
Zazuka thought it was physically impossible for her to get angry. This may have been because Zazuka didn't get angry like most people did. Zazuka normally a very dreamy, easygoing girl became cold and clinical. Zazuka came all the way out of the bush then sat down on her knees, her bright yellow skirt covered her legs now. Zazuka reached over and shook Pez's hand. "I'm Zazuka Bones. The girl friend that apparently doesn't mind weather or not her boyfriend is faithful to her." She said. Her tone wasn't accusing. It was flat and emotionless. Here normally bright eyes where diapering. Zazuka's new mannerisms made one almost wish that she where the kind of girl that screamed and made a fuss.
Andrew listened to Pez as she talked about Blake.Just than he heard the bush behind them move and than appeared Zuka.The look in her eyes stated that she didnt like what he had just been doing however deep in her eyes he saw the trust she had on him.Whatever anyone said about Zuka Andrew would never be suspicous about her and Andrew knew that she wouldn't either unless they saw it and this was somehow similar but as Zuka had also heard that he was flirtyly joking she knew that he wasn't breaking her trust."Hey Zuka"he said with a smile."I'm glad you have met each other, but on the other hand I didnt expect it to be this way."he said taking a pause.

"As you have been evasdropping, I am afraid to announce that the suprise date I had been planning where I could ask you for the ball, would no longer be needed as you already know that I am to ask you"he said with a grin.

Plucking a flower from the bush he knelt on his knees and grinned at her."Zuka, would you come with me to the ball?"he said as he moved his hand forward to give Zuka the flower.
Zazuka raised and eyebrow trying to keep a straight face. The stars in her eyes had come back though. "Do you really think it's that easy to win me over?" She said her cold tone now a sort of fake one. Zazuka shook her head and smiled taking the flower. She gave Andrew a quick hug. "Well your right I am that easy. Of course I'm going to the ball with you." She said joking slightly. She knew she could trust him. Though watching him dance with Pez would make Zazuka go a little green she would have company at the ball so it would sort of be eased.
He knew Zuka's answer cuz he knew her heart."Thanks, for accepting"he said grinning with satisfaction he had got from Zuka's behaviour.That very reason was why he liked her so much, because she was different from other giggling and gossping girls.

"So what have you been up to?"he asked her smiling more."As you might know, Pez had to leave school and now she returned so we were chatting to catch up.I had been reading all day preparing for the tests."he said with a sigh.
Zazuka tilted her head looking at Pez. "Oh you mean like Mikato. I meet him breefly and got almost the same story. Though then he had to talk to Kat and I just walked away because it looked like it had something to do with things that where really none of my business. What was your reason for leaving Pez?" She asked nodding. Her dreaminess come back at last meaning that she would sound like she was half way in the clouds like she usually was.

"I was tending to my Venemos Tantula. They are growing quite well and are getting so big. I will be able to study their poison soon enough right now they are not deadly unless they get their tenticuls around you which Lecrymossa tried once but I got control over her in end." She said with a small laugh. She thought the incident was funny because on a normal day her plants would never hurt her. Other yes but never Zazuka.
Andrew didnt know where the whole Makato thing came from and how it had anything to do with them.Maybe the topic had arised between Zuka and Pez and he wasn't paying attention.Than Zuka explained about her Venemos Tantula, Andrew had heard of it before but never seen it so he didnt understand a word she said."Okay"he said taking a pause with a confused look."I need to see that tantula of yours one day"he said grinning with confusion.

"So did a Professor give you your tantula or..?"he asked her trying to make a blur image of how the tantula could look like.
Pez stood there in shock unsure what to say, and she did feel like almost crying again explaining to someone she just met that her mother had died. She didn't want to be dramatic, but it came off that way when she opened her mouth. "I think I'll just leave now, no I will not be going to the ball, and yes I will be staying here for the break." She said turning to walk off.
As Pez turned Andrew caught her hand and said" We'll see about that.Meet you later."he added smiling on the later statement.He wasn't going to let Pez disagree on what they had decided all this time here, just because she felt uncomfortable due to Zuka.
Zazuka put her hand on her cheek as she looked at Pez walk away. "Did I say something wrong?" She asked her voice full of worry. She was sorry for whatever she said but a very small part of her was happy that Pez was walking away. Zazuka thought herself terrible for it but she couldn't help it.
Andrew shook his head bringing his concentration back to Zazuka."Nope, its just well..."he said taking a pause "Her mom passed away so.."he explained hoping Zuka would understand.He suddenly realised how hungry he felt."Its getting darker, we must head back, I am feeling hungry"he said as he gazed into Zuka's black eyes.

"We need a dinner date"he said grinning as he put his hand around her waist."So what do you prefer? Slytherin table or Ravenclaw table?"he asked her as he started walking.he obviously knew the answer to his question.
Zazuka bit her lip feeling even more horrible that she asked. "Oh that must be why she looked that way. Tell her I'm sorry I asked and that it was really none of my business." She said with wide eyes. The small dark piece of her went away now. Zazuka's heart really did go out Pez now. Zazuka gazed back into those green orbs that seems to light up only for her. "Slytherin table if you'd like. I just want to eat something. I've been in the green houses all day." She said laughing softly as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Andrew was her's. Zazuka thought that she gave everything of herself to everyone that needed it. Was it really that bad that she was a little selfish when it came to Andrew?
"I've been in my dorm the whole day.How similarly unfair"he said with a sigh as he walked her to the Great Hall.

(continued in the hall)

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