Love stinks, doesn't it?

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Alexis Richarde

Well-Known Member

I need a male (aged 18) to be Alexis' housemate in England. He is also attending Oxford University with her and is a first year. He could be a wizard or not, your choice but it would be more interesting for you I presume if he was one. Now Name will become Alexis' friend instantly, understand her personality and respect her completely and she will love that about him. Unfortunately for him, he will fall in love with her and really quite hard but she will not. You see, Miss Richarde is totally and completely in love with Izaak Finch despite everything that has happened. But after a year of Name trying to convince her to be with him, she gives in, deciding that she shouldn't hold out on what could be a good thing but while she is dating him she is unhappy, very unhappy and is afraid that she will ruin the good thing that they had before but Name thinks everything is all fine. Alexis will find out that she didn't love Zaire as much as she loves Izaak while they are dating and because of this she has to break up with Name who in the break up will say some very mean things to her, like she will end up alone because she is such a tease/b*tch, etc, etc.. Their friendship will never return to the way it was and Alexis will have to move out because animosity between the two is overwhelming but Name is still very much in love with her and thinks that she is the one for him so he tries to make it up to her but.. yeah it just doesn't work.

This is all I have at the moment but I'm sure we can plot more. And this character can already be created if you want but they couldn't have gone to HNZ or Durmstrang (both schools Alexis went to other than HWA).


I could offer you Lewis Kane,

I still need to iron out his character traits and history,
But he attends Oxford University, he's a second year med student, which isn't exactly what you want, but close enough. He's a potions whizz, and so will often make potions, that either go okay, or blow up in his face. He loves all forms of muggle things, he's Lovable and Brave and Sensitive. He also very smart. He was a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts Scotland.
He'll easily fall for Alexis. He'll deny it all at first, but he'll fall for her.
I don't think that he'll after a while get over her, but it would take time for him, and he would hate her a lot.

So yeah. We can plot more, if you are interested.

Shall I start an RP in the Britain Section of him putting up a poster for a roommate? Which She could see?
And they can become friends at this point?
He can fall for her, a little after she moves in.
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