Closed Little Colds

Jamie Derouin

beauxbatons grad; french national team chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
onyx <3
Knotted 12" Flexible Pear Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/2031 (30)
Following his birthday and the morning spent around Paris, Jamie had gotten progressively more under the weather. Not too badly, but enough that he’d called in sick for the week so he could rest up properly. He’d be no use to the team over the next few games if he didn’t take the time now to rest up. He was keeping the apartment warm, but that wasn’t too difficult at summer was creeping in and taking a firm hold, but he was bouncing between hot and cold that it was better to keep it at a good temperature. The balcony too would enable him to go outside and get some fresh air without actually having to leave the house. He was managing the days well enough and thinking about his next letter to Onyx when he heard the door. There was no one due to visit him, his parents were busy, his sisters both busy, he was close with his team but none of them would risk catching it. Jamie went to the door and was surprised by the sight. It was onyx and that man who had picked him the first time. ”Hey, James right?” he greeted the man and looked toward Onyx who seemed very sick. Jamie leaned forward, resting his hands on Onyx’s face, feeling the fever, before looking back at James for an explanation as to what was going on.
James hadn't been planning to work this week- especially after Onyx had shown back up from his trip to France drenched and sneezing. James had tried to keep an eye on it, he really had; Onyx had always had a bad knack for catching the most intense colds. It was usually only once or twice a year, but Onyx was always out of it for a few days. Fever, chills, it was never just the sniffles with his nephew. But a few things had come up that had required James' attention, and he didn't really want to leave Onyx alone while he was out of town.

After trying several of his usual stops, James was... really reaching with this one, he was sure. With Onyx still in tow, James stepped up to the door of Jamie Derouin's flat. He wasn't sure what he thought of this new... friend, of Onyx's, but James was grasping at straws right now. He knocked, studying the man that appeared a few moments later. "Yes, that's me. Jamie, isn't it?" He returned, glancing to his nephew. Onyx's eyes had widened when Jamie touched him. He noted the little smile and the way Onyx seemed to lean into the touch a moment, before sighing in frustration as Onyx pulled away to hide in James' side. He rolled his eyes as Onyx insisted he was fine and could stay home, and just shook his head. "No, you're not," He scolded lightly before turning his eyes back to Jamie.

"Look, I'm really sorry to ask, but something's come up and I'm going to be out of town for about a week, and I can't get ahold of anyone else. Despite what he thinks he's not really at his best right now and I don't want to leave him alone; can I drop him on your couch a few days? I'll pay you, of course, he's a bit... clingy when he's sick," He motioned to the way Onyx had burrowed into his side, hiding his face from Jamie and grumbling. "If the bugger could stand on his own I'd consider letting him stay home but as it is he's going to take two steps and hit the floor. I packed him a bag, just toss a potion in him every few hours and he'll just sleep for the most part. He'll want to cuddle when he's awake but if you tell him you're busy he'll pout but curl up in a ball somewhere and go back to bed."
Jamie nodded, ”Yeah it is,” he said in response as this man, James confirmed who he was. He was mostly watching Onyx, who despite his protests absolutely did not seem fine to him. He looked sick, so very sick. He gave a little smile at James’ words to him. ”Gotta agree with him baby, you are not looking well,” he said, before looking back towards James and what he said. He had taken a few days off anyway, this was no probably. ”Oh you don’t need to pay me, I’m happy to look after Onyx while he gets better,” he stepped out of the way of the door to let James bring Onyx in. ”We can take him to the bedroom,” he said, he wouldn’t let Onyx sleep on the couch while sick, he would just bring him to the bedroom and let him sleep in there. He wasn’t sure if he should help James carry Onyx, but he didn’t want to impose either. ”Come on, bring him in, I’ll help get him to the bed and you can be on your way,” he told James with a smile and a nod. This was going to be a pretty miserable week for him anyway and now he would at least have Onyx’s company.
James smiled slightly. Well, Jamie certainly seemed concerned at least. James was a bit relieved the boy seemed to worry a little over Onyx. "Alright, come on you," he murmured softly, hooking an arm around Onyx and half dragging him, half leading him to the bedroom. "I really appreciate you taking him," he directed at Jamie, lugging Onyx towards the bed. He got the boy to lay down, pausing a bit as he started to straighten again as Onyx was holding onto the collar of James' shirt and whining softly. James almost laughed a bit at Onyxs protests. "Nyxy baby, honestly, you met this boy looking like roadkill, I highly doubt hes going to be bothered you don't look cute right now," he reassured his nephew, before gently prying Onyxs fingers from his shirt. James dropped Onyxs bag by the bed, pulling out a small, tattered stuffed rabbit and giving it to the boy before straightening.

