Little Miss Different

Katerina Montereal

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OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
It was a very fine day when Katerina Montereal opened the door of their house with her contented face. She's a little bit happy on her day in her school but there was a mix of loneliness on her face as she walked inside her house. It was really difficult to deal with the bullies in her school and she couldn't take the feeling that she's always been bullied. She dropped her bag on the sofa and sat lazily. Her mother was in her office, while her grandparents were with her; her grandmother was with her watching television while her grandpa was upstairs watching television too.
Katerina was the only child of the family. Her mother and father separated when she's only two years old but they did not divorced or talked about the anulment. And since her parents were separated, Katerina lives with her mother. But even though she lives with her mother, her father still supports and loves her. Her mother and father were wizards. Her mother was a Muggle Born while her father was a Pureblood. And she knows about it and her parents, prohibited her to use magic in the Muggle World. They also knew that someday she would receive a Hogwarts letter once she turned 11 so, her parents decided to let her study in the Muggle World for awhile so she can have more knowledge while waiting for the letter.​
Being the only child was easy for Katerina. She have it all without a sibling and she likes it. But she also sometimes think about this situation and would wish that she have a sibling. She took the TV remote and turned the channel. She was a bit bored so she laid on the sofa but it didn't took so long. She stood up and started to get her books from school and started to study.​
Katerina doesn't have any friends or playmates in her neighborhood. Going outside her house wasn't her passion. She keeps on staying inside instead of wandering around in the park to make friends. Actually, she have had friends when she's only at the age of four to ten last month but eventually, her playmates doesn't like her anymore because of her sensitive attitude but what they didn't know was Katerina's past. She was 4 years old when the first person to make fun with her was her aunt. But her aunt just meant to make her laugh not to cry but Katerina wasn't a girl like that. And then on her first day in Kindergarten, she was bullied by her classmates until she's now in Grade 4. She hates when someone calls her 'ugly'. And because of it, she always look after for the pretty lasses she see and wished that she's one of the pretty girls but what she didn't know was, she's a very pretty young girl who just don't believe in herself.
Studying was her passion to do. It was also her hobby. She's very clever in school and she's in the top 1. Her Intelligence Quotient was very high and she never got mistakes in her school. Being the cleverest student in the whole school was a gift and it's very rare for people. But for Katerina, she got negative effect from her classmates. Her classmates thought that she got a bad attitude and they also thought that she's arrogant. But Katerina wasn't an arrogant person neither a bad student, she just stays humble.​

