Closed Living In Some Kind Of Dream

Nikko Blackwood

Macaws Keeper 🏄 Independent 🏄 '57 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
07/2039 (23)
Nikko was pretty sure the only reason he hadn't spiraled into a full panic attack was because of the two glasses of champagne he had nervously downed in the last hour. Having a few friends and teammates over for a small New Years Eve party was just the cover for what he was really planning. He wasn't even sure why he was nervous. He loved Aubrey and he knew he wanted to build a life with her. They already had a life together but he wanted it to be official and he didn't want to wait any longer. They had done enough of that already. Asking her to marry him wasn't the issue. He just wanted the moment to be special and he had never been good at keeping secrets. Usually he didn't have anyone to tell, besides Aubrey, and in this case she was the only person he couldn't talk to. The ring in his pocket felt like it weighed a million pounds and he was sure everyone could tell it was there, but he tried to act natural as he joined his girlfriend and wrapped an arm around her waist before kissing the top of her head. "Hey there." he said with a grin he hoped seemed natural. "Not working too hard I hope." he said laughing, knowing she had been stressing about being a good host. Something he hadn't thought about until it was too late to change his plans. He leaned down so only she could hear. "Why don't we get some air?" he asked before glancing at the time. Only a few minutes to midnight. He reached for her hand and tried to subtly pull her towards the small balcony off their living room.
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Aubrey felt a little silly- she played Volleyball on a national team, after all, and yet she was here being nervous about one simple house party. She and Nikko had hosted for both of their teammates, their apartment just big enough for it to not be too crammed. She'd cleaned for two days, spent more than she'd like to admit on catering and decorations and drinks. She'd tried for a more casual but cute look, wanting to feel a bit more feminine for the event when she spent so much time in sportswear.

She was trying her best to be a good hostess, wandering through the party, making sure to check on everyone, to give smiles and small talk and make sure drinks, food, and conversations were flowing. She relaxed slightly when Nikko appeared at her side, smiling and shutting her eyes, leaning into him and appreciating the kiss. She looked up to him, one arm around her torso and the other hand holding a glass of champagne.

"Aren't we always?" She teased. She nodded slightly as he spoke, finishing her champagne and setting the glass down as he led her to the balcony. She took a deep breath as they moved into the fresh air, relaxing more and sighing. She moved to lean against the railing, smiling at Nikko. "Nice save, Nikko." She complimented. "I didn't realize it would be this stressful hosting." She peeked back towards the party. "Do you think they're all enjoying it?"
Nikko was glad he didn't need to do more than ask for Aubrey to follow him. As much as he wanted to do this with their friends around he didn't want to do it in the middle of a party. He wanted a semblance of privacy and as they stepped outside he got what he asked for. The difference in volume was a little disorienting and he could practically hear his heart thudding in his chest. He wondered if she could hear it too and if it would give him away, as if his sweaty palms hadn't done that already. He took a deep breath as Aubrey moved to the railing and he just watched her for a moment. He made a face when she mentioned how stressful the night was and he at least hoped by the end of all this she would forget about that aspect of the evening. "Sorry." he mumbled. "But you do a very good job." he added with a grin. He was no stranger to hosting after growing up in his parent's inn and helping with guests from the time he could walk and talk. "And I think everyone is having a great time." he said sincerely. "But what about you, how are you feeling?" he asked.
Aubrey chuckled, pushing up off the railing and moving over to Nikko, holding out her hands for his. "Better with you here," She teased gently. "Don't mind my bellyaching- I just want to impress our friends, I've been hearing a lot of 'sporty girls can't run a home' from the gossip rags and I suppose it just got to my head." She sighed, wanting to just lean in against him for a bit. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."
Nikko chuckled at her response had took her hands in his when she held them out to him. "They don't know what they're talking about." he said reassuringly as he pulled her close and placed a kiss on the top of her head. He smiled wistfully at her last comment. "How could I not be?" he asked redundantly. "I have everything I could ever want." He got to do what he loved every day and come home to his best friend. He couldn't think of anything that would make his life better. Well one thing. As he remembered what he had come out here to do in the first place, his heart picked up it's pace. He pulled away from Aubrey and swallowed hard before digging in his pocket for the ring box. "Well....there is one more thing..." he began, echoing his earlier thought. Finally he grabbed the box and pulled it out, fumbling as he tried to open it and get down on one knee in one smooth motion. "Aubrey Grace Miller..." he began, smiling to himself slightly as he pulled out her full name. "You are my best friend and I love you more than I could ever say. I want to grow old with you, have a family, build a life. There is no one else in the world I want to come home to everyday. Will you marry me?" With the words finally out he felt his throat close up as he anxiously waited for her response.
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Aubrey shut her eyes, humming softly and just smiling, leaning in to his gentle touches. He was right, of course- what did she care for idle gossip when she had Nikko? He made her happy, and she made him happy, and that was all that mattered. She wanted to cuddle against him, just burrow against his warmth and start the new year where she was supposed to be- in his arms.