He stopped near Jamie, studying him a bit. "I'm going to stop by again," he offered lightly, "Once I'm back and everything is sorted. We should have lunch without my little kitten," he glanced back to Onyx, who had curled up and was shivering lightly. "Hes been through enough, don't you think?" He gave Jamie one more look, this one a bit stern, before winking and apparating out. He had work to do, and quickly, so he could return to take Onyx home.
Onyx was perhaps a little bit out of things. He had been curled up in his room, trying to sleep, when his Uncle had come in, throwing a bunch of things around before pulling Onyx out of bed, barefoot in his sweats and a too big tshirt, his hair a mess. Onyx padded along, leaning into his uncle and not really paying attention as they apparated. It wasn't until he felt the hands on his face that he even realized they were Jamie, his eyes widening a bit before he smiled and leaned into Jamie's touch.

His brow furrowed, though, as he remembered what he was wearing. He pulled away, hiding in James side and grumbling. He stayed there, trying to protest even as he struggled to really comprehend half of what was happening. Before he knew it they were moving again. He fell into bed again, almost thinking he was home again. He tried to hold onto his uncle, not wanting to be without the touch, but despite his protests he was left alone.

Groaning a little, Onyx rolled over, curling up with the rabbit pulled tight against his chest, hardly paying attention to the world as he shivered. He just felt so cold, and tired, he just wanted to cuddle and sleep. "Is Jordie back from Uncle Jayces house?" He murmured, voice cracking as he slowly strung together his words. "I wanna cuddle, uncle," he whined softly, knowing his little brother would curl up with him and take a nap. He tried to feel around for a blanket, pouting as he couldn't seem to find one.
Jamie watched and helped as much as he could to the bedroom and then to the bed. He watched the man lay him down and then took a moment to just leave the two to have a little moment before he looked back towards James. He gave a little smile at the man who was speaking to him and nodded. ”Don’t rush though, take your time, he’s safe with me here,” Jamie assured the older man but he just nodded, he could agree from the little he had known Onyx that the man had been through more than enough that he had had a pretty hard hand in the last few years. He did hope that he could be a bit of a safety net for him, or just a place he could always come to if he needed it. He watched as the man apparated out and he was left with just him and Onyx. He approached the bedside and sat down on the edge. He reached out and lightly brushed Onyx’s hair from his face. ”Baby, can I get you anything, some soup or some dreamless sleep potion?” he asked. He had had to take care of his sister in the past but he’d been young and his mother had always been around, this was entirely different.
Onyx yawned, feeling sleepy. He gave up on his search for a blanket and just settled into the bed. His eyes fluttered open when he felt someone touch him, and he couldn't help but hum in content as he saw Jamie. Pushing the rabbit off the bed, Onyx rolled a little and held out his arms, quickly curling his fingers in and out in the grabby hands motion, whining softly. "I jus want you," he managed a soft reply, sniffling a little. "You're like... A gazillion times too good for me but I jus... Really wanna snuggle and cuddle," he giggled a little, a bit delirious from being sick. "Nooo no potion," he added, pouting and looking up to Jamie with hazed blue eyes. "I like dreams." He giggled again. "Since... Paris-" he smiled, "all my dreams are 'bout you,"
Jamie watched Onyx who seemed to get comfortable and seemed to be some lost in his own fever. He had to smile softly at him and give a fond expression. ”In a moment baby,” he told him, he didn’t want to give him a potion if he didn’t want it, it was just a cold he was sure that it would go away on its own with medicine every so often, but he also didn’t want to let James down. He shook his head a little and let himself smile at Onyx’s antics, ”We’ll snuggle in a moment. I just have to do right by your uncle,” Jamie told him lightly brushing his hand through Onyx’s hair. He had to show the uncle he was trustworthy. Jamie left the room from a moment and returned with a potion, some water and a dampened cloth. He placed the cloth on his forehead and held the potion out, ”Drink the potion and a little water and then we can just sleep the rest of the day. Okay baby? That sound okay?”He was trying to coax him into sitting up enough that he could help him to drink the potion.
Onyx pouted as Jamie seemed to brush off wanting to cuddle, thinking maybe he was just going to be left by himself, but that was quickly pushed aside as he felt Jamie brush a hand through his hair. He sighed softly, unable to keep himself from smiling. Jamie left then, and Onyx wiggled his way under the covers, feeling cold. It wasn't long before Jamie came back, and Onyx rolled over to see him. He sighed softly as Jamie put a rag on his forehead, not wanting to admit how nice it felt. He sat up a little bit as Jamie asked him to, downing the potion and a bit of water. When that was handled, though, he gave Jamie a few moments to empty his hands before pulling him into the bed.

