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- OOC First Name
- Emmapants
- Wand
- 13" Ebony wand with essence of Crystalised Dragon Fire
Hey there ho there! Thanks for stopping by and reading this topic. I need your help. You see, Salazar Strayde had an unusual upbringing and doesn't know much about life outside his village. Since he was forced to leave, he's been relying on a advice from others in order to get by. The rest is explained in the RP, but what I need from YOU is to post your response to what happens here. Salazar needs to learn a thing or two. This is not a regular RP where there's a back-and-forth, but rather I'll post the scene and I'd like as many people as possible to post their reaction. I will post a couple more times to respond to direct questions, but mostly I'd like to see what people think.
Salazar Strayde was proud of his new badge. He carefully pinned it on the front of his robes and walked with pride down to breakfast. It was a work of art. He'd spent hours making it, crafting the tiniest details so that his name was clear - Salazar Strayde - and the curls of flame in red and gold - his house colours - flashed and whizzed about. It wasn't small, as Daytona had suggested he make it big. It took up most of the left side of his chest on his cloak. He thought it was a great idea - and had no idea how silly he looked.
Daytona, his first friend outside of his village, had suggested he make it when he'd asked her how to tell purebloods apart from everyone else. He had felt incredibly uncomfortable walking around the school halls, not being able to tell who was who. Back in his home town, nearly everyone was pureblood. Those who weren't were squibs or half-bloods who'd been allowed in for some reason or other. Mostly, that reason was to replace the house-elves back in the previous century when someone had gone insane and given them all clothes. They hadn't been heard from since, and the community had needed someone to do their dirty work for them. The half bloods were easily distinguishable from the real wizards by their sloppy dress and the grey ribbon they were made to wear pinned to their robes. Here at Hogwarts, everyone dressed the same! Not only might he inadvertently address a half-blood with the respect reserved for true wizards, but there was the possibility he'd touch a mudblood! Salazar shivered at the thought.
Daytona said all purebloods wore these flashing name badges. Salazar hadn't seen anyone wearing them yet, but decided to show some kindness towards his fellow students and offer to make badges for any pureblood who wanted one. Entering the Great Hall, he sat down at a table and set up his sign:</COLOR>
<COLOR color="firebrick">Pureblood? Wear it with pride! Badges available here.