Open Magical Evening

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Elia Dragonova

Stern / Mother's Girl / Simplicity
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Heterosexual (Baltair!))
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual (Baltair!)
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
The fact that her boyfriend asked her to the Yule Ball, which Elia Dragonova thought was adorable. Elia did not know how to fix her hair so she wore it normal. The dress was picked out by her mom, which said it was more classy than anything, and the heels were not too bad. They were full of cushion, so she was relieved. Elia walked from the dungeons, with her hand in her boyfriend's, smiling with absolute glee. After all, the fifth year was certainly glad that she had someone like Baltair. The Slytherin looked to the Ravenclaw, "Thanks for asking me to the ball, Baltair. You know, you are certainly sweet." Elia grinned.
Baltair had headed down to the Dungeons to meet Elia as she came out of the common room. "You look absolutely amazing, but I know I don't need to tell you that." He said, happily. Baltair didn't have a pet name for Elia, other than the shortening of her first name, El. He'd heard some people refer to their partners as babe, sweetie, honey, but the best she would get from him was probably love, and when they were married, she might get wife, but he wasn't really one for pet names, nor were most people in his family, for the most part he found them to be quite distasteful, why anyone should have to allow themselves to be called something other than their name was beyond him. He didn't agree with it. "I love you so much, I hope you know that." He told her, squeezing her hand.​
Elia blushed a little bit when Baltair said that she looked amazing. The Slytherin's self esteem grew a little bit, though when she first met the Ravenclaw, her self esteem was extremely low. "Thank you," replied Elia while trying to hide her cheeks but it wasn't working at all. Elia loved hearing him say that he loved her. "I love you too, Baltair. I feel like you have made me a better person for the past couple of years." That she really believed, since she was not as pessimistic nor as serious as she used to be. Hell, she didn't smile a lot and was very dependent on her twin. Now, she was her own person, and no longer depended on Cordelia so much, nor her mom as much anymore. Maybe it was a teenage thing. As they went into the Great Hall, Elia turned to face her boyfriend, "Do you think it will be like this, all the time, in the future?"
Baltair just loved spending time with Elia, it didn't matter what they were doing, whether they were cuddling in the lounge or studying in the library or eating in the Great Hall, all he wanted to do was spend time with her because all he cared about was Elia's happiness. As long as he was the one making her happy, he would do anything to see her smile. As they got to the Great Hall, hand in hand still, Elia turned to look at him. Baltair leaned in close to her and played with her hair that hung down the side of her face. "I don't know, but I hope so. I'm only truly happy on the days I spend with you." He said, kissing her on the nose.​
Elia slowly moved to the music while staring at her beloved. The gentle touches were what she enjoyed the most. At least her mother approved of her dating him. As long as she was treated correctly. Elia nodded, "I feel the same way. I guess I just worry about the future too much. The statistics with young couples staying together until the elder years are rather slim." Elia shrugged her shoulders. "Mom and dad got married young, and well, dad died early... I should just stop freaking out about the future and enjoy what's now, huh." Elia had a knack for doing that. A lot. Even with her career choices.
Baltair wasn't sure what the future held for him, he had no idea really what he wanted to do, though he had some thoughts, but all he cared about was that his life in the future coincided with Elia's. He loved her and his brother approved of the relationship, not that Parker really could say anything, given his relationship with that Kaster wh*re. They'd even had a son that Baltair frequently ran into in the corridors of his home, which was horrifying. He didn't even care to know the boy's name, though he was older than Baltair. "Don't worry about that Love, we'll never falter, I know it." He said, leading her into the hall properly.​
Baltair's confidence gave her the ease that she desperately needed. Elia placed her hands around Baltair's shoulders once they were onto the dance floor. As much as she loved the Ravenclaw she was dancing with, the future still scared the hell out of her. "I wish you could have met my dad. I think you would have liked him. At least his food. He was a chef." Elia missed her dad's cooking, much more than anything else. Now, she would have to settle for him meeting her stepdad and her mom, who was a lot scarier and hard to impress than anyone else she had ever met.
Baltair moved his hands to Elia's waist as they started dancing. Every moment he got to spend with Elia was never enough because they were in seperate houses so they didn't get to spend as much time with her as he would like. "I would have liked to meet your Dad, we could have had a cook off!" Baltair had always liked cooking since he learned back in first year how to. "You'll have to meet my brother at some point." He would rather keep Elia away from his crazy family, but they would need to meet her at some point, even though Parker already knew all about her.​
Elia grinned as Baltair suggested that they could have had a cook off between the two. She was sure her father would have loved it. "Your brother?Is it around our age?" Then again, at some point, Baltair would need to meet her own brother, who was in school now and dancing with a Holland from what she recognized. "My brother is a sixth year. He's here actually. He's dancing with... Diana Holland?" Elia looked over Baltair's shoulder to see it, which was surprising to her.
Baltair shook his head. "Nah, my older brother is currently the head of our family. Don't ask me for details because I don't care enough about it to tell you. He's nearly forty, or he is forty. One of them." He said, shrugging. He didn't want to talk about his stupid brother, he wanted to focus on Elia. "Really?" He asked looking in the direction she was looking. He hadn't officially met Cole yet, and he didn't know Diana. "Holland, as in Minister Holland? I knew she had kids, but I didn't actually think about what that would mean, of course her kids would go to school with us." He said, shrugging.​
Elia cocked her head to the side, but she wouldn't ask for details. But his brother was close to forty? That was her mom's age. Or around it. But head of the family? Wait, was that like uncle Collineus? He was the head of the Cardosi family. The Romanes and Dragonov(a) were not like that, she assumed. Elia decided to drop the subject though. "Yeah, the Minister. It is weird that minister kids would come here. I know that Minister Snow's did, then Kingsley of course, and now Holland. Just weird that my brother would dance with someone linked to being famous." Elia frowned a bit. Cole wasn't like one to want to be in the spotlight, but being around a Holland, wouldn't that happen anyway?
Baltair had never had much to do with either his parents or his Grandmother, but since his parents had died four years ago or so, he didn't really care about them, he hadn't for a long time and hadn't even really noticed their absence in his life. It was really only when his Grandmother had died in 2039 that he'd really felt an impact as that was when Isla had taken over and things had gone nuts. He remembered that the most because it had been just after his sixth birthday. "Yeah, that is a bit weird, I mean if I was the Minister, I would send my kids to Durmstrang or something, you know keep them out of the limelight, but I suppose it has a lot to do with appearances too, like maybe they don't want people to think they look down on the education of the local school?" Baltair didn't want kids though, he thought they were horrible. He hoped Elia never got pregnant, how terrifying. All his parents had ever done from the moment they'd gotten married was have kids, what a horrible way to live life. He looked back over at Cole and Diana. "They look cozy... isn't she your roommate?"
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