Onyx curled up, burying his face in Jamies neck and settling against the other man, wrapping around Jamie and purring softly. It wasn't long before Onyx fell asleep. The next few days were honestly mostly a blur to Onyx- he must have eaten and moved around but really all he could remember was how warm and safe Jamie's bed felt.

It was a few days before Onyx felt like himself again. His eyes fluttered open, and he yawned. He was sleepy, and warm, but his head felt clear. He shifted away from the source of heat, sitting up and stretching. He rubbed his eyes, looking around the unfamiliar room. "What...?" He yawned, running a hand through his hair and looking around. Where was he?

A touch of movement caught his attention, and he turned his head. His eyes widened and his cheeks burned. Jamie. I'm in Jamie's bed. Onyx automatically scrambled away, embarrassed and self-conscious. "Oh god- I'm so sorry, I'm such a mess, I- ten minutes, no, five, I'll just-" Onyx cursed lightly, desperately trying to style his hair with his fingers and looking around for his bag. If his uncle dropped him here, there had to be a bag too, right?
Jamie had taken as much care of Onyx as he could before just letting himself be dragged into bed next to him. He knew that certainly spending more time around someone as sick as Onyx did nothing for his own budding cold, but he spent the next few days doing his best to take care of Onyx as he had said he would, it helped that everything he did for Onyx he then did for himself, some warm soup, some potion, some water. He just kept the cloth on Onyx’s forehead since it appeared that Jamie’s cold wasn’t presenting as much of a fever as Onyx’s was, it was giving him headaches, and his sinus had never felt so blocked up. He felt movement and slowly came to awareness, his head wasn’t doing much better that day and he sniffled loudly, letting himself cough into his arm. He let his eyes open at the words. ”No, stay in bed, baby,” his voice was rough from the coughing, but he was reaching for Onyx, trying to get him to stay in bed. ”You had a fever, you need to rest” he muttered, ”Promised,” he was still sleepy and his sleepy state left his sentences short as he was unwilling to wake up more than he already was. He didn’t want to get out of bed today at all, he’d get up in a bit though to make sure that Onyx got some food, he just needed the man to come back to bed.
Onyx looked over to Jamie, his brow furrowing a little. Oh, baby, Onyx forgot all his insecurities, moving back over and brushing Jamies hair from his eyes. "I'm better, baby, its okay," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Jamie's temple. "Let me take care of you now," he smiled, running his fingers lightly down Jamie's cheek before standing. He shuffled out of the room, taking a few minutes to fix a cup of broth and grabbing some water and potion.