<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Times New Roman">Just as Katerina was studying, she heard a noise. Someone was calling her name. Yes, someone's calling her but it was an unpleasant to hear. She looked out the window and saw her enemy, calling her ugly and stupid. It was very annoying but Katerina quickly decided to close the window, turned off the television, turned on the radio with a very loud volume of orchestra, and got back to study on the sofa. She was mad and she knew that her enemy was totally insane just to bully her outside her house. She took a deep breath and sighed.​
It was really irritating for Katerina to hear enemy from bullying her. Well, everyone does (if they won't stop). It was a cringe for her and she really want to put her hand on her ears or just put some earmuffs so she won't hear her enemy.​
Katerina didn't know how to control her temper. She's very short-tempered and she wants everything to be perfect and easy which was her bad attitude. Her mother always try to comfort her and everytime she see the lost-tempered Katerina, she always tell her that she must prolong her temper so she won't be stressed or worse she might use her magic powers (since Katerina have a telekinesis) which is bad to use it for her enemies and it's restricted to use it when a witch or a wizard who lives in a wizard family isn't in the Wizarding World as a rule or a law.​
After a few hours of studying, Katerina kept her books in her bag and took a biscuit from their white refrigerator. It tasted good as she chew it with passion. She's very hungry. She lyed on her sofa and continued eating. After that, she go upstairs.
Her bedroom was a little bit messy. Her other clothes were scattered on her bed due to throwing them when she's in a rush. She started folding it properly one by one and kept it in her shiny white wardrobe. Just as she closed her wardrobe, she saw her reflection on her wardrobe's mirror. She looked closely and starred at her face. She had a brown curly hair, her eyes were dark brown, and she had a very small face, small as her mother's fist. "Cute." thought Katerina with a smile but there was a confusion inside her mind. "Am I really cute or just feeling cute?" Her smile suddenly faded slowly. It was an offending question. She really don't know. She starred again in the mirror. "You're cute." said her mind. "If I am cute, then why other people often say I'm an ugly girl?" she thought to herself and bowed her head and a tear suddenly dropped onto the wooden floor. She was crying. And she go straight to her bed and hugged her soft pillow to comfort herself. Her heart was pounding very hard as if it was going to break into pieces. She was really hurt.
Later on, Katerina fell asleep and got a beautiful dream. She was walking down the corridor seeing her her classmates smiling at her. She could hear them calling her "Here comes the cute girl!" "Hey, get off I want to be her best friend!" It was pleasant to hear. She couldn't help herself but smile, wishing that wasn't a dream. But sadly, her dream didn't last long. She suddenly opened her eyes and saw her mother touching her hair gently. Her mother arrived and it seems, Katerina slept for a few hours. She suddenly hugged her mother tightly.
Katerina had a very sensitive attitude and for some people, an attitude like that was very annoying. But her mother understands Katerina's attitude besides, she can see Katerina was becoming stressful for months because of her situation in her school and she knew that this little girl needs a friend that will understands her like the way she do. Katerina had lots of enemies than friends in her school and her mother couldn't figure out the problem but she was sure that Katerina didn't know how to cooperate and she's a little bit snobby and moody to her classmates. But what Katerina ever wanted was to treat her by her classmates as if it she was like a gift for them.
Katerina hugged her mother tightly and felt a warm feeling. After a few seconds, she fell asleep again on her mother's shoulder but this time, she dreamed nothing. The next day, Katerina woke up on Saturday morning. She yawned and scratched her eyes gently and looked around. Her eyes narrowed and looked fixedly on the pink box. Her eyesight was a little bit blurred but it slowly goes clearer until she noticed that the box was a gift. "Is this for me?" she asked when she noticed her mother was sitting on a chair. Her mother nodded and Katerina smiled. She stood up and opened the gift. To her surprise, it contained a set of hair accessories. She smiled wildly and hugged her mother. "Thank you mom!" she said happily. Her mother was happy now because Katerina was no longer gloomy.
Katerina took the cutest headband and wear it. But just as he was looking at the mirror, a tremendous yells began downstairs. Katerina knew who were yelling. It was her grandparents.
Katerina's grandparents hated each other since her mother was only a toddler. And still, they couldn't move on and still yelling when problems come in the house especially when something's wrong with the electrical appliances. Her mother told her that Katerina's grandfather chose another woman and that was the start of hatry. But the whole familiy seemed forgotten it except for her grandmother. That's why her grandparents on her mother side didn't talk to each other well. Mrs. Montereal pulled Katerina and started to cuddle her to lose her attention on the yells downstairs.

Little Katerina seemed immune in this family problem. But although that's what she feels, when she see kids like on her same age have a very happy family, she always started to be envious and she used to wish that she was born from a very happy family.
After five minutes, the yells ended finally and then the telephone rang. Katerina loves to be the first one to answer the phone so she quickly stood up from the bed, jumped off, opened the door and ran swiftly downstairs as fast as she can. Her mother always scold her from running downstairs because she might get into accident. The phone rang continously until she reached it and answered. "Hello?"
Just as Katerina finished, a voice replied and called her name. It was a man and he has a gentle and deep voice. She quickly recognized him. It was her father. "Papa!" Katerina called out happily but not very. And to her surprise, her father told her that he's going to visit her tomorrow. Katerina didn't seemed to be excited because she's too shy to meet her father but it would be alright since she's going to have a bonding day to know her father much more. Of course, she didn't know very well her father's traits since she seldom meet him. But her father really wants to see her everyday and he wants to bond more with this little girl.
After the conversation, Katerina bid goodbye and go upstairs again. Her mother asked her who was in the phone. "Oh, it's papa." said Katerina. "That's good." her mother said. "Well, I'm going to downstairs. I'm going to cook you're favorite food." Then her mother leaved her alone in the room. Katerina took her Science book, jumped towards the bed and started to read their upcoming lesson. While she was studying, she's thinking about the word 'different'.

