Looking for a Death Eater

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Cain Brennan

Active Member
OOC First Name
Heya! Cain is on the run from the European ministries for illegal importing, thievery and attempted assassination. He's seeking sanctuary with the Death Eater's in New Zealand, but before they accept him, Julian has sent another Death Eater to meet him and make sure he isn't just a spy.

So, I'm looking for a Death Eater who can perform legilimency on him, and then give him a rundown on being a Death Eater. Anyone keen?

here's the thread (sorry it's so long /dies. I was too excited)

I'm also looking for a Death Eater who spends a bit of time in Europe, who might have worked with and befriended Cain in the past? Cain was referred by another Death Eater to join the Death Eaters, so he needs to have a friend on the inside ^^.

Preferably, it'd be too different DEs ^^
- Thanks, Patricia!
I can offer up Millard Lurken as the friend DE. He's a Potions tutor for witches and wizards who are home-schooled and can do a lot of travelling because of it and up until the middle of this 'year' he didn't really have a home so he could have stayed in some pub/hotel whatever in the last country he was working at that day so he and Cain could have meet anywhere/any time really xD

If you want they can RP whenever :) Just not now because I'm going to bed xD Let me know :)
Oh, thanks so much! I really appreciate it ^^
It's a shame the thread couldn't have been the end of October otherwise Thorine could have helped out but she's dead down :unsure: and the only two other DE who have legilmens are Asparuh Zhefarovich and Jaqueline Burke.

I know Jaqueline is away for a while and not sure when she'll be back but perhaps you could pm Asparuh regarding the thread or I'll give Kaitlyn a nudge this way for you ;)
Just received the nudge.
Okay, so why a DE that not only has a thing against the younger DEs, but is gifted in Legilimency?

That would be best done over PM...
Unless Cain can wait for Jac.
Ah, thanks v. much, Andy!

Ahh, I thought more DEs would be legilimens. I asked for a legilimens because I thought it would be more realistic for Julian to send out a DE who can accurately asses Cain, instead of just taking a guess at his intentions over a beer (after all, Cain could just be a really good liar =3). But I change it that the Death Eater is just there to give instructions and meet him, and just make out that he's already been judged as fit to be a DE? In that case, it wouldn't matter whether or not the DE could perform legilimency.

Anywaaaay, I'll PM you ^^
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