
Viktor Styx

obsessive ⛧ quiet ⛧ assassin
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Asexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
After being sorted into Ravenclaw, which had no preference otherwise, Viktor waited a day before going out and exploring. He had yet to really speak to anyone, or look at anyone. No, he had his eyes on something else. Viktor walked along the forest line, looking at the trees and which one would be best to climb. Ah, there was one, but he would need something to help him get that boost up there. Viktor loosened his tie, and tossed it around the branch. Holding it with both hands, he used it to keep himself steady as he walked up the big trunk, before grabbing the branch and climbing up. He got as high as he could go without risking some harm being done to him. This would make a great cover... The leaves and branches hid him rather well, and the darkness the place held was comforting. Viktor scanned the area. No doubt some other first years would come in, wanting to be brave and prove themselves to be brave when they were in fact worthless. Viktor just did not care. He wanted to climb trees and learn how to observe from above, and right on the line, he could see a little into the forest, and much of the lawns. His silvery green eyes watched eagerly, looking for someone to observe.
Goodness gracious, what the h3ll was wrong with the sorting hat? There had never been any Howard sorted into Hufflepuff before and Sybil? Sybil Jin Howard was a Puff? Not that Chyou and Devlin cared that much of the four houses but being around those jolly, cheerful people irritated Sybil. She had just gotten there and had already broken so many vases and furniture due to her anger issue. Friendly? Loyal? Honest? Fair play? Sybil didn't even know what those words mean. "Get out" She stared at her dorm mate before throwing the chair to the wooden door. Sybil marched to the forbidden forest with frustration luring all over her face. If there was anyone that she wanted to meet then it would be Calvin the Gryffindork. Her pupils grew larger as she began to be more furious than ever. She took a stone and threw it hard to the empty bird's nest that she thought was occupied. If Sybil couldn't be at peace then those little birds or any other creatures should share the same fate.
Viktor heard some footsteps, and closed his eyes. The footsteps were belonged to someone his age, and somewhat short. Well, shorter than him. Very light. This was really helping. However, he heard a small sound and reached out his hand and caught the rock. He opened his eyes, and released the rock from captivity. Viktor climbed down slightly from the tree to see the girl that threw the rock. He didn't see what she was aiming at. Viktor perched on the lowest branch, but still about seven feet from the ground. One of his hands held on to the branch above his head, to keep himself from falling. Viktor shared the same features that those within the Styx family did. A cold face, and a very stiff posture. Viktor was more like his dad than the others of his siblings. He was also the most quiet. Viktor shrugged his shoulders toward the girl, almost as if he was asking what her problem was, without using his voice. Viktor kept his eyes on the young girl, hardly blinking.
Isaac barely thought about which house he was sorted into, as long as he made the right friends and no one got in his way of succeeding here at school he was fine. He wondered where his friend Jaime Huberta went off to, he knew he got sorted in Slytherin which was fine with Isaac but still, he wanted to find out who else he could hang out with and befriend. Jaime was pure so he was sorted with being allowed to be his friend. The boy sighed as he walked on the quieter part of the grounds, exploring and seeing which places were good ones to claim for homework and some Isaac time. He stopped, looking around him. He seemed to have arrived at the forest. Forbidden? Psh sure. There wasn't anything more dangerous than his family and cousins, all pures in fact. Rolling his eyes, the first year decided to make his way into the forest because he couldn't wait to find out the reason for it being forbidden, honestly. "What...are you doing?" He asked the boy who seemed to enjoy himself on that tree. He had that familiar aura about him but the ravenclaw could not remember from where. "Aren't you in my house?" He asked another question, but the boy started to climb down and only then did Isaac notice the girl. He raised his eyebrows. "Who are you?" If these two weren't pure, he'd be in trouble and there was no way he was going to interact with them.
Miss Volt had been enjoying a perfectly pleasant evening, drinking cocoa in front of the fire with a large Charms text book on her lap, when none other than a Howard child threw a piece of furniture across the dormatory and storming out. Clearly something had upset the poor girl. Geo hadn't had a chance to talk to her properly yet, but the idea that someone was that angry made the Hufflepuff nervous. What if she were to come across others and take her anger out on them? It simply wasn't fair on anyone else to have to deal with someone like her.

Geo pulled the quilt from her lap, removing herself from her studies, and began to follow Sybil around the castle, careful to keep far enough behind that she hopefully wouldn't notice she were on her tail. Eventually the angry Hufflepuff made her way to the forbidden forest. Geo wasn't sure it was the best place to go when angry, and Geo crept onwards quietly, remaining in the shadows. She had to get Sybil back to the common room, there was no need for her to be out, especially not in the forest.

