Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous 2

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James Potter

Well-Known Member
16 inches Mahogony Pheonix Feather Core
Continuation from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

Okay so I've been thinking about this for a while and decided that this is something that is needed not just for the site but for the Prophet...
If you are a high profiled person (aka Famous) or the a relative (preferably, child/grandchild) then please let yourself be known since it doesn't make sense that your bio claims your the minister for magic's daughter yet nobody knows about you... trust me if your dad is supposed to be well known in the magical world then you should be known as well. Even if it's something small, if the magical community as a whole knows you/your relative then you should be on this list!

Also Please note that the Minster for Magic in England is such because in the Muggle World they have the Prime Minister, therefore if you lived in say America they would most likely have something that is similar to the muggle government say the President for Magic.

I'm going to add this to the suggestions but I also think you should have to be approved to be that closely related to a high profiled person just like you would if you were to play a canon person.

anyways the list I have so far is...


James Potter: Son of Harry Potter, Quidditch Chaser for the Chudley Canons
Lily Luna Potter: Daughter of Harry Potter
Kiera Potter: Married to James Potter, Quidditch Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, Famous in the Muggle World as an Olympic Gymnist
Ravyn Daniels: Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
Nicolas King: Head of the Auror Department, Once Hogwarts Deputy Headmaster
Cecily Zhefarovich: Headmistress of Hogwarts
Valcan Drage: Minister for Magic *Insert Country
Drage Family:Partially known due to Valcan's status
Emery Winters: England's Minster for Magic
Antoinette Greenwood: Partially Famous for Emery's Status
Zion Deveraux: Lead Singer in the band Deveraux Despair, known in the muggle world as Sugar Ray
Pierre and Strella Richarde: - Pierre is the President of Magic for America and Strella is the first witch for America
Alexis Richarde: First Daughter for American Ministry for Magic, known as a trouble maker.
Thorine Dolohov: Negative Publicity, related to famous Death Eater suspected by many as a potential Death Eater herself deceased
Mallory Malkin: Miss Universe (Wizarding) 2019, Negative Publicity for the murders her father committed.
Luxen Silverback and Hunapo: The names given to those Dark Presences that haunt our world, whether it's actually them or not is unknown however they are often whispered at night in order to scare little witches and wizards.
Leonor Evans: Famous in the Muggle World as a Fashion Designer
Nadia Fletcher: Beater for the Holyhead Harpies
Fletcher Bennet: Ex Quidditch player (Chaser for the Falmouth Falcons) and current coach of the Falmouth Falcons
Clemence Peletier: Muggle Olympic Gymnast (Famous only in the Muggle World)
Rudolph Murdo: Chaser for the Montrose Magpies
Cynthia Vandervoort: Family is known in London for working closely with the wizarding bank Gringotts, Cynthia herself is known in New Zealand as a writer for the Daily Prophet's Gossip Section (she is badly known)
Erica Matthews: Current Editor for the Daily Prophet partially known.
Sophora Knox: is the lead singer/bagpipe player of the band 'Othila' she and her band are Recognized Status
Andrew Belo: a Beater for the Thundelarra Thunderers
Dietrich Metzger: Chaser for the Thundelarra Thunderers
Francis Alexandra: famous muggle designer and supermodel Famous only in the Muggle World
Gregory Alexandra: muggle record producer Known only in the Muggle World
Riley Alexandra: Recognized in the Muggle World for being the Daughter of Francis and Gregory Alexandra
Noah Snow: Beater for (Insert Team)

Anyone else not on the list is because we don't know about you (or I forgot about you) therefore you can't actually be famous now can you?
Simply add your name and what you are famous for and I'll update this list.

Two more things to add, just because your famous in the Muggle world would most likely not make you famous in the wizarding world the reason for this is because in the HP world the average witch and wizard knew very little about muggles (Arthur Weasley was a muggle fanatic and hardly knew anything about how they lived) Therefore we can likely assume that the witches and wizards pay attention to their celebrities and only their celebrities, to add to this if your character is famous in both worlds (something that is highly stressed against since I pretty sure it would risk going against the statue of secrecy) then the witches and wizards might acknowledge that your famous in the muggle world but would obviously pay more attention to what your famous for in the wizarding world.

2nd, People have asked about certain things such as Purebloods, Money, and Family statues in regards to DE's. I think I have come up with a solution since originally it was suppose to only be for special occasions however here's how this will work, your family will have negative famous status if they are famous simply because of a bad family history. It won't make you known throughout the wizarding world but it would make you known, being rich doesn't make you famous though because there are plenty of people that are rich and you just don't know about them.

Being Famous is about notoriety, people have to know you and if you don't make it known with a bio or RP's then people won't know that your supposed to be famous.