He came back to the room and set his spoils on the nightstand, shifting pillows and stuff against the wall so he could settle sitting up. He beckoned Jamie up, getting the frenchman settled against his chest. Once there was some water and a potion in him, Onyx got him to start sipping on the broth. He ran his fingers lightly though Jamie's hair. After a few moments, Onyx leaned his cheek against the top of his head and started singing softly. It was something his uncle always did for Onyx when he felt under the weather.
Jamie leaned into the hand and smiled at Onyx, definitely thinking this would mean that he’d be coming back to bed, but it seemed he was. He gave a little whine, but let himself just fall back fully on to the pillows, pressing his face into them in some attempt to push aside the dull ache in his head. He definitely should let his team know that he wasn’t going to be in for another few days, he hoped he wouldn’t miss the next match, he loved playing and it was always so much fun to go with the team out to dinner and party with them for a little bit. He didn’t often spend long out but he was going to miss the chance. He almost dozed off again with his mind filled with quidditch when Onyx came back into the room. He raised his head off the pillow and looked towards Onyx, noting that there was food, water and potion. He went to take the potion as he got himself more settled against Onyx. He ate the food slowly, his stomach wasn’t too bad but he hardly wanted to tempt fate. Once it was finished he pushed it away and just let himself relax into Onyx more. ”That tune’s familiar, what are you singing?” in his tired state, with his voice rough, his french accent pushed through a little more heavily.
Onyx paused, blushing deeply as Jamie spoke. He bit his lip, shifting a little. "It, um, it's just something my uncle sings sometimes," he answered a little shyly before falling silent and snuggling against Jamie. He kept running his fingers gently through Jamie's hair, pressing a soft kiss to the mans temple. "Can I get you anything?" He asked softly, wanting to try and make it up to Jamie. Onyx wasn't sure how long he had been here, but he was already feeling guilty for being here.
Jamie wondered why it was familiar to him when it was Onyx’s uncle whom he’d met for only the second time when Onyx had been dropped off who had sung it. He chalked it up to his fuzzy unclear mind. Surely it was just a song that sounded familiar to him now, but when he was no longer unwell, and his mind clear again he would realise it wasn’t a song he knew at all. The man sighed contently into the kiss. ”Maybe send an Owl to the team, I said I’d be off a few days but it’ll probably be a bit long. Just say it’s a cold or they’ll send the team healer round,” he said, though he was very content with Onyx just remaining with him. He was comfortable and at ease with him that he had never managed to quite get with his last partner, they had just never managed this level of easy comfort. It had been good with her up until it hadn’t but it had never been like this. Through no fault of hers, she was just different from Onyx. He smiled softly, ”But just having you here is fine. I’ll probably sleep a bit more,” he said, coughing a little bit just as he spoke. Curling impossible deeper into the mattress.
Onyx nodded a little, he could do that. He wasn't sure exactly how to care for Jamie, but he meant to try his best. He shifted, brushing Jamie's hair from his eyes. "Do... do you wanna cuddle?" He asked softly. "I can go if you'd rather be alone," He offered shyly, ignoring how badly he wanted to just curl up with Jamie and trying not to assume anything. Onyx was very used to being told to go away, and he had stopped taking it personally a long time ago. The disappointment of being rejected when he wanted affection was always there in the back of his mind, of course, but he was good at hiding it.

He was very pleasantly surprised, however, when Jamie wanted to cuddle. Onyx didn't bother asking any questions, jumping on the chance and trying to ignore the way his heart stuttered as he settled into bed with the other man, running his fingers lightly through Jamie's hair and humming softly.