When Sybil was spotted by some other first years, it dawned on the girl that maybe that was her plan all along. Did Sybil have a secret set of friends that were plotting against the others? Keeping silent and still, she observed, waiting for the scene to unravel.
Sybil noticed the presence of another boy in the forest, gesturing whatever he wanted to say to her. "I don't read minds. If ya got anything to say then speak unless you're mute" Sybil said flatly. She returned the cold glare and locked her eyes at him before the two young wizards were interrupted by another boy asking who they were. What the h3ll is wrong with forbidden forest? The only reason why she went there was because she thought students weren't supposed to be there and Sybil could have her peaceful moment. "How dare you speak to me? Who the h3ll are you?" Feeling annoyed with the attitude of the other boy, Sybil snapped back at him. Sybil hated it when someone acted more superior than her. She would never get her @rse down to the bottom of the food chain, never.
Viktor listened as the girl did not understand his gesture. He sighed, questioning what sort of students were allowed in the school. His eyes crept to another boy, asking if he was in his house. Viktor gave a curt nod before adjusting himself so that he sat comfortably on the branch. The boy asked who he was. Viktor looked around before taking a twig, and snapping it into bits. He tossed them toward the boys feet. It was a symbolism of his name because Styx and sticks sounded awfully similar. He remember his name. Isaac. With a pure blood family surname. Hades did his research and passed it to Viktor. The boy looked up as he heard something. Another set of foot prints. Very quiet. Someone was trying to spy. A cruel smirk spread across his lips. How fascinating, and foolish. The two below him might not have even noticed that someone was eavesdropping. He just didn't know who. His eyes went back to the curious boy and the girl who acted like she had something to prove.
The Ravenclaw rolled his eyes at the tone of the girl. She was acting pathetic and unfortunately for her Isaac's patience was running thin today, not that it was that unusual for someone of his blood but normally he'd keep his cool. "For your information, little girl, my name's Isaac Kendall-Wu. Yes, a pure so unless you have anything positive to say then don't bother." He scoffed, rolling his eyes at her once more as he grew more annoyed by the minute. That had not been cool, for her to growl at him like that. She was definitely someone Isaac would choose not to put up with if he had a choice as the only thing she seemed to be good at was arguing. Seeing the other boy nod made him feel slightly better, at least he sort of knew someone from his own house now. Though he couldn't disagree with the fact that the girl had been right and the boy did seem a little strange for not having said one word this entire time.

When he threw sticks at Isaac, Isaac simply stared at them and then back at the boy. Yeah insane to say the least. "'re a..." he trailed off, trying to figure who he was. "Oh. You're a Styx, aren't you?" Isaac straightened, making sense of the sticks at his feet. "Glad to say that I have not wasted my time by speaking to you then." He grew silent for a few minutes. "Did you guys hear that?" His voice lowered and he narrowed his eyes as he looked behind him, noticing a figure spying on them. Isaac smiled. "Hey. Yeah you," he nodded towards the girl hiding before approaching her. "Want to tell us what it is that you're doing exactly?" His eyebrows were raised.
Geo thought she was doing a good job hiding in the background, but when one of the students seemed to catch sight of her, he approached, calling out at her purpose. Geo rolled her eyes to herself. There was some seriously stupid students in this school. She walked out from behind the tree she had been hiding behind, and looked between the three students. "I'm here to stop you getting into any trouble" She said, her tone indicating annoyance. They thought they were so tough, hanging out in the forest. "You couldn't possibly be found in a safer place on the grounds, could you? You absolutely had to be here?!" Her voice was getting more and more angry. There were things in these trees that no first year would be able to handle. "I was only out here to keep an eye on Sybil. The fact I seem to have stumbled upon your little gang was a coincidence."

Geo wasn't one to grass on others, and she had no intention of telling a Professor they were out here, but she wasn't leaving three students out here with whatever monsters lurked behind them. "I don't care what you're doing here. But you need to leave." She said, her arms crossed over her chest. She didn't even care about these students, but she would never live with herself if she left them in the forest and something happened to them.
The Forbidden Forest was not a place that Wynter frequented very often. She saw no need to. She'd failed all of her classes last year out of spite. She hated them. She didn't want to be talked at all day every day and the things she actually wanted to learn weren't even taught, so what was the point? Her mother had almost had a heart attack when she'd taken her results home, but that was just how it was. It was just something she was going to have to get used to. Wynter didn't want to follow in either of their footsteps. The only reason she was heading to the Forbidden Forest now was because she'd seen a steady stream of people heading in that direction. She had no idea if they were supposed to be sneaking or not, but if she had noticed them, then perhaps a professor would. She wouldn't mind being there for that, it would be funny and losing house points was all part of the fun.

