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Simon Blackmoore

Well-Known Member
Introducing Simon Blackmoore, Artemis Blackmoore-Yearling's older brother!

Some of you know that Art has a whopping great family, so I've only chosen a select few characters to rp with. Now there's Gregory Yearling, Artemis Blackmoore-Yearling and now, Simon Blackmoore.(Yeah I know, what's with the surnames? Make up your minds, guys!)

Basically, Simon ought to have been here for the same amount of time that Art has, for three years. Historically he transferred from Hogwarts Scotland in Year Two, so next year he'll be in Year Five. So new guy isn't supposed to be that new.
Simon has a personality floating somewhere between Gregory and Artemis. He's a little more shy than Art, but not nearly as shy as Greg. Simon's a bit of a trickster and likes a joke. His life's dream is to marry and have children because he loves people so much. He has less goblin blood than Greg and Art together, so his ears are only slightly pointed and he is of average height. Basically, Simon's cute, hilarious, gentle and luvin' the ladies (maybe a guy, too).
Nevertheless I'm looking for any of these things:

Friends (Toss a joke or two between)
Best Friends (Partners in crime)
Enemies ("What did you say 'bout my sister's height?!")
Flings ("Heeey gorgeous")
Romances (Like Romeo and Juliet except without all the dying)
Love (Forever and always)
I am in Dumstrang and very bad so we wouldn't know each other but dude I love your celeb! He is just so gorgeous!!!
Hey, I can offer up Jess?
Jess is fifteen and lived in Boston, she attended Salem there. This year, her father got a promotion and was transfered to work in the ministry, so the whole family had to pack up and move. Jess was slightly unsure of the whole place and still kinda is, she still misses her home a lot. But she is getting used to it and (hopefully) will transfer into her fifth year for Y9.

Jess has two siblings, a brother (Matthew) and a step-sister (Lucie), she lives with her mother and her step-father. Jessica's father left when Jess was only three, so she has no real memory of her father, she sees her step-father as her father and calls him so, they have a great bond. However, the subject of Jessie's real father is a touchy one, so its best not to mention it. Jess also gets along really well with Matthew who is 16 (almost 17), she hangs out with him a lot.

Jessica is quite stubborn, humourous, has a bit of an attitude and is generally pretty laid back. She doesn't give a cr@p what anyone thinks of her and that is probably one of her strongest traits. She can be quite hard to get along with (depending on her mood) but for the most part she is open to meeting new people. Although, she can be prejudiced against people by what they wear, she judges them easily. On Jess' street in Boston she grew up with 'Glamour Queens' if you know what I mean, long story short they dispised each other. So Jess pretty much hates those type of girls, personaility or no personaility (see what I mean about the stubborness? :lol: ). Jess is more of a 'guys gal' anyway

What would you think about Jess and Simon being either really close friends/ flirt/ relationship? :lol: I already have a plot made with Jacob Hollawarth for a future romance, and they are going to end up together. So if there was going to be some flirting and relationships, it wouldn't be too serious, what do ya think? :p
I have Nusa Mauven wo is about the biggest sweet heart possible. She is really dreamy and loves muggles, she finds them really fascinating, however because she attended Durmstrang for four years, she has a little problem with muggle borns, well that and because her father and almost all of her family are death eaters.

Now she is a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts Scotland and a fifth year but lives in NZ with her brother in law and his children :)

I am thinking loves because well she hasn't even been kissed or anything and is nearly sixteen and is really protective of her heart so it would take her a little while to actually date Simon, especially if he is flirting with a bunch of people. :)

Oh and she really, really wants a family in the future, but far into the future.
For Jess: She sounds great for Simon, he's not the sort of person to take life too seriously. Simon's pretty perceptive, so he'd get the vibe that they weren't going anywhere fast and would probably stick to flirting, nothing more. However he'd be a great friend to her, so on the topic of 'close friends', perhaps you'd like to start there?

For Nusa: She sounds lovely ^^ In the end, I can sort of see Simon ending up with someone who would tone down his boisterous teasing a bit, because inside Simon's just a marshmallow :D If they ended up having a relationship it'd take him a little while to get the courage up to ask her, so it would work well with her being very guarded. Poor Simon wears his heart on his sleeve, just like the rest of the family xD.

Let me know what you think about these ideas, guys!

(And anyone else, please offer any boys to be friends for him as well, you have no idea how hard it is to rp surrounded by the ladies all the time, *cough*Sam*cough* xD)
Andrew will be a sixth year in the coming year.I can offer him as a friend

But it would take a while for them to become friends since Andrew isn't the nicest person. He can be mean sometimes, irritating and evil but he does respect his friends alot, that is once he rates them as friends.

What house is Simon likely to be in?
I've intended for Simon to be a Hufflepuff, but he may end up being a Gryffindor. It just depends on what the hat says xD.

Simon is extremely tolerant, and very loyal to his friends so it would be unlikely that he annoyed Andrew. If Simon has a problem with someone's attitude, then he'll let them know it, but the good part of that is he's patient with personalities that differ from his so those situations don't arise a lot.

I'd like to rp with someone who isn't exactly the same as him but they can still get along well together, so please do PM me if you think it might work :)
I can offer Demeter and her brother Deviant. How bout one friend and the other enemy? I think it be fun, maybe Deme could be the girl who has the crush but plays the good friend. I don't want her to date because she and her brother are only entering Hogwarts for a year. Her brother could be the enemy and since he thinks just because he was born five minutes before Deme he declares himself being the oldest. So he's like "Back off my sis square!" lol.

That sounds like an interesting rp, but I don't think Simon would go for Demeter unless she seemed interested and committed (That's not to say he wouldn't play the field. The more the merrier, I say!) . It's be very hard for Simon to be anyone's enemy (but if you think he could manage it, bravo, cause you'd have to be one mean s.o.b. to pull it off. If he could, awesome!)

Why are the twins leaving Hogwarts?
She would be interested but the twins had signed up for one year foreign exchange program. It was Deviant idea -roll eyes- but if there anything you like to rp just let me know. I may post for a hosting family.
Simon Blackmoore said:
For Jess: She sounds great for Simon, he's not the sort of person to take life too seriously. Simon's pretty perceptive, so he'd get the vibe that they weren't going anywhere fast and would probably stick to flirting, nothing more. However he'd be a great friend to her, so on the topic of 'close friends', perhaps you'd like to start there?

For Nusa: She sounds lovely ^^ In the end, I can sort of see Simon ending up with someone who would tone down his boisterous teasing a bit, because inside Simon's just a marshmallow :D If they ended up having a relationship it'd take him a little while to get the courage up to ask her, so it would work well with her being very guarded. Poor Simon wears his heart on his sleeve, just like the rest of the family xD.

Let me know what you think about these ideas, guys!

(And anyone else, please offer any boys to be friends for him as well, you have no idea how hard it is to rp surrounded by the ladies all the time, *cough*Sam*cough* xD)
Okay sounds awesome! :woot:

And yeah, I can offer up Sam Prince :) , he's easy to get along with (although these days he is a tad cranky :p ) and is growing into a typical teenage boy. He's very sporty (Quidditch and Basketball) and loves music (plays guitar), he's not the most academic person, mainly because he doesn't try his best at it, he knows Quidditch is what he wants to do and so he concentrates on that. He doesn't have as much guy friends, so another guy friend would be great!

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