Luck is a matter of preparation meeting oppurtunity

Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi was excited to go see Jake and his whole family today. She was up all night planning on what she would say. The blonde even packed a bag with some of the things that she would need. Caysi made a cheesecake that she was bringing to Jake's house. Caysi took one last look in the mirror and took her bag on her shoulder. " Let's go dad." She smiled as she walked down the stairs.

" Alright hun, let's go." Seamus said as he stood up. " We'll take my car." Seamus said as he tossed his daughter the keys. He was happy to see that she was getting her life on track.

" Sounds good dad."
She said as she put the key in the ignition. " We'll be there in fifteen minutes or less." She nodded assuring her dad. Caysi took the same route to Jake's house as he told her to last night. And sure enough they were there in ten minutes. Caysi parked her car once she reached the driveway of Jake's house. Caysi took her bag and the cheesecake and made her way to the front door with her father, once the blonde reached the door, she rang the doorbell.
Melody was excited that she would see Caysi today. She hadn't seen her in about 5 years, they were best friends when they were younger. But she guessed that time took the better of that. Melody prepared the house, and made some food alongside her mother. From the outside Melody could hear the doorbell ring. She quickly ran to the door to open it. " I got it!" She said before she swung the door open. " Caysi!" She said practically jumping on her. " Good to see you!" She smiled as she hugged her friend. " Nice to see you too Mr. Finnigan." She gave him a smile. " Let's go inside shall we?" Melody led them to the backyard.

Collin knew that Caysi was coming today, he liked her personality and that she was a nice person. He liked her because she was always nice to him when they were younger. He also thought that she had a cute younger sister, but that didn't contribute. " Heya Caysi!" He said giving a half hug. " Nice to see you!" He smiled over to Seamus. " Great to see both of you!" He nodded.

Robert was outside on the patio when he saw Caysi and Seamus come in. " The Finnigans!" He chuckled as he went over to them, giving them both a bear hug. " It's been too long my friend, too long." He said as he looked over at Seamus.

Daniela was watering the garden. She quickly looked over her shoulder to see her old friends return. Putting the hose away she quickly ran up to give each of them a quick hug and peck on the cheek. " Great to see you guys, thanks for the cake dear." She said taking the cake out of Caysi's hands. " Jake will be back in a bit, he went to buy something quick." She said smiling as she made her way to the kitchen.
Caysi laughed as Mel hugged her, " I've missed you too!" She smiled at her long time friend. " Sure let's go to the back." The blonde said as she stepped foot into the house. Caysi remembered the house from when she was little, still the same. Caysi was happy to see the whole Thomas family again, and even happier to be greeted by them again. Once all the greetings were done, Caysi walked over to Mel. " There's a lot that we have to talk about." She said looking at her, giving a half smile. " Not here though." She said giving her stern look, hoping that she would get the indication that this wasn't table talk.

Seamus laughed as he entered the house, he was so delighted to see his friend and his family again. " Good to see all of you." Seamus said cheery once all the greetings were done. Seamus joined Rob near the pool for some drinks as the rest of the kids talked. " Should've brought Elise for ya, Col." He said apoligetically. " I can ask her to come if you'd like, actually hold on, I'll aparate and bring her back." Seamus said standing up. He got to a shady part of the backyard and apparated back to his daughter's house. " Elise, come on, it's time to see the Thomas'" Seamus said as he entered Elise's house. Of course she wouldn't refuse going to their house, she was too nice. " Alrighty, no need to change clothes let's go." Seamus said as she held his daughter's elbow as they apparated back to the Thomas house.