As the second year got closer she could hear parts of conversation. Clearly some of them knew each other. As she approached she noted that she knew two of them. The younger sister of one of her friends, and that creepy boy that she kept seeing around. She highly suspected he followed her, but she'd never actually bothered to ask, because whilst it was a bit creepy, it was kind of thrilling and she liked it. "Sybil? Are you all having a party?" She quite liked parties, as a second year she didn't get invited to many. Anything between first and fourth was kind of like a go between year. They didn't get any of the cool stuff. She glanced at the boy who followed her often before looking back at Sybil. "If I saw you, probably someone important did too, like I care though."
At first Sybil was having her private moment with the nature, then next she was surrounded by people. The young girl took a sharp rock and placed it in her pocket as she listened to whatever the h3ll these people were talking about. "My grandmother is Gong Wu" Sybil stated before she threw the rock at that Wu guy, aiming for the head. "You DO NOT call me a little girl, you fool" she said sharply before a familiar voice rang in her ear. A Hufflepuff, Geovanna Volt indeed. "Well hello Geo" She said flatly, locking her eyes at the Hufflepuff as if she was her prey. And then another girl came. God d* it! "No, Wynter I am not having a party" Wynter reminded Sybil of Satchel, who was the only Howard that she would never harm.
It had been barely a day back at Hogwarts and already so much had changed internally. He wondered how a student at Hogwarts could ever feel like they received the best education due to the ever changing roster that the school had which he thought heavily on as he patrolled the grounds - he was glad for a stricter hand with students. It wasn't as if he enjoyed punishing them but a death at a school was unacceptable and if being harsher with students would prevent illness and injury he was happy to comply. Of course it would just be easier for Eduardo if the students really just followed the rules but the man knew that this would simply not happen, especially as he saw a few shadows enter the forest from further away. He did not rush over but it was no walk through a garden as he walked into the forest, his hand held in his hand ready to assure he caught all students there if they attempted to scatter and hide because the closer he got the more voices he heard. Weirdly one seemed to talk about their grandmother which Professor Orbon could not imagine mattering. His grandmother was Anita Orbon and yet he was not bragging about her or her amazing culinary skills. Still children were funny folks with funny thoughts. "I should hope you are not having a party, children, as this is a restricted part of the grounds," Eduardo said coolly to the girl who seemed agitated as he stood over them, alighting the tip of his wand wordlessly so he could see their faces clearer.
Viktor listened to the children scrabbling, which he rolled his eyes to. This was absurd. This many people, to which he solely blamed the Hufflepuff loudmouth for. Viktor's darkened eyes went to the voice of an adult. That figures. Viktor reached into his pocket, assuming he had brought some of it. He had. Viktor looked upon the girl that currently had his obsession. Hmm. Well, the professor was not one that looked like he should be alone with children but that's speculation only. A cold smirk spread across his lips. Oh this was going to be fun. Viktor swiftly threw a chunk of instant darkness powder against a tree nearby and everything flooded in darkness only the hand of glory could see through. While using this, Viktor hopped from the tree and reached for a hand he was pretty sure was Wynter, before trying to make a run for it, in the direction of the exit, hopefully from his memory. This might not stop them from being punished but Viktor wasn't about to make it easy for him either. Plus, he wanted to see how far the man will go.
Wynter looked around the group and was about to address Sybil when another voice appeared. This was not a student however, it was a teacher. She rolled her eyes, sighing. This was such a great start to the year. She was about to address him, with a clever lie, when she noticed movement from the boy she didn't know the name of. He threw something and instantly everything went dark. It would have been impossible to see where that had come from unless blatantly watching for it. She felt a hand brush hers and she grabbed onto it tightly, heading in the same direction as them. She was mostly being pulled along as she tried to use her other senses to figure out which direction they were heading. She hoped it was the boy and not someone else.
Geo was still staring at the group when she heard an older voice approaching them. Great, now they were in trouble. All she wanted to do was get her house mate out of here. A few exchanges were made between the Professor and the other students, but before Geo could explain anything the whole forest between them was covered in darkness. What kind of magic was this? Was it something the Professor had cast? Were they being transported? "Sybil?" Geo called out, her arms instinctively reaching out, hoping that the girl who was once a few feet in front of her would still be. Although surprising, Geo wasn't worried for their safety. It wasn't like it had been a creature that approached them, and she was sure that they'd make it out in one piece eventually.
Viktor could see some light ahead. Yes, he was heading in the right direction. Within a few moments of dragging who he hoped to be that Slytherin girl was the one that he had a hold of. Within a few moments, the two were out of the forest. Of course, Viktor slowed down to look behind him to see that it was the Slytherin girl that he had been following. He continued to run, as fast as he could. Viktor intended to make it to the castle, and so far, he was home bound. Smirking, he didn't care who he left behind. And within moments, the two vanished into the lawns, and toward the castle. Well, he wished the others luck. The professor saw their faces, but would he know their names so soon after sorting? Who knows.
Eduardo sighed instantly. First years were such trouble when they really didn't need to be. They were going to be caught one way or another so if they preferred it the hard way to gain a harsher punishment that was up to them. For the students who had done the wise thing and hadn't run he cast "Hominem Revelio" so that he could see them before he cleared the darkness and raised his wand high in the air, casting sparks so that the other professors patrolling the grounds would spot and catch the two running. Shortly there after Professor Orbon cleared the darkness and scowled at each and everyone of them - a look that didn't work for a man who tried to be friendly with his students. Strict friends but friends nonetheless. This was part of the reason he was so glad to be teaching the older students who were too busy studying to try such antics. "Names and houses. Now," he demanded of them.
Misha hated patrolling, he hated it so much, it didn't really do much to prevent students from going into the forest and generally when he was close to the forest something bad tended to happen. The man was however glad he was no longer stuck with the older styx, and was able to spend more time with the younger styx. He liked that styx far more. He was patrolling relatively close to the edge when he noticed sparks in the air, that was really only an indication of someone who needed help, so clearly someone had caught some students, or the creatures of the forest were less than pleased about the professor's presence in their forest. The charms professor took a step in that direction and was promptly run into by two running students. He looked down at them, at least a first year he hadn't yet had in his class, the boy, and the other one, the girl had been, so maybe two first years, or one a little older. He frowned at them both, "Right, come on, back to your dorms. If I catch either of you in the forest again, I'll take points," he told them with as much sternness that Misha could really achieve. Before pointing them in the direction they needed to go to get out of the forest, and continued towards where the sparks had been coming from. Once he got there he spotted the astronomy professor and gave the man a friendly smile, noting the three students with the man, "I assume that the two kids I just ran into were part of this pack?" he asked looking between them and then back at the professor, "I sent them on their way," Misha told him, "Do you need a hand with anything?" he pointed up to the sparks the man had put in the air, Misha was always to help his fellow professor when they needed it, though maybe not Kalif.

