Loking for Luuuuurveeee among other things. ;)

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair

Yup-that's her.

Sara was my first character and I'm very active on her, now I will b online, but my computer is slightly wonky, so I'm concentrating on Sara and my other character Maia.

I need a boyfriend for Sara-a first boyfriend. Older or her age will do, but she wouldn't date someone younger. She's grown up a lot in the last few months and is more confident in herself. She is no longer close to her siblings, and tries to avoid them, hopefully this guy will be someone she can open up to about her situation-for more info, her CD and Bio re in the siggie.

Also, if any of Sara's old friends are around-I was thinking that mabe they could meet p again, and maybe she could become closer to one of the girls? Though last year she was close to Vayne and Willow.

Thanks for reading!!!

I can't offer a boyfriend, BUT I can offer a friend. Kara;; Thirteen, Knows Kate, Friendly, May Have Tritanopia (which she does, she find sout in fifth year)
I can offer Daniel and my new character Ariana as friends. Daniel is a very protective person especially when it comes to his friends. Ariana is a bit intimidating, very mature, feisty and a bit too faced, but she is a good friend once strangers get through to her.
Willow is always down for any plotzors with Sara! :3
I'd start one, but Im' kinda busy D:
We could do a catch up topic?
I can offer Jake as a boyfriend, he's nice once you get to know him but at first he's really distant and anxious. He's a great listener and tends to focus on other people's problems rather than his own. Plus, they're in the same year which is also a bonus. let me know what you think.
Kara: Y&Es, I think it'd be good for Sara to find some more friends, especially since some of the people who were in her "group" have become unactive, shall we start a thread where they meet?

Willow: Yeah, that'd be great-shall I start one up?

Daniel: I think Daniel would be a good friend for Sara, since she gets along well with boys, and her last best friend, was a guy.

Jake: That'd be great! Especially since he's a slytherin, and some of her friends might object to her house-will we set up a thread?
Alright then. Do you want to start a topic or shall I?
Can you? It's fine if you can't.

That's ok I'll do it.
I would love to thread these two, they're going to date right? Could you please start it? ^_^ I will reply, but I'm just really busy at the moment. :tut:
Yes please, I don't have much time atm D:
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