Like a Yo-Yo

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Charlotte Williams

fashion designer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
Hi everyone!

I'm a busy person, and HNZ has taken a back seat, but as things calm down. I have found more time for HNZ and all you lovely people. So here is my character, Charlotte Edwina Williams. She's a first year Huffelpuff. And she's very polite and very well mannered. She works hard and tends to stay out of other people's way. She doesn't have many friends but is ready to make some. If you want to know more about her, click on the biography or Development.

Friends would be very awesome. She would be a little annoying to begin with. Asking lots of questions etc. But she is very nice.
Enemies would be nice. People who just hate how she acts, her wealth etc.
A crush, might be cute. Could be any age.


So, Amanda met Charlotte before school, and they saw each other again at the Yule Ball. But now the Yule Ball is closed/over so we could have a topic with just them instead of a whole group of people?

That sounds good. I like that. Plus I like them as friends.
Would you like to start something? Or do you want me to?
Great! Can you please start something? I'm doing homework, or supposed to be anyway. Procrastination has struck again! But now I'll get back to work. ^_^
Hello there,

Ok, I think I've already roleplayed with Charlotte with the twins at the Yule ball and thusly:
A topic or two? The outcome is depending on which twin is in a particular thread...
Lovisa Segerstedt is the generally open minded one who don't give much for wealth or status, and is generally a typical kind 'puff, xD
Whereas Lena (this account) is almost exactly the opposite on the surface. She is arrogance embodied, doesn't care much about her inferiors, totally fawns over anyone with status and one would think her strange with her weird exterior and mannerisms. On the inside she's very much the same as her kinder twin. Unfortunately, while Lena has an CD-thread, Lovisa does not, owing much to me being busy/lazy ( :shy: ).

Other than those two... :r There is my Hogwarts main: Alexandra Adelheide von Hohenstein. She's a muggleborn, she's in Ravenclaw Second year and she's generally a nice and friendly girl, though be wary of mentioning the stupid blood status, it might just get her in enough rage to harm someone... (almost happened once... Lol. :r )

A note: I'm currently in a low muse period, but I will reply to topics, even if it'll take me to write replies down on paper and pen if I have to.
hey there! So Sara and Charlotte have already met at the yule ball, and Sara has recently moved to England. She is now a member of the upper class and is not sure how to act, but she is determined not to change herself. So, what do you think? Her CD and Bio are in the siggie if you want to take a look.
Ciel can be a crush or a friend of some sort.
He was from a distinguished family too and is very polite and gentlemanly.
This character has not been active for a while and he definitely needs some RP. :)
Hey there!!Kate and Charlotte already met at the Yule Ball she has recently moved to England and her family has inherited a big estate and a lot of money so she is in the upper class.She is really nice and polite and likes to make new friends.Theres more information in the bio which is in the signature if you want a look..
Well I have my first year Gracie :)
Grace is a polite and well mannered girl, she plays the violin and is very proper, she is also pure and does not understand the simplest of things, like why people fight, why muggles cannot go to magical schools, why dogs are alive or romance.
They are quite alike but in very different ways :r they could clash quite a bit but find common ground, I do believe they have met at the Yule ball :)

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