Little first year group.

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Shiloh Denton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
Ok, so I am looking for a group of first years for Shiloh. They can be in a kind of group, where they all meet up sometimes, in various locations, and get away from the stresses of school, talk about what they have been doing and so forth. I already have a BFF lined up for Shiloh, but a group of friends wouldn't hurt. So if any-one is interested reply here or pm me, thats good too. SOme info on Shiloh is in her Charrie Dev in her siggie.

I need on average about four or five people. Boys or girls, it doesnt matter, and they have to be unsorted. Please and thankyou.

Friend 1 Amanda (Mandy)
Friend 2 Grace (Gracie)
Friend 3 Nicole (Nic)
Friend 4 Steven (Steve)
Friend 5 Artemis (Artie)
I can offer my unsorted student, Amanda Pike, as a friend. She's new to New Zealand (she used to live in the U.S.A.). She acts really shy and is smart so people who don't know her call her a nerd, but with her friends she is the comedian and can get a little crazy/hyper.
I can offer my new unsorted student Grace Her dev is here
Ok they both sound awesome. When I get some more people I'll pm you guys. Thanks :hug:
I have Nicole, she prefers to call her Nic, she's very smart like Einstein, kind, charming and obedient. She lives in Scotland but is with her nanny in New Zealand, Nic came into a second family because her mom made an afair with Ally's dad.

I can be a friend?
Ok, she sounds good. I'll just see if any-one else is interested and then I'll pm you.
I have five unsorted students :p

Ryleigh Morris

She is a responsible young woman who takes pretty good care of her blind twin sister, Rainbow. She is good at making friends and it's easy for her to adapt to new surroundings.

R esponsible
Y outhful
L ogical
E ncouraging
I nteresting (Trust Me)
G irly
H elpful

Rainbow Morris
Rainbow Morris is often rude and ungrateful for everything her sister does for her. She loves people who are like her and won't be friends with anyone else. Even though she is blind, Rainbow has EXCELLENT senses other than sight.

Steven Forest
Steven is shy boy. He loves his family very much and will do the best for his family no matter what. He likes to do everything by himself and he knows that wherever he was, he prefer to do all by himself.

Dylan Forest
Dylan is a young girl who likes sports. She believes that a healthy body will bring longevity. She also set the pattern of food and not eating meat. So, she only ate fruits and vegetables. She comes from different parents. Her father is muggle and her mother is wizard.

Eva Forest
Eva Forest comes from a very wealthy family. She knows exactly everything about cooking, sewing, flower arranging, and home care. She is very mature and able to take care of all sorts of things. She is independent and brave. But, she got mad easily if someone interupted her statement.

Friend, best friend maybe .... ? Let me know :)
Hmm, I like the sound of Steven Meyke :) I'll pm you soon, I want to see if there is one more person interested.
ok Ive pmed you all in your unsorted names
Artemis would love to be a friend of Shiloh!

She's really nice to her friends, and is usually friendly. She loves fashion, She is quite good at getting what she wants, and she is very loud. She talks A LOT, mainly because her sister can't talk. I'm hoping for either Ravenclaw or Slytherin for her.
Ok That sounds great Artemis. Like I've told the others. I will pm you when I have made the thread Thanks Artemis :hug:
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