Different is somewhat to be something that the thing or a person is not like the others. Kind of unique and has it's own originality (maybe). "I'm different." thought Katerina to herself. Yes, she surely know that she was but it wasn't grievous at all. Even though she's quite weird and has an obsession with things that really mean a lot to her. She's sometimes clumsy and she used to imitate and want to be like her favorite actress but not pretending to be someone. And what completes her on being different was she really loves wearing old fashioned dresses such as 30's and 40's clothes rather than new. To make 30's and 40's dress to be like somewhat new, she used to look out with playful colors. She was now dreaming herself.

After one hour, she suddenly jumped when her mother called that lunch was ready. She didn't notice that she spent her time thinking about different and her. She jumped out from the bed and ran downstairs swiftly which seemly like she didn't even care. She jumped to the last step and ran towards the chair as she follow the pleasant smoke that kisses her nose in the dining room. Just as she sat down, she was very delighted to see that her lunch was a creamy carbonara.

Not all of Katerina's classmates love carbonara. One day, when she had brought a carbonara in her school, her classmates look suspiciously at her. Something that, it wasn't pleasant and she's not comfortable with it. She really don't what her classmates problem. "I mean, what's the problem with you guys?" thought Katerina inside her mind when the time her classmates were looking at her with their narrowed eyes. Even her food wasn't a carbonara her classmates were just the same. Was there anything wrong with it? It's just decent!

Loner... that's the first thing that her classmates described her. She always sits at the corner alone and just stayed quiet. That's all. She was like a little mouse who was always been scared to let her confidence show.
After a few minutes, Katerina had finally finished eating. She was very full and delighted. She go back upstairs and started to read books again. It was pretty boring to see a little girl spending her much time reading books. It looks like she isn't really interesting with dolls or some games that the kids of her same age do. But for Katerina, knowledge is more important for every kids and adults. But she wasn't really very nerd or something, she also love to play games on her computer but not to play with the other kids in their neighbourhood or in her school. She would rather play by herself because she knew that playing with the other kids sometimes end up in fight because some of them thought that someone cheated and Katerina hates blaming in one another. She loves when she used to be alone, she wants to stay in a quiet place where she can find herself calm and relaxed. She wanted to be free from noise so she can concentrate on what she was doing. That's why she wanted to sit in just one corner in their school.
After two hours of studying, Katerina jumped from the bed and started to play her computer. This time, her nerd attitude turn out to be obsessed on playing computers. Yes, she's always like that. That's why she's different because not all nerds love playing computers as if it were they are geek. She spent her time using for six hours and then she shut it down and started to play with her dolls.

Katerina's dolls were mostly big eyed and small full lips which was from Japan and others were French Dolls. She used to play it all by herself by changing them clothes or what she usually do - playing them with dialogues. This time, Katerina plyed it all by changing them clothes.</FONT></COLOR>

* * *​
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It was December the first when Katerina woke up. She squinted and looked at the calendar. To her surprise, she was going to meet her father. She quickly fixed herself, take a bath and dressed in 50's dress. She was very excited. And then she and mother gone to the mall.

Katerina's mother was holding her cellphone talking to Mr. Montereal, looking around in case she might spotted him. It was quite crowded in the mall but it's still worth to look around. After 10 minutes, the three had finally met. Katerina's father had a brownish blonde hair, a pair of bright brown eyes and tall enough. Katerina's mother often tells her that she got lots of appearances from her father.

Katerina's father didn't took any much time to talk to her even though he wanted to spend more time with her. He's going to work and have to apparate. But before he could leave, he gave the French Doll to Katerina which she had asked him to give it to her as a gift. Mr. Montereal hugged Katerina goodbye and Kterina kissed him on the cheek. Mr. Montereal bid goodbye and in just one blink, he' was gone.

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