Like Marionettes

OOC First Name
Andrew Huberta was known for being greedy,
which isn't very surprising seeing as he is a Huberta.
The head of the Huberta family none-the-less.
No matter what it is, he could always get what he want.
Being filthy rich and at the top of the social ladder,
he was used to taking anything he desire.
He had always liked toys. Puppets in particular.
Pulling their strings was so easy.
A light tug could orchestrate the most amusing fights.
A rough tug could start a war.
A war that he could manipulate quite easily to his advantage.
And for him, everyone around made excellent marionettes.

Andrew looked up at his business partner(former?)
sitting across from him, in a very extravagant
restaurant in the area, but not actually looking in his direction.
He holds a glass of aged Scotch, but seems disinterested in the contents.
He had had enough of the random ramblings of the man,
and thus, had decided to leave without saying a word,
the man was actually just asking for him to lend him more money,
which is not really that acceptable for Andrew,
after all, he would never help someone when he
wouldn't actually have any benefits in doing so.
Calling out to the waiter, he had paid his bill
and walked out of the said place, only to f
ind out that it was raining, the grounds was
actually too wet and there were loads of
people trying to find a place to shelter themselves
from the rain, cursing under his breath, he
had then decide to just return inside the
said restaurant, sitting just near the entrance
as he watched the downpour of the rain outside.
Quil Makwa, like everyone else knew the bitter truth of the Huberta man. How he would play his cards and trick, like a con artist, Huberta could be the most persuasive man you ever did meet, cross him and he could be your worst nightmare. Some or many ask Quil why he would work for such a disturbing man. Plenty of time it came up, plenty of time the boy did good to just ignore the question and give them a less detailed answer to their question. He did not need to tell them anything, they weren't paying him to speak. Andrew was, no one else. He did his job, helping Andrew. He took even took over muggelborn client, so Mr. Huberta did not have to deal with him. It was Quil, going through the trouble and for what? To earn a little extra bucks in his pocket, to get by without hustling his way around like normal kids his age would do. There was just a bit of a problem with this situation, Quil was away from home and he detested the man highly because of his beliefs.

"Mr. Huberta?" he walk into the foyers of the restaurant with an umbrella in hand. "I fetch you this? Willl you be leaving now, sir?" Quil ask the pale face man. He look so white compare to Quil. His all around tan never faded from his complexion. The boy was born of Native American blood and in Hawaii at that, no one would guess that from Quil. Andrew knew, from the beginning the man knew a bit about Quil. Quil had explain himself more than his life story and ambitious in the near future. Andrew had accepted him to be truthful and now here he was. Handing an umbrella to a man who could wipe him off the face of the earth. The way Andrew was reminded him so much of his father, to bad he's a dead beat. Andrew seem the protective family type, Rhy wasn't. Rhy just cared about power and ruling everything around him. Still the same but different type in both men.
<COLOR color="#000">Andrew raised his eyebrow when one of his workers, or servants
at that had actually made his way near him, offering an umbrella which,
in his opinion would actually do nothing to help him prevent himself
being wet. Andrew had had always had a great dislike of the boy,
no, it's not because of his heritage or of his blood status, it's
just that, there was something about him that bothers him.
Truly, at first, he was proud to have such a servant
who was very much dedicated to serving him, yet, as time passed by
He knew that he had probably made the wrong choice, but being
the proud man that he was, he would never admit it.

"Do you think that that useless umbrella of yours would actually be helpful
at this time?"
He said, more like a statement rather than a question.
THere was this expression of irritation in his voice, though his face
had remained impassive. Irritation which is probably due to the
past conversation that he had had with a client as well as the now heavy
downpour of the rain. "I wouldn't be leaving just yet."
"But I just saw you get up, sir? Was you not at the door just a minute ago?" Quil replied, offensive the man spoke down on him like he was worthless. There was levels Quil could take from anyone, such anyone was to reach that level, Quil could not tell you if he could hold back or not. For awhile now (almost a year to be exact) Quil has held back from Mr.Huberta. He's gone and lie to his mother about the man, just so he could remain working for him. If not Laylah would not have allowed any of her children to work for a ruthless man. She taught them at a young age, if self respect is lost, than was is their left? Makwa's learn and develop it, not lose it for a measly minimum wage.

"How come, sir? Did the business meeting went well for you? Or did it fall through?" Quil calm his working nerves to ask him simple questions. Doubt he would get the answer, the boy waited for a reply. There a few bystanders staring at both men and teenager exchange a few words between them. The foyers were furnished with a row of armchairs and two love seats. All beige, making a good match to the red designing wallpapers. The floors, were easily wipe away from any incoming rain. It started to beat fast outside, anyone caught in that will feel the full affects of an autumn rain. A few more bodies came running in, to escape the black rain.
<COLOR color="#000">Andrew's was getting more and more irritated as time pass
by between him and the boy. Surely, he cannot appear annoyed now,
not in front of all these people who are potential clients for his business,
he had to appear civil, right then and there. "You had seen me, haven't you?
So don't ask nonsensical questions at that, who would want to leave
when there is a heavy downpour of rain outside?"
He remarked, his
eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, if they weren't in public,
then he would have said rude and cruel things to the boy, but at the
moment he wouldn't.

Massaging his temples as the boy had once again, asked about
this meeting that he had had with a client, no, a former client, Andrew
had tried to keep his patient at all cost. The boy seemed to knew the right
buttons to push to make his irritation more apparent. "I wouldn't associate
myself with useless people such as that man, and stop asking
questions, you're being paid to follow orders, not to be an inquisitor who
would ask thousand of question, you're not in the position to do that."
Andrew said,
cutting the conversation short, he had had to get the boy in his place, let
him know the line which he cannot possibly cross.​
Quil remain silent after that, he swear if he could do away with this man, he would have a long time ago. It was taking every nerve of his bones not to strike and lash out. Remember Quil your under age, he's not. He can have you thrown away for underage magic, Keep your cool and think about your family. At this point he wanted to say screw his family, they have enough to survive. But he didn't. He basically posted right back up against the walls, waiting right next to Andrew.

Another client came in, so he really wasn't finish. This one ask to speak to Andrew directly, Quil stop him before he did. He did the usual routine, asking a few questions, than when it all check out. Quil let him see Andrew, that kept happening for more than two hours. He check everyone who came, the rain had slow down to a fizzle by this time. Towards the end of the second hour it stop completely. Quil waited for Andrew to give him the order so they could go now. He fell like a sell out whenever he took harsh orders from Andrew. A sell out to his family and friends. Quil had to stop this, end the line of ever associating with Andrew again. He was going to quit by the end of tonight.

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