If your or a member of your close family is famous then it has to be approved by the admins because it follows under the rules of 'special plots'

Once this is finished/completed I'll sort them out better such as by Politics, Famous Deeds, Sports and insert them into the Character backgrounds so that we can know sho's famous easier...
I'd like to add: Fletcher Bennet for being an ex-professional quidditch player for the Falmouth Falcons and now is the coach of the team.
Clemence Pelletier, as a gymnast for France. (Famous only in the muggle world by gymnastic fans. [She and Kiera are buddies])
I would like to take away/edit: The Richarde's. Pierre is currently the former President of Magic, he is getting a little too old for it, eh?
I've updated the list:

Alexis Richarde: Which position did Fletcher play when he was active?

Also The Richarde's are still famous since they have Ex status as high ministry officials and they've only recently left office, hope that's okay with you.

I also think I'm going to add Cynthia Vandervoort to the list just because she's known enough as the Daily Gossip Writer (much like Rita Skeeter in the books)
Fletcher played Chaser. ^_^
(He kind of stays as far away from the press as he can because he knows how vicious some of them are, aka Vandervoot. :p )

Okie dokie.
I'd like to add Andrew Belo who is a keeper for the Thundelarra Thunderers
Can I put future stars Brian? I may have a few and this count for just the wizaring world correct?

Maddie: I'm going to say no for the future stars because of two things

1.) The list is already big and we don't want to put too many people if they aren't really famous kinda makes the list pointless then.

2.) This is about people who are noticed because of who they are now if your character is starting out in a band are something they may have a special status such as only being famous in the wizarding world/ recognised in some parts of the wizarding world etc etc...

Hope that answers your question Maddie...
The Black family (american) I would like to have them up for setting up a magical hospital in America, sadly they are also know in the states as being part of the Black massacre where a muggle gun the entire family down except for Raziel who at the time was living in New Zealand.
Got you Brian, just a little suggestion maybe you should make a infamous list? That will be interesting to write about in the prophets :r
You can PM Cyndi for conformation if you want but she wants Andrew changed to another spot, since Trista was meant to be Keeper next year :lol:
Cassandra Zhefarovich said:
You can PM Cyndi for conformation if you want but she wants Andrew changed to another spot, since Trista was meant to be Keeper next year :lol:
And Dietrich is a Chaser, but he is just famous for his goofy actions. xD
Riley Alexandra is the daughter of Francis Alexandra (famous muggle designer and supermodel) and Gregory Alexandra (muggle record producer)
The List has been updated!

Maddie: This current list also has Infamous people on it, once I feel that it is complete I will create a better and easier to understand one for the site to use...

Cassandra: Would you know which Position he's changed too?

Melodie: Francis is okay as a famous person, Gregory is listed as known since most Record Producers arn't really that famous like in the movies, normally people can only list the studios that a Singer or band is apart of as for their daughter, since she's not really the daughter of a famous person and I'm assuming she also younger I've listed her as 'Recognized' simply because people might know her if they see her for the first time but most people wouldn't since she hasn't done something for herself yet...

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Also I was wondering if everyone thought it would be easier/better/nicer once the list is in order to put who the character's are played by... such as Luxen is Brian, it doesn't have to be their real names it could be main account just so that if people want to RP with the person then they know who they can contact...

Also, this is probably me speaking out of time be prepared for the next version of this which will include Famous Magical places (namely places throughout the wizarding world that you've created or RP'd at..)
I'm bumping this again and letting everyone know that I'm going to be making the super coolio list soon...
Okay take Sugar Ray from Zion description. Sorry he just known for the lead singer of Deveraux Despair along side with his brother Zane Deveraux.

Victor Crimson, Governor son in the state of California but also the descended from an Italian family that once rule a kingdom centuries and centuries ago. He's only descended because his great ancestor had been a slave and had slept with the King, (Mistress, the slave was a mistress or something like that) and it dates back in Italy but years later his family "said" history starts in California when it really starts in Italy. Making Victor a bit Italian and American ;) I think so he has muggel royal blood.
*can Sally be the youngest famous designer in wizarding world* 0.0<== puppy dog's eyes..
Madlyn would be the first 0,0 half-giant to attend Hogwarts NZ, I think that says enough =)
I'm going to update the list and by the end of the week will have the complete fully updated version of the list,

Zion: the California part will make him semi famous but the history is just something for the bio nothing that people would probably care about...

Carson: that's fine but if she's a socialite then that means she going to have to be extra social meeting new people all the time like Paris...

Sally: That's something you would have to PM the Admins about, I merely make the list not approve statuses... if approved then I can add you...

Madlyn: That would make you somewhat famous but only if it got in the Daily Prophet... if you want you could PM one of the reporters to do a story on you...
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