Lots of people need lots of friends :)

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Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Hey guys.

I have a few characters that need more plots. If you have anyone to suit the character then either reply here or send me a PM.</SIZE></FONT></COLOR>
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Shaylah Rouge
Shay is my main character but she needs a few more plots seeing as she's coming to a dead end. She can be kind when she wants to but she has a habit of being mean to anyone who tries to be nice to her. Shay's trying to make a few friends as she's getting bored of her time at HNZ. She has nothing to do except school. Shay is sixteen and just starting her sixth year at Hogwarts in Slytherin house. Someone she will never be friends with are Gryffindors. She loathes them.
What I need: Friends, enemies, a guy for when she splits up with her boyfriend, a best friend.

* * * *

Samaire Green
Sam is a forty-five year old mother first and foremost but she's also an unspeakable for the ministry. She is a caring person when she isn't distracted by other things but she puts her family first and if something bad is happening with the family then she will be stressy without even meaning it.
What I need: Friends.

* * * *

Dervish Green Jr.
Dervish is a twenty-five year old death eater and a father. He had a wife who he had two sons with (twins) but when he divorced his wife she took one of them and his unborn child. He hasn't seen any of them since which makes him very protective over his son, Rio. He now has a girlfriend, Melody. Derv is a caring person but get on his wrong side and he'll slice you open and gut you (not literally).
What I need: Friends, enemies, bests friend.

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Woody Green
Woody is one of my less active characters but I want to make him more active. Woody's twenty-two and thinking about becoming a death eater but he doesn't want to pin himself down with anything. He likes the freedom he has at the moment as he has no job and no kids or partner but he wants to follow in the footsteps of his father and older brother. Woody is a bit stuck up but once you get to know him he's easy to get along with and can be a lot of fun.
What I need: Friends, best friend, one night stands (one could last longer??)

* * * *

David Green
Dave is Woody's twin brother and the two of them are practically complete opposites. David has no thoughts of becoming a death eater because he cares about people too much and he's slightly shy with some people. Dave is a father but his wife died. He's struggling to move on from the death and put his daughter before everything and everyone.
What I need: Friends, best friends, girls.

* * * *

Steven Green
Steve is eighteen and still lives at home with his mum to help her with the kids. He doesn't have a job and isn't thinking about moving out until he thinks his mum can handle looking after the house and the kids without losing his job. When that happens he wants to become a death eater and get a job at the ministry. He is caring when it comes to friends and family but he doesn't care about anyone else.
What I need: Friends, best friends, girls.

* * * *

Jerrod Green
Jerrod is fifteen. He's about to split up with his girlfriend for a bit and I'm thinking he could be with someone else for a while to try and make her feel bad before he dumps the new girlfriend and gets back with the old one. He is a bit of a self centred d!ck but he can be great friends to someone he really cares about. It's just finding someone he cares about that's the problem.
What I need: Friends, best friend, temporary girlfriend, enemies.

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Angelica Green
Angelica is Jerrod's twin sister. She hates her name and introduces herself as Lily all the time. She is similar to her brother but kinder. Get on the wrong side of her and she will blow up in your face but stay loyal to her and she'll be a great friend.
What I need: Friends, boys, enemies.

* * * *

Kenneth Hickman-Vallender
Kenny is nineteen and has been working at his own pub since he graduated from Durmstrang. He's gay and quite a stereotypical gay. He loves fashion and is sensitive. Hurt him and he will forgive you very easily. There's only two people he'd say he doesn't like at all and that's his parents because they've treated him like sh!t his whole life. Kenny has a lot of money and is very happy to spend it on other people as he gets most of it from his parents.
What I need: Friends, boyfriend.

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That's it for now.
Steven- max just turned 18 and he needs friends. He is about to move into the guest house at his parents place while he goes to college. Max plays electric guitar and loves rock music. He gets along with his little sister really well.

Jerrod- Harleigh is 14 and she needs friends and she could be a temp girlfriend for him. She is homeschooled currently but for her 5th year she is transferring. Harleigh loves to sing But right now she doesn't have friends so she doesn't really know what she likes and what she doesnt.
David: I have Aisling here, who could be a girlfriend, or friend for David. I haven't been on with her too much, just looking over the hospital wing. So, I'd be happy for her to have a social life. Aisling is Caysi Finnigan's twin sister. they're only different in the colour of their hair. Aisling is sweet, and good natured, she likes a good time. She is also brave and loyal, her Hogwarts house was Gryffindor. She has got a bit of a temper, but she rarely gets angry, only when she really feels something is wrong or that people are being treated unfairly. also, she loves kids (That's why she works in a school. )
Harleigh - Max sounds like he could be a good friend for Steve. And shall we have Harleigh and Jerrod become friends first as Jerrod hasn't yet split with his girlfriend.

Maia - I think Aisling would be a good friend for Dave but I'm not sure about girlfriend because his wife was Sandra Finnigan so he'd feel odd if he dated the sister of the woman he loved.

Do you want to start or shall I??
Opps, She's only been a Finnigan a few moths, so I didn't know about his marriage to Sandra (epic fail) So, maybe she would meet him as the husband of a sister she never met etc. So, then they'd become friends, nd he could tell her about Sandra?
Maia - Yeah, that would be fine. She could also meet Dervish because he had some fun with Caysi ;)

Harleigh - I'll try ASAP. Bit distracted at the moment.
Please could you. Getting ready for a concert at the moment.
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