Life Plans

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Aleyha Snow

Parselmouth / Albino / Mother / Hostile
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 13 3/8" Core of Basilisk Fang and Venom with a special handle

Damian Garizoc Metzger

What I am looking for is a final for him, maybe a few friends, bullies, whatever. His best friend is taken care of.
Anita...can't recall her last name. Sorry Kels.
He might have a possible final but that is only if whoever is interested in this Part-Veela boy does not have a character already with mine.
Why? I want someone knew and experienced. Give me a bigger objective than just picking the same people to end up with my characters.
Friends and such, they can be the same people. That doesn't matter to me.
Love interests is what I am strict on.

Why is there three different people in the graphic?
Well, that is what Damian will look like as he grows up.
The first one is how he looks right now.

Damian is a spunky young boy that does feminine things and very entertaining for me to RP as him.
He should be able to make friends easily. And his girlie attitude should bring along the bullies.
Damian has weird fears: the color yellow (very bright, it freaks him out), bugs, and clowns
Slytherins make him uneasy too. So, maybe nice Slytherins for friends...
So, I am up for anything for this little guy. :)

I have to have his life planned out for some odd reason.
So, anyone interested?
(Remember, if you already have a character of yours with one of mine for a final, then just friends unless Damian really likes said character)
Dibs. You know who I'm talking about xD

(You decide what goes on between them, if anything)
No, I do not have a final with any of your characters, in case you weren't sure.
Oh, you mean that one girl?
Care to elaborate? I wish to know what you want..
And things like that. :)
Aleyha Devearux said:
Oh, you mean that one girl?
Care to elaborate? I wish to know what you want..
And things like that. :)
Well, sure!

I'm thinking that once she does her bit of growing up, she can start to see past Damien's looks and cute ways and actually see him for what he is. At the same time, she'll also recognise that she is capable of getting a partner too, when she never believed much of herself before. It occurs to her that she's been nursing a crush on him for a long time while being friends. So she decides to do something about it (albeit hesitantly).

See the sort of thing I mean? As I said, you can decide if you want them to be friends in the first place, whether her feelings would be reciprocated etc.
We will have to see just how well they can get along, or not...
Before truly deciding. But yes... Yes, I can seem them.
Working out quite fabulously. Good thing Damian won't be that tall.
Wait, about six feet three....
That might strike a problem... *ponders*
I dunno. See? My mind is gooone
I'm glad you approve :wub:
I did see that they had some chemistry, and I couldn't help but want to exploit it.
But you're right about the height - she is almost exactly half his size!
Then again, this would have been a problem in any relationship she had, and the only thing for it is to make it not a problem anymore, especially emotionally for her.
Well, he'll be growing and she'll stay the same height. It'll happen so gradually that perhaps they won't notice! =))
Same here. and that is soo true..
So, I was thinking, her, definite final?
But he won't be liking anyone strongly until like third/fourth year.
I do want him to crush on people, but seriously...
Crush on her. Sound good?
Hmm, seems like no one else has anything.​

Aye, definite final.
And no worries about the time gap, she'll take a few years to get over Jareth.
Oh my gosh I totally found a girl who looks like an Art/Damien slash!
It's uncanny! (I'm using her as a pb, I swear, no matter what happens to them in the future)
Crush on her/crush on him, sounds perfect. I'll set up an rp for them a little ways down the track.
I have Aroha, she could be a friend if you don't mind drawn-out rps. She's in the same year as him and has leukemia. Shes nice, and mostly cheerful, and needs more friends. She's been bullied a bit too. Bad explanation but there you go.
I am sooo sorry for forgetting about this. =))
Anyways, sounds good to me, but right now, I am trying to end the majority of my RPs because I have huge plots coming, so would that be an issue?
I don't mind rping with him? If you like? Thou I don't know what I can to contribute to his future life plan. Its always hard but I'm figuring that myself
Probably friends, maybe?
Will Aston be attending HNZ? If so, more than likely friends. ^_^
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