The next few days passed by quickly, and Onyx was reluctant to admit how much he was enjoying himself. Not that he liked seeing Jamie sick, of course, but Onyx loved being the one that could take care of him. He had written the team like Jamie asked, and last night he'd even spent yesterday and most of the morning making Pain au Chocolat. Jamie had seemed like he was getting a bit better, and Onyx wanted to try and make him something other than broth to eat. He didn't dare say the name of the dish out loud, sure he would misspeak, but he had read it was a popular french dish and his last attempt to make it had gone reasonably well with Jordie.

Onyx had just got back from the shops, a fresh bag of fruit in his arms. He set it on the counter and went about cleaning the kitchen, humming to himself as his baked treats cooled on the counter. He could probably recall the spell for cleaning the kitchen if he thought on it, but Onyx preferred working with his hands. Figuring Jamie was still asleep, Onyx was bouncing around a bit, hardly noticing the flour smeared on his cheek as he sang to himself.

"So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover, that I know you can't afford, bite that tattoo on my shoulder, pull the sheets right off the corner of that mattress that you stole, from your roommate back in boulder, we ain't ever getting older,"

*godmod approved
The next few days for Jamie passed in a bit of blur, he got up and stretched on a few occasions but never for long, he just wasn’t awake much. He slept, coughed, ate and slept. After a few days, most of the symptoms faded away, leaving him with just a bit of a cough and dry throat but mostly feeling okay. The thing that woke him up was his nose clearing and being able to smell whatever Onyx had been making. He yawned deeply and after putting on some more clothes he got up. He could hear the man singing and couldn’t help but smile. With a flcik of his hand he opened the balcony doors and let the fresh air into the apartment. He walked to the kitsch and smiled just watching for a moment as Onyx was singing and baking. He seemed to be making pain au chocolat which made him smile to no end. ”Cherie, there’s a bakery line a street away, you didn’t have to start making them,” he said, hoping to startle Onyx just a little. He didn’t know the song that Onyx was singing but it seemed nice and it was definitely nice to see him up and about.
Onyx nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice, stumbling a bit and blushing deeply. He ran a hand through his hair, biting his lip at Jamie's words. "Oh, I- I just thought," he looked away a moment before striding back over to the counter where he'd left his jacket, slipping it on without meeting Jamie's eyes. "I'm sorry, I- I can go get some instead, I- my brother liked them last time I'll just take them back to the house," Onyx managed a bit shyly. What had he been thinking, he couldn't just go baking in someone elses home, its not like Jamie was his boyfriend. He chastised himself, checking his pockets for his wallet.
Jamie frowned as Onyx began moving to the counter, ”What?” he asked with a confused tone, before his brain seemed to catch up, Jamie hadn’t meant the comment so that Onyx would feel bad and go buy some, but simply that buying them would’ve been easier, ”Baby, no, you misunderstand me,” he told him walking over to where Onyx was and moving to take the man’s jacket off, ”I didn’t mean for it to be an insult or a suggestion that yours wouldn’t be good enough, just that, pain au chocolat can take hours to make,” he told him. ”I’m sorry baby, come on, come back to singing and cooking, make my home smell better than the stinky bakery down the road,”
Onyx blinked, brought out of his thoughts when he felt Jamies hands on his shoulders, stealing his jacket. Onyx looked up, eyes wide, barely keeping himself from leaning into the touch. He glanced away again, flicking his lip ring and chuckling nervously. "I- sorry," he moved back to the counter, continuing to wipe it down. "I, ah- I know I tend to be dramatic, a bit over the top. I ah, I was always a drummer, but um, I took the time to pick up guitar so I could serenade my ex, b-but ah, I guess I did it wrong, or I wasn't good enough when I tried, he was just embarrassed. Maybe it wasn't his thing, I'm not sure. I had to beg him to go with me to a wedding once, I was in the band, and even then he just wore jeans and a white t shirt."

