Long time no see...

James Adams

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
I haven't been here as long as some around HNZ, but I can assure you that I have been lurking for quite some time. I missed out on the end of first year and the whole of my second year, so i guess third year will be...interesting?

Anyway, with personal matters in real life finally settling down, I can now start to roleplay here again...it's good to see you all again (and I am struck once again by your awesome theme...mine have never been that good :( )

Anyway, nice to see you again,

James! :woot:
Hey James! Welcome back! It's good to hear that your personal life is settling down and you've found yourself with some time. ^_^
If you ever want to rp, just hit me up and I'd be happy to! :D
Hey James!
Welcome back to the site, and have fun roleplaying third year! ;) :p
I don't know you and you don't know me, but welcome back all the same! :)
Thanks for the welcomes guys, i too am glad personal stuff is over...too much effort, and I need to relax :woot:

@Malachi, all the more reason to get to know each other!
Hi James! It is good to see you back on the site!
Hello James!

Welcome back!
It's good to have you back with us!

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