Look at me .....xD Dare #4

Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
Libby entered the great hall for lunch with Alex and Maddie, and checked around to see how many other people were already in here and who were going to be witnessing this. She took a seat and hunted for the peanut butter. She asked Maddiie, "Right now? Or can i have something to eat first?" she grinned.
Alex sat down, his face still feeling raw from their quidditch game they had been playing. 'Ohh, eat women'Alex answered her question before playing with his jumper. 'By the way, people don't forget easily, just easing the pressure'he said to Libby , making sure Maddie didn't hear. He smiled before getting himself a glass of water.
Libby ate an apple before he could change his mind. She smiled, "Good. That makes everything so much better" she replied in equal sarcasm, and looked back around the hall. There were loads of people in here she didn't know, and her mind shrunk at the thought of she would known to them something like "The crazy first year". She had no intention of not doing it though, and when she'd finished eating she reached over for the peanut butter.

Popping open the lid, she dip two fingers inside and took some out. She started with her nose, "It's cold" she stated.
Alex didn't feel hungry but he forced himself to eat at least a pear. He finished it by the time Libby had finsihed eating. He laughed at her comment before taking some and slodging it on her chin. 'Much better'he teased before takign some himself and putting two stripes on his cheeks. He laughed, a bit hyper.
Libby smiled, "Awesome!" and carried on wiping it on herself. She'd never had peanut butter before, and wasn't too impressed to find it kinda smelt funny, not to mention it was ultra sticky. "Prehaps i should have thought how i was going to take this off" she wondered still spreading the stuff. She was nearly done. "You know, it's sort of like a face mask"
Alex continued to laugh. 'Probably'he replied ot her first comment, wondering how he would get rid of the smell, since he had wiped his hands on his jumper and it now had peanut butter streaks on it too. He rolled his eyes at her next comment. 'Well, at leats I know how that feels even if i don't know what it is'he replied jokingly.
Libby stopped and slowly turned her head to Alex. She wasn't expecting that. "You've tried it?" she asked before laughing. "I can imagine that" she added. She was now covered in the stuff, and jokingly went to wipe her hands on Alex as he was the nearest thing, but resisted and went for a napkin instead.
Alex looked at her confused. 'Hey. What are you tryignt o say here?'Alex asked confused. He noticed a dollop left witht he peanut butter. He couldn't resist, He took the dollop and placed it on Maddie's nose smiling. 'Didn't want you left out now'Alex joked smiling.
Libby laughed, "Nothing." she said honestly, and went to stand up. Bracing herself against the few heads that turned to stare in her direction, she paused knowing there will be alot more heads in a second. She called out loudly, "I'm a little teapot!" she stuck her arm out. It took all her efforts not to laugh at herself, and she was actually glad she was wearing the peanutbutter so no one could see how red she'd turned.
Alex laughed as Libby stood up and started her dare. He stuck his fingers in his mouth and wolf whistled louadly for more attention just for Libby's sake. He smiled smugly before saying quietly to libby 'Sort and stout'
Libby cringed badly we he wolf whistled, and a few more students, and professors turned to stare. She wondered whether or not just to go the whole hog and make it worth their time. She started singing, "I'm a little teapot, Short and stout, here's my handle, here's my spout" and included the actions. She looked down laughing, "Can i stop yet?" she asked, and a few griffindors near the front had started sniggering at her.
Alex laughed and whistled again, getting nearly everyone;s attention . He smiled. 'You didn't finish it'he replied smiling. He looked at Maddiie and waited to see what she would say.
Libby smiled and put her hand to her forehead, "Ohh.." she groaned, pulling back her hand which was now covered in butter again. She rolled her eyes and carried on, "When i get all steamed up, i just shout, tip me up and pour me out." she sang. "I am a very special pot, it is true, here's an example of what i can do. I can turn my handle into a spout, tip me up and pour me out" When she was done she drank some water. "Now can i?" she laughed.

(lol i had to look that song up)
Maddiie didnt eatc much, just banana and some carot sticks. She laughed as she looked at Libby now covered in peanut butter. Than frowned as Alex, added some on her nose. "Boy you drive me insane sometimes." she chuckles as she watch Libby singing I'm a little tea pot. She had sung it a few time, and Maddiie could not help but laugh turning red as sings the old nursery rhymes"ENCORE!" she shouts out looking at Libby.
Libby was standing on her seat with about 50 people staring and laughing at her. She turned to Maddiie and Alex, "Have i been humiliated enough yet?" she giggled, her arms still stuck out. She didn't want to look up again, and she wished she could maybe soon get this stinky stuff off her face.
Alex laughed as Libby continued the rhyme not recognizing the ending. It was different to how he had been taught it. He still laughed unable to speak. He just shook his head at her answer before smiling. '20 more times'he joked playfully.
"Yay Libby" she laughed clapping her hands, than nodded as if to say yeah your done. Libby must of been red under that mask of peanut butter but she sure smell sweet.
Libby frowned playfully at Alex, her clean hand giving him a gentle slap on the head. "Thank you" she grinned and scrambled down. She tried to wipe some off her face but it had started to dry, and she laughed, "I'm going to clean up," she said standing up again and began heading to the girls loos. "Meet again in common room?" she asked.
Alex laughed and flicked his hair back to place. 'No prob'he replied smiling. 'Right, meet you there'he said before remembering he still had peanut butter everywhere on him to. 'Umm, I think I'll better go clean up as well'he replied looking at himself pulling a face. He got up and walked off to the common room, quickly trying to wipe the peanut butter off his cheeks.
"Common room than" Maddiie stood and quickley vaninish out of sight.

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