Onyx set the rag down, biting his lip. "Sorry- I'm rambling again, heh," he shook his head, turning and leaning against the counter. "I- I actually started them last night, I- I wanted to apologize for being here, I don't remember my uncle dropping me off but-" Onyx looked to his toes, rubbing the back of his neck. "How- how are you feeling? I'm sorry you got sick- it was my fault, I should've taken off after my uncle left," he took a deep breath, trying to still the steady pounding of his heart. He felt really nervous, he just wanted so badly for Jamie to like him, even though he knew it was a silly thought.
Jamie listened to onyx talk about his ex, he knew he didn’t mind grand gestures himself, that they could be sweet, but he also knew others who didn’t like them, he always tried to check in some manner before doing anything. But, it seemed wrong to not at least make an effort explain properly why something wasn’t appreciated and more to not dress appropriately for something like a wedding. The more he heard about this ex, the more he disliked him, the more it became clear where some of Onyx’s behaviours were from. He shook his head, ”Don’t, I was under the weather before you got here, turns out getting soaked in Paris and then not immediately getting dry will give you a cold,” he said with a little smile. ”I’m glad I could help your uncle out and glad that you are now feeling better and making me pastries,” Jamie had a casual smile and a warmth in his tone. ”And you know, thanks for looking after me too,” he said. ”Now, set me to work, let me help out,” he said motioning to what Onyx had in front of him with a keen tone.
Onyx blushed a little, and laughed a little shyly. "Yeah, well, it was my fault you got soaked," he countered. If he had actually kissed Jamie, well, that would have made getting sick worth it. Though, if he was being honest, the time cuddling Jamie had been really good, too. He laughed again as Jamie asked to be set to work. "Well, unfortunately, I cannot." He shifted, grabbing one of the cooling pastries and offering it to Jamie. "But you can have one,"

Onyx stood a little closer to Jamie, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing away. "You know, when I said I wanted to see you again, I didn't mean crashing at your place out of my head," he glanced up with a shy smile. "Maybe... If you're up for it, maybe I can make us some dinner instead? I'd need to do a bit of shopping, but my brother says I make a pretty good chicken noodle soup." Onyx hesitated a second, before reaching out to carefully set a hand on Jamie's arm. "It... It might be kinda nice to sit down for a bit and have a conversation both of us will remember." He bit his lip. "Maybe... We can go back to my place? I can cook, we can eat, and maybe... After dinner we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie?"
Jamie shrugged, ”I didn’t exactly say no, I could’ve just taken you indoors somewhere but I wanted to show you Paris,” He told him. He took one of the cooling pastries and bit into it. He could certainly taste that it wasn’t from a bakery it was wonderful, ”Delicious baby, delicious,” he said as he continued to eat. He gave a little smile, and thought it was sweet, but he wasn’t sure they needed to go to Onyx’s place to get that. ”We don’t need to go anywhere for that, we can stay here, plus isn’t it the middle of the night in New Zealand if it’s late morning here?” he countered. He reached forward to take Onyx’s face, careful to not touch his face with the pastry. ”Let me get some proper clothes on, and we can go to the little corner shop and pick up what we need and then cook it. All of that can be here,” If onyx really wanted to go back to his then Jamie wouldn’t say no, but he thought it might just be easier to stay here, he didn’t mind his flat being used, it was nice that it was so filled with beautiful smells and company and it was just nice.
Onyx was almost ready to argue, but he could tell it was a pointless argument. If he was going to be a brat, it wasn't going to be about this. He was quickly distracted as Jamie moved to bite into the pastry, and he couldn't help but bite his lip. When Jamie spoke, Onyx quickly ducked his head to hide the giant smile and the flush that covered his cheeks. "I, heh, I kinda went overboard with it," He laughed a little nervously, "I think I made way too much. Maybe, um, maybe you could take some to the team, to make up for me getting you sick," He offered, glancing back up to Jamie.