Godmod of the two runaways approved
As the darkness began to clear, Geo realised that two members of the group had run off during the blackout. It didn't take much to guess it included the Slytherin, and she hoped they'd have an even worser punishment for doing so. Angry at Sybil for getting her into the forest, but even more angry at herself for allowing Sybil to take advantage of her protective instincts, she released her grip on the Hufflepuff. She wasn't even her friend, why had she tried to help her? It would be the last time for sure.

Geo's stomach sank even further as a familiar voice approached them. She quickly pulled her hood up to cover her distinguishable hair, somewhat embarrassed by the prospect of her favourite teacher recognising her. "Please don't talk to me" she thought, not making any eye contact and hoping they would both just send them on their way. Professor Haden was lovely, and Geo hated the idea that he would think of her as a troublesome student. Keeping her head down low, she prayed to whoever was listening that she wouldn't be identified.
Oh wow... The party hadn't even begun and a Professor came to... To do whatever he intended on doing, then another one came. For the love of Merlin what was wrong with this school? Though it was forbidden, the forest was the only place which could really calm her down. It reminded her of her home, deep in the heart of mount cook. A spell filled the air as two of the students disappeared, leaving the three behind. She arched her eyebrow as she saw her fellow Hufflepuff looking down to the ground. 'What is she doing?' she thought. Sybil lifted her face and looked at the Professors as one of them asked for the students names and houses. Geo remained silent, but not Sybil. "Sybil Jin Howard, first year Hufflepuff"
remember me, Professors....Remember me'.
Eduardo waited for the remaining children to tell him their names when Professor Haden arrived and the man nodded his head appreciatively. While he could very well have attempted to catch them himself that would have meant that the others would be free to scatter so he was glad that the backup had worked. "Yes, indeed. All of you are in big trouble," the man said - he would have to discuss punishment about the other students at a later time. He expected a lot from students so warnings were not exactly something he gave out. When Sybil gave her name and house Professor Orbon looked to the other girl and repeated his question, "Name and house." He would not be exactly excited to talk to Professor Stark about her student because of a particularly awkward confusion during a Christmas party but with the new Headmistress coming from the government Eduardo was happy to show that he was instilling the rules to the letter.

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