuke..... want to start the roleplay.... just PM me the link and who you want to roleplay with or if you wish them both.....
ANY OTHERS?????????????????
I have Hannah I can offer. She's a bit shy, but I think she and Conan might be able to get along fairly well.
thanks elizabeth.... why don't you start a roleplay and send me a link if that's alright with you.
I have Ryuuji Tsukino here, but well.. he's neither a first year or a second year student... he's a 4th year ravenclaw.. so, in case you want to RP with a student of a higher year.. he's free.. :) :)
thanks Raze..... I'll be more than happy for that.... if you wish to start the roleplay, please just pm me the link and who you want to roleplay with ok, or if you want both of them...
alright.. I'll start one.. it depends upon you whether you want him to RP with either Ai or Conan, or both.. :D Where should I post it by the way?
anywhere is fine with me....
alright, by the way, I'll make another character, I'm not sure if it'll be a girl or a boy though, so one he/she got sorted, would you like to RP with him/her too? this is Ryuuji's OOC by the way.. :D
sure..... i'll be really glad for that..... thanks a lot raze....
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