Open Lounging in the Sun

Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus hated this time of year, it was the time of year when everyone was studying or revising. Unlike those in the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor quidditch teams, he didn't have any place to be, so he was just aimlessly going around. It wasn't like Seamus was going to study, no way, that was not his way of doing things. He just coasted in his classes, because he couldn't be bothered working any harder. He didn't know what he wanted to do with his life, so it didn't matter how he did. The teen had come outside, he was sitting at the lake front, the warm pre-summer sun on his face. This was nice. He could maybe go for a swim in a little bit, or just spend more time sitting in the sun. Regardless, he was happier doing this than opening a single book.
Without any exams to study for, Celia was just counting down the days until she could go home. She didn't particularly want to see her mom, but she did miss the internet and electricity and all the comforts that came with life in the modern world. Plus, she had muggle coursework to complete, and she couldn't really do that here, surrounded by prying eyes. She would be so much more productive at home, and it was ridiculous that she had to stay and wait for everyone else to finish up their exams before she could take the train back.

Today, Celia had decided to while away the hours outside. The castle was filled with students cramming for exams, and some of them had started to develop the distinct stench of desperation. Tote slung over her shoulder, she made her way to her favorite spot by the lake, frowning a little when she saw an unaccompanied backpack and stack of textbooks resting by the place where she usually liked to sit. Celia glanced around for the owner, but the only other person she could see was Seamus, and he was sitting several feet away. "Hey," she called out. "Do you know whose stuff this is?" she asked, gesturing towards the bag and books.
Seamus was enjoying the lounging, the easy feeling of sun on his skin and nothing in the world that he needed to care about. This was a good life. He was broken out of it as someone called out to him, and he glanced over to them and the stuff they were motioning to. It wasn't his stuff, his stuff was right next to him. ”No idea,” he said back loudly to be sure that Celia would hear, ”Just move it,” he said. Though this probably wasn't the nicest thing to do to someone else's stuff, but Seamus didn't care. It wasn't his, wasn't hers and if she wanted to sit then he didn't care if she moved it.
Celia snorted a little at Seamus' suggestion. That had been her plan exactly if he hadn't claimed the items. She withdrew her wand and levitated the bag and books away, dumping them unceremoniously in a pile several yards away. If the owner had a problem with that, then they shouldn't have left their belongings unaccompanied. Celia took out a blanket from her own bag and spread it on the ground before sitting down. As she fished out a couple gossip magazines, her gaze landed on Seamus. "Are you just... sitting there?" she asked, giving him a strange look. He didn't even have a book; he was just staring at the lake, as if he was expecting something to rise up from its waters.
Seamus would back Celia up if the person who came back started having an issue with the fact their stuff was moved. Though, he assumed they'd just spot it and assume that they hadn't correctly remembered where it had been placed. Seamus turned his attention away from her and just focused on what he'd been doing, relaxing in the sun. Seamus would've ignored her for the rest of the time he remained there, but she spoke again. He glanced at her and then nodded, ”Yeah?” he answered, unsure why it was even a question. ”Weather's nice, so why bother doing anything but...relaxing,”
As Celia opened her mouth to reply, she realized she had no way of explaining just how deeply weird it was to see someone just sitting there, staring blankly into the distance. After all, in the normal world, everyone had a phone or other electronic device to keep them preoccupied. Living in the magical world was truly like taking a trip back in time. "Seems more boring than relaxing," she said with a shrug. "Most people would have a book or something." She knew she'd get bored very quickly if she didn't have music playing, at the very least.
Seamus shrugged a little at her. He knew some people wouldn't understand the idea of just relaxing. Just relaxing for relaxing's sake. But he wasn't really surprised that Celia didn't understand it. from what he knew about her she wasn't the sort to be that relaxed. ”Sure,” he replied with a shrug. Other people could get books, could read books but he didn't need to. ”Books are boring, to me,” he followed it up, since he knew other people might find it more relaxing but he just simply didn't. To him it was just less relaxing.
Celia had been curious about Seamus simply because she was curious about all her teammates. Knowledge was power, and knowledge about other people could be transformed into power over them. Unfortunately, Celia was rapidly getting the impression that there wasn't much to Seamus aside from his beater skills. "So books are boring, but staring into space is not," she summed up. "Got it." She slipped on a pair of sunglasses and shook open one of her magazines, deciding there probably wasn't much more to be learned about the boy.

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