
Kylie Ortiz

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Bi-ro & Heterosexual
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Mermaid Scale Core.
Kylie was glad to have saved the best for last for the group of misfits delivering roses because she would have to pass the torch to someone in the hopes that this would be a new Hogwarts tradition. Since a particular person had taken on such a strong role the romantic was happy to give him control of flower deliveries as well as just celebrate a job well done with everybody. So the witch had prepared an assortment of snacks and drinks for everyone with flowers placed everywhere for decoration which was fairly abnormal for such a plain lounge area. When people had started to arrive the seventh year smiled and waved them all in.

"Hi everybody! So I just want to say well done on delivering the roses. It's been a pleasure getting to know some of you better and knowing how helpful you all when it comes to this silly idea I had," Kylie knew her accent wasn't perfect but she persisted in hopes that they would get where she was coming from by showing her appreciation for them. "Before the party can really begin," she paused with a smile, "I'd firstly like to thank the King of Flowers for supplying such lovely roses." She clapped her hands together with a big smile towards her Ravenclaw friend. "And secondly a small announcement: as I'm graduating this year Asaiah Murphy will be taking over as he's shown a special initiative and that he's great with all of you lovely folk. So thank you, Asaiah and here is to cupid!" The girl raised her glass of sweet punch and took a sip of it before she went to mingle a little with the people who had done the work with her and allowed her to be as particular as she could be thanks to their patience.
Archie had been informed of a party in the student lounge that evening to celebrate a day of rose deliveries well done and bring all the students that contributed to the day together in celebration. Having gone through the entire day without a rose from Orwell had left him feeling disheartened despite how happy the deliveries had made him and how much he did want to celebrate the success of another valentine's day. He loved giving roses to people and watching their faces light up as they read their notes but felt nothing but sadness and apathy with every delivery he made. He couldn't describe the hurt that snowballed while the day progressed and even the hurt that continued to well in his chest after he arrived to the party, still not having received a rose from his best friend.

Though Archie attempted to hide it all behind a smile, and greeted Kylie with a quick hug and a hello before pouring himself some punch from the refreshment table. He walked to the back of the room and sipped slowly from his drink, using it as an excuse not to speak to anyone and the sweet taste as a distraction from what he was feeling as he watched everyone else in the room from afar. Archie paid attention when Kylie began her speech and clapped idly as she thanked everyone, including Orwell. He raised his glass politely then gazed to the floor and slouched further against the wall when the cheers was over.
Darcy was on a mission. She had almost considered not coming to the after party event because she didn't have a date or know many of the fellow deliverers. But now she had an alternative reason for going and figured it wouldn't be so bad. She could have fun at the same time as trying to figure out who had sent her and Maddie anonymous roses. Darcy decided to wear the flower crown that one of the recipients of her deliveries had given her because it had been a sweet gesture. She had just grabbed herself a cup of punch when she heard someone call for attention and turned around. She saw a very pretty girl giving a speech and thanking them all for their work that day so she knew that she was the girl in charge of rose deliveries. That meant she knew who all the senders were, so Darcy would have to make her way over to her to talk to her throughout the night. In the mean time she raised her cup in a toast and took a sip.
Asaiah was happy that by the end of the day the deliveries went well and without any complications. It had certainly been a hell of a job to organise it together with Kylie but it was totally worth it. He was informed by her that there would be a party at the end of the day so decided to ask Zara if she would like to come with him, as the seventh year had told them that they could bring a date with them to the party. So with his girlfriend next to him, Asaiah walked into the student lounge and smiled as he saw the decorations Kylie had put up for the party.

While walking towards the table with beverages, so he could get Zara and himself something to drink, he looked around the room in the hope that he would spot Tesla as she had also been delivering flowers and was therefore invited to come to the party as well. Because Asaiah couldn't spot his friend yet, he took the glasses of punch back to Zara and gave one of them to her. He then turned to Kylie as she began to talk, and cheered for Orwell and his help. They wouldn't have been able to do all of this without the older boy's help so he was thankful to him. Asaiah smiled when the seventh year told them that he would be taking over from her next year, though worried immediately after because he'd have to do everything alone without her being there to help.

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