But Nikko pulled away. She pouted, meaning to protest, yet she bit her tongue as he spoke, starting to fumble with his pockets. What was he...? Her eyes widened as he pulled out a little box, her heart racing. Was that- no, it couldn't be- oh my gods it was. Aubreys hand flew up over her mouth, tears filling her eyes as Nikko got on one knee, offering sweet words and looking anxious. It took her a moment, but she eventually managed to drop both hands down to her chest. "Oh, you silly man," She managed, both smiling so hard it hurt and crying softly. "Do you even have to ask?" She offered out her hands for him, giggling breathlessly. "Of course I'll marry you, Nikko Blackwood. You are my forever." She tried to be sweet back, but she wasn't sure she accomplished it as she really just wanted him to get off his knee and hold her. "Now kiss me, you oaf," She ordered, giggling breathlessly again.
For a moment Nikko felt so relieved he thought he might pass out, but instead he let out a nervous but excited laugh as Aubrey teased him. "Well I think asking is the whole point." he quipped back but realized she hadn't actually said yes. When she finally did, he didn't need to be told twice. As he stood up he heard everyone inside cheer as the clock ticked over to the new year. They could celebrate without them for a while. He was content to celebrate, just the two of them a while longer. Without hesitation he kissed her, careful of the ring box in one hand as the other went around her waist to pull her closer. Nikko never put much stock in New Years traditions but he couldn't help but be a bit wistful about what the next year, and every year after would bring him.
Aubrey couldn't stop smiling, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back with unrestrained fervor. He was familiar, stoic and strong against her, his arms solid and warm. She giggled into the kiss, keeping close. She leant her forehead against his, letting one hand fall down to try and find the ring box. "I didn't even notice the ring, let's see how it looks," She murmured, pulling back just enough to look down, pulling the ring from the box. "Help me put it on?" She asked, her fingers playing with his hair. Aubrey Blackwood, she thought to herself, giggling again at how sweet it sounded. "Let's have babies," She declared, only half serious. That was a whole other conversation that would require a lot more thought and planning, but it felt right to say in the moment.
Nikko kissed Aubrey and almost forgot what he was doing until she finally pulled away and asked about the ring. "Right!" he said quickly and opened the box so she could see it. He had been so nervous he had gotten down on one knee without ever opening it. He laughed as she held out her hand and asked for help putting it on. "Ok, ok. Stay still." he chuckled as he struggled to get the ring on. He was so focused on that he nearly choked when she mentioned babies. Of course that was something he wanted, but they were still young. There would be plenty of time for all of that. "Woah, one thing at a time." he said as he reached out and tucked her hair behind her ears so he could get a better look at her. "Let's enjoy this first." Nikko gave her one more kiss on her forehead before tugging on her hand with the shiny new ring on it. "And tell everyone the good news."
Aubrey loved the ring- it was perfect for her, and that he'd gotten it for her made it all the better. She hummed happily, knowing she'd spend way too much time staring at it, rubbing her ring against her cheek. She giggled at his reaction, leaning into every touch. "Of course, of course," she agreed, shutting her eyes and enjoying everything about this. He was just so familiar and comfortable. She was sure her face would crack before the night was over, she was smiling so hard. She let him pull her towards the doors. "So thats why you wanted to throw the party," She teased. "Very confident- I love it," She fell in closer to his side. "Let's go show off this beautiful ring you gave me."

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