Elise was surprised as her dad showed up on her doorstep. " Oh, uh sure dad." She said getting some things before she would leave with him. " I just need a few things from there." She said walking to her room. " Alright, ready to go." She said smiling at her dad. Once they apparated back to the Thomas house Elise couldn't take her eyes of the young man that was sitting on the deck. " Hello everyone." She said smiling to everyone that greeted her. " Nice to see you all again." She said while poking at her blue shirt.
Collin laid back as the rest of his family were chatting with the Finnigans. He looked over at Seamus when he began talking, but did he really want Elise over after so many years? Yes of course he did, but there was a part of him that would've like to have met her out alone, but another part that just wanted to see her right now. " Oh, only if you want too." He laughed at Seamus. Collin got up off his chair and walked around the house to realease some tension. The brown haired boy returned outside just in time for Elise to come. " Heya Elise, remember me.. Collin?" He said as he walked towards her. " I , remember you." He said smiling at her.
Melody looked at Caysi, what was so serious that it couldn't be said at the table? Melody gave Caysi a questioning look. " Let's wait until your dad comes back with Elise." She said looking at the blonde. " Heya Elise." She smiled as she got up from her chair. " Great to see you again, it's Melody if you don't remember." She said up from the deck. " Alright let's go." She said taking Caysi's hand up to her bedroom. " Ok, Ms. Finnigan... spill the beans." She said as she plonked both herself and Caysi on the bed.
Caysi nodded as she sat down with Mel until Elise came. Once Elise came, Caysi shot straight up from her seat, " Hey El." She said smiling at her sister. Caysi let Mel take her up to her bedroom. Caysi laughed as they reached Mel's bed. " Where to start.." She said looking at her. " Well, I met a guy a bit back, a few years I think.." She said looking around. " We fell madly in love, I never felt like that for someone ever before." The blonde said getting up off Mel's bed to look out the window. " We ended up getting engaged, I was pregnant." She said pushing her curly blonde hair behind her ear. " At the wedding, some girl showed up and said that she was pregnant with his baby, and I believed it." Caysi said looking at the backyard. " I .. I called off the wedding and left the country, more like continent." Caysi softly laughed to herself. " I came back to have the twins and made up with him.. but that all didn't work out." The blonde sighed. " I lost the twins a while back and there isn't a relationship at all anymore." She sighed. " I don't really know what to think." Caysi looked over at Melody.
Melody smiled at her. " Start from the very top." The cheery dark haired girl replied. " Oh wow." Melody said as Caysi started to talk. She didn't want to say anything else until Caysi was done so that she could hear the full story. Melody just looked at the blonde and listened to her. " Caysi, honestly that's a lot to go through." She said giving a little laugh and sighing. " Honestly, I think that it might've been good, who knows who you could find now." She said smiling up at her. " If it's not meant to be, then it's not meant to be." She shrugged her petite shoulders. " I'm glad that your still staying strong, and we connected again." Melody said smiling up to her friend. " We won't loose contact now." She laughed. " Jake should be back any minute, hopefully so let's go outside." She said walking to the door.
Caysi nodded, it was a lot to go through, but she did it the best she could. " Your right, if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be." She laughed at her friend. " I'm really glad that we connected again too." The pale blonde nodded. " I'll make sure that we won't loose contact." Caysi smiled. " Alright, let's go." Caysi smiled following her friend outside. Once outside, she could see her sister really connecting with Collin, she could feel the relationship brewing between them, who knows what was going to happen out of that. Caysi quietly sat down with Mel beside the pool.
Jake was excited today, he was finally having Caysi over to see everyone again, he got accepted at the ministry; so today was a very good day. Jacob told Melody that he was going to pick something up for Caysi. He stopped at a flower shop and decided to pick her up some nice flowers. Jacob apparated back to his house, going right behind Caysi, " Well hello there." He said going up around her side, handing her the flowers. " These are for you." He said handing them to her. " Hey everyone." He said as he took the other seat near Caysi. " Was there too much gossip for me to handle?" He laughed at his sister and Caysi. Jake turned his attention from Caysi to Collin, looks like Elise and him were getting to know each other better. " Well then, looks like there's a relationship here." He joked at his brother.
Collin smiled as she sat next to Elise as they reached the pool. " Well, I'm glad that you remember me." He smiled softly at her, as his heart skipped a beat. " How've you been?" Collin asked her. " It's a shame that we haven't kept in touch all these years." Collin would've preffered to have talked to Elise alone, talking to your crush with your parents around isn't the most comfortable thing in the world.
Elise smiled. " Yeah, of course I remember you." The brunette laughed, her brown eyes looking at him; he'd change so much over the years. " I know, it's been so long." Elise added back. " I've been good, finishing up my last year of school." She nodded. " Can't wait to finish." Elise looked up at him and smiled. " How've you been?" She asked him.
Caysi smiled as she saw Jake come from behind her. " Hey there." She laughed as she took the flowers, " Their really pretty." The blonde smiled at him. Caysi looked at Elise and Collin, it did look like their relationship was hitting off pretty well. " I can see that it's going great." Caysi winked at her sister. " Oh yeah Jake, sooo much gossip." Caysi turned and winked at Mel. " I can see a relationship coming." The former hufflepuff laughed, showing her delightedness about Elise and Collin. Both seemed to like eachother, and looked like a cute couple .. to her atleast.
Daniel smiled as she saw everyone talking, it all felt lovely to her. Except the fact that Julie wasn't there, but no one could fix that. " Let's go inside gentlemen, bars in there and some more food." The blonde laughed as she made her way indoors.

Robert laughed along with Seamus, it was so great to see him again, and to re connect. " Let's go inside I guess, beer and some more food." He said as she stood up, making his way to the door leading to the inside of the house.

Seamus looked around, it seemed like a good night. A nice night with some friends. " Might as well." Seamus laughed as he made his way through the door. " Now you kids be nice!" He joked as he closed the door.

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