Open Looking for a Date Again

Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (too young to care)
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Last year ahead of the yuleball, Leonardo had asked around for a date. well, he'd stood in the entrance hall of the school, giving out cards to age appropriate people whom he could go to the ball with. The boy had decided that though it was a little embarrassing, it had worked and he had a good time at the yuleball with Gwen, so he'd updated the cards to list that he was on a quidditch team. The cards now had, Leonardo Orr, 12, Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff team chaser. Looking for a yuleball date. If interested, send an owl. He was ather happy with them and was holding them out to people as they passed. It was probably the oddest way to get to get a date but it was the easiest one. He didn't want to ask anyone he knew directyly, he didn't think any of them should say yes. And he didn't want to put them on the spot by asking. This way it was informal and someone could wait until the night before before agree. They could weigh out all other options and end up with him and that was something he was perfect okay with.
Clara was here around and she was enyoi the time. She was reading the book and she saw hufflepuff student. "Hi" She smiled him.
Anais just finished her vocal lessons at the Conglomerated Arts room. She had to ask a Professor to charm the piano so she can at least practice per her momma's request. She was also getting the hang of the school and it's big interior and exterior. Some of the students are nice and warm, specially her roommates who are just darlings. As she entered the Entrance Hall from the Courtyard, Anais saw a boy giving out something to another student and was curious. It was the first time she had seen a spectacle before. "Hey y'all! I was wonderin' what are y'all givin' out?" Anais asked the boy. The Hufflepuff girl wasn't that shy after a series of interactions around.
Leonardo looked to the girst girl who approached him and greeted him. He gave a polite smile and then held out one of his cards. It held all the information about him and what he was looking for. "Hi," he did say to her, but before he could even explain it he glanced at the other girl who approached them. She was younger, but he didn't think the year below would be that bad. "I'm looking for a date for the yuleball...I've cards to explain who I am," he held out the card to this girl too.
A date? She thought to herself, now her curiosity broadening. The boy seems to be not much a year older than her and yet, he was a looking for a date. Must not be a serious one, maybe just for the night? Anais wanted to take the offer right there but she wanted to ask one important question. "Would this just be between acquaintances?" The Hufflepuff girl didn't even read the card he gave her. He doesn't have to boast who he is, if he wanted company for the event, she'll gladly take the offer.
Leonardo looked at the girl who had taken the card, she hadn't looked at it but nodded to the question. "Yes, its not a date date, it's a date but not a date date," he fumbled over his words slightly. "It's important to have a date for the dance, since it's a formal dance," he knew that it wasn't really, that plenty of people did not have dates for the celebration but he wanted a date. Wanted to tell his grandfather he'd gotten a date and it was more fun with someone than alone. "I'm Leonardo, Leo," he introduced but motioned to the card.
"Ahh." She nodded. Understanding what he meant. Important to have a date, just because it was a formal. It wasn't new to her, her siblings had gone to a school dance before and she would hear how some of them ended up not having one and the night sucked for them. Anais read the card that Leonardo gave her. She chuckled slightly in her mind, Anais think she should just stick with the nickname for now even with the acquaintance label. "A Chaser for our house team. Very impressive. Although, I would still say yes without the card." She raised the card slightly to make a point. "Ain't even gonna owl yah. Just be there and I'll be there." Anais smiled at Leo. Now she has to owl her mother for some money to buy a new dress for the occasion. "Do you prefer a colour of the dress or just anything?" The Hufflepuff girl had seen how particular Etoile, her older sister with dances. She always wanted to be colour coordinated.
Leonardo wasn't sure if this would persaude the girl or just let her have time to think about it. But she looked at the card and seemed quite content with it, which he was more than content about. He nodded, and was a little reassured that she wasn't even going to owl him but was accepting on the spot. He knew this method of getting a date was probably not the best way to do it, but it worked, the two times he did it. "I have no suit is black," he told her with a little smile. "What's your name?" he asked the girl since he should at least know that.
It was great that she can pick the colour freely. It was her first formal dance and she wanted to look a bit nice for her date. Which she didn't expected that she will have one before she agreed to Leo's offer. "Great! will make sure that you'll have the best date." Realising what she said made her nervous all of a sudden. "Oh, Umm ... Anais ... From Hufflepuff. I think you already know that." She did said he was on their house Quidditch team. Seems it was already assumed. "Oh! Do you want to meet in the Common Room or the Great Hall? I don't know if you have a specific preference there." Anais was getting hype now. The Hufflepuff girl wanted that night to be perfect.
Leonardo grimaced at bit as she said she'd make sure it was a best date. He didn't want to put that much pressure on her, "We'll have fun," he assured her, looking to shoulder some of the responsibility for making a good date. He nodded at her name, and knew she was from hufflepuff. So, it made sense that there was a question of where they should meet up. "Let's do Great Hall...." he answered, though it was clear in his tone he wasn't 100% sure of that choice.
The boy was great on picking the venue itself to meet. That way, she didn't have to hurry that much or she could just make a schedule for everything. That'll probably the best way for her to be on time. "Great Hall then ..." Anais wasn't sure what else should she know about. Would he want her to act according to his taste of company? "Anything else I should know about?" Anais knows they would see each other again but she wanted minimal approaching as the girl doesn't know Leo that much.
Leonardo gave a nod of agreement and then shook his head. "No, that's everything. Owl me if you change your mind, but otherwise, I'll see you at the dance Anais," he said with a little nervous smile. He was glad to now once again have a date to the dance, and that way he'd be able to show it to his grandfather that he did. Leonardo spared the girl one last glanced before turning and heading back to the dorm room, to put away all of the cards he had made. He wouldn't be needing them any more now.

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