Closed Listening

Kyon Lockwood

Twin- Sporty- Confident
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Doxy Wing Core
8/19/2046 (16)
Spending time with Emmanuel was quickly becoming one of Kyons' favorite things. He hummed softly, stretched out on the couch and just listening as Emmanuel went on and on about some other history event. "That's interesting," He offered, his fingers brushing the carpet. "Did that really happen?" He bit back a yawn, imagining the events that his friend was describing.
Emmanuel liked spending time with Kyon, he hadn't spent nearly as much time with him last semester, and he was hoping to make up for it now. "Yeah!" he had been talking about a piece of history he had learnt over the break while at home with his extended family. "They believe it did," he replied, with history so far back, there was sometimes a margin for error or embellishment, but he liked to think it was all true. He laughed at the yawn, "I'm sorry to be boring you, Kyon," his tone was friendly and playful.
Kyon chuckled, not bothering to move. "You know you just relax me, silly." He yawned. "I like listening to you talk. And this is comfortable." He murmured, smiling. "Tell me more. What other cool stuff did you learn about?" He asked, storing away all the information for later. If Emmanuel liked it, it would be a good thing to know, right?
Emmanuel laughed in a light manner, "I don't know if that's much different," he retorted. He thought it was nice that Kyon just liked listening to it. He wasn't maybe appearing to listen, and Emmanuel was sure if he quizzed him, he wouldn't be able to answer all of it but still, that wasn't what mattered. "You know history has always been more about stories, stories told over fires and dinners," he told him. before launching into a little something he had learnt about food in the history of the native Māori in new zealand.​
Kyon was cuddled into the couch, smiling as Emmanuel went on about a new story, humming softly. "Now you're making me hungry," He teased his friend, yawning. "Do you have any favorite food stories?" He asked, enjoying the feeling of the floor on his fingers. "You always have the best stories." He added with a sleepy smile.
Emmanuel had plenty of stories to tell Kyon, plenty of ones about food. He just gave a little laugh, "Of course I do, but I am sending you to sleep," Emmanuel replied with a little laugh. "Are you sure you wouldn't benefit from going to bed?" he joked lightly. "Maybe I need to make my story telling better, keep your attention for longer," he added, though this time he wasn't joking as much, he was thinking that it could be good to work on his lecturing.
Kyon laughed lightly, stretching and making himself sit up. "Well, you can practice on me all you want. What are you doing over there anyways?" He asked, curious what Emmanuel had going on over there. He stood, stretching again before walking over. "Wanna show me what you've got?"
Emmanuel watched Kyon stretch and considered it. Though he was in his mind already practicing on Kyon, given that he was the one who listened to his stories above all others. "What's the most boring subject you can think of," he asked him. If he could make something boring, interesting.
Kyon considered the question. "Oh, that's a tough question." He murmured, chewing on his lip. "I find everything interesting... Sports, agriculture, military stuff, peace times... maybe politics?" He offered, looking to Emmanuel. "Unless there's like assassinations politics seems super boring," He challenged with a cheeky grin. "Think you could get me interested in that?"
Emmanuel did realize in asking Kyon to give him a subject that he didn't find interesting, it might be something that he didn't know a lot about. He listened to the list and knew he could've managed a few interesting things with some, but politics...recent current politics, that he didn't know all that well at all. He laughed lightly. "I don't know that much about politics really, give me a second to just think," he said, letting his mind consider all he knew and try to pick out elements he could tell Kyon about.
Kyon chuckled, dropping down to sit with Emmanuel. "Hey, you told me to pick something." He teased, running a hand through his hair. He crossed his legs and propped his chin in his hand, watching his friend with a bemused grin and waiting patiently for the boy to come up with something.
Emmanuel laughed and nodded. "I know, I know," and then after a moment more, he tried to launched into an interesting story about the most recent political election within this country. He was trying his best to make it interesting. But he wasn't sure he wasn't saying anything incorrect. He paused for a moment, to see how Kyon was doing.
Kyon smiled, leaning in and watching Emmanuel, listening eagerly as the boy started talking. He smiled brightly, drawn in by the stories Emmanuel was telling. "Really?" He asked when Emmanuel got to what seemed like a stopping point. "Well, you win, that was definitely interesting," He laughed, sitting back. "You can make anything interesting."
Emmanuel was surprised when he had actually managed to make it interesting to him. He gave a little laugh and shook his head. ”I bet it's because you already find me interesting, as a friend, so it doesn't actually work,” Emmanuel told him. He knew that someone else would find him boring, wouldn't like how he spoke or whatever, but that person wasn't going to be one of his closest friends.
Kyon chuckled. "Well, what can I say, you're an interesting guy," He offered easily, smiling at Emmanuel. "You know I'm a bit biased, but can you blame me? You're smart, charming, handsome. Why wouldn't I find you interesting?" He spoke without really thinking, having always been open and honest with Emmanuel.
Emmanuel laughed lightly in agreement. He wouldn't have ever called himself charming or handsome, but he wouldn't correct him either. "I find you interesting too," he said, returning the compliment to him. "You're confident, energetic - most of the time - and amazing," he told him with a warm and encouraging tone. "I do appreciate when you listen to me rant,"
Kyon blushed a bit, and laughed, running his hand over the back of his neck. "Careful man, I might think you're flirting," He teased, stretching out. "Most of the time?" He continued to tease Emmanuel, jumping up and offering out his hand. "Come on, then! We've been in your history for too long. Let's go out to the lake and kick a ball around, yeah?" He offered, an easy smile on his face. "Let's get you more energetic now, too," He winked playfully.

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