He nodded as Jamie offered to stay there, relieved he wouldn't be imposing more. He shook his head at the statement, though. "No, I'm ten hours ahead. It's a little later in the evening but nothing too unreasonable," He ran a hand through his hair. "It will take me a few hours to make the noodles, though, by the time food was ready it would be pretty early in the morning," He laughed lightly. He wasn't sure if anyone was even home yet. He'd need to step out in a bit and call his uncle.

Onyx's attention was caught again as Jamie took his face in his hand. Onyx almost didn't register what Jamie said. His breath caught, his eyes shut, and he leaned heavily into the touch. Unthinkingly, he brought his hand up, pressing it lightly over Jamie's. Onyx purred softly for several moments, lost in the touch, when what Jamie had said before clicked in his head.

He blinked his eyes open, feeling a little embarrassed. He took a step back and offered Jamie a shy smile, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "S-sorry, um," Onyx took a breath to steady himself, "That would work, ah, I would need to get my shoes anyw-" Onyx stopped abruptly, his eyes going wide. "Oh my god, my uncle packed my bag. Do I have shoes?" The color drained from his face. "His sense of fashion is whatever random shirt he grabbed and the same jeans three days in a row- no!" Onyx shot away, skidding back to the bedroom and diving for his bag. He hadn't looked properly in it, and he was suddenly very worried. He was staying in Jamie's apartment, and he'd been so caught up in taking care of Jamie that he hadn't even stopped to consider what he was wearing.

But now Jamie was up and Onyx needed to find something cute to wear, he needed his make-up, some hair gel, Onyx had to have his look spot on if he had any hopes of impressing Jamie. He dug through his bag, practically burying himself in it as he pulled out a pair of simple black sneakers and looking for something to go with it.
Jamie shrugged, ”Who says I can’t eat all of it?” he countered with a little smirk, ”Sharing this with the team, blehhhh they won’t appreciate it like I will,” he told him, though he would likely take the left overs to the team, there would be just nothing wrong in for now, just saying he’d eat them all. After all, even if he did intend to share, he didn’t intend to do it until he had eaten all that he could. They would be a last resort. Jamie had never been very good at Time zones, especially with apparition but he did figure it would be better to stick to this timezone than to go venturing into another. It would through off any rhythm they could get back after just being unwell. ”I’ll happily give you the help you need to make everything,” he watch Onyx pull away after a moment, as if coming to himself and then beginning to fret, he just waited a moment and then smiled. He went to the room and quickly just changed t-shirts and put on some comfortable trousers, ”It’s just down the road, no need for anything fancy, we just need to put on our clean clothes and shoes and then go,” he told him, since he was already ready.
-godmod approved-

Onyx laughed a little lightly. "Baby, you're gunna get a stomach ache." He teased Jamie affectionately, smiling up at him shyly. He was glad, and a bit relieved, to see how Jamie seemed to be so pleased with the treats. It had been a chance, and he was glad he took it.

Onyx was digging in his bag, not finding anything that really stood out as cute. He bit his lip, shaking his head as he dug through his bag, looking for some of his make up, at least. "Its not the people at the store I'm trying to look cute for," he admitted a bit shyly, sitting back in frustration and sighing, scrubbing his hands over his face. He sighed, grabbing the sneakers and slipping them on. "Alright, alright, I changed this morning at least, this isn't too bad." He hopped up, smiling at Jamie and offering out his hand.

It wasn't that long before they were at the shop, and Onyx was quickly gathering everything he needed. Chicken, celery, carrots, a few spices. His list wasn't long, and he tried to have everything as fresh as possible. It tasted better that way. He was humming, Jamie on the other side of the aisle. Onyx spotted the seasoning he was after, reaching up to get it. He stopped humming, frowning as it was out of reach. He pushed up on tiptoe, his fingers brushing the bottom of it. He frowned, concentrating as he tried to find a way to wiggle the seasoning just a little closer so he could get it.

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