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Lumio Skey

passionate | explosive | Eeylop's assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2039 (18)
Lumio was excited for the yuleball, after spending a lot of the semester trying to figure out if he wanted to study or not, he was glad for the holidays and for just being able to relax, and the whole thing would start with Ronald at the yuleball. He had put on a fancy suit and was ready for the date. He was excited, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation for it. He just knew he'd have a good time, and that he would just enjoy absolutely spending the time with him. The Yuleball was always a fun event and he knew he wouldn't have to wait too much longer for him to appear.
Ronald is super excited about this event because his boyfriend is so busy on the prefect duty and me on my academic field so both of us are busy on our business and this is the only time to see each other again at the end of the 1st semester and from the event of the YuleBall this year.

Ronald was aware that his boyfriend waiting for me at the great hall so he grabs his clothes and wears his formal attire and when he is finished he walks down to the great hall and wishes that he see quickly his boyfriend.

Ronald was so happy to finally see his cute boyfriend he actually running to his side and hug him tightly and said to Lumio "I miss you so much, I'm happy to see you and to hug you again like this" Ronald thinking that he finally said that Yule Ball event in Hogwarts is one of his favorite ceremony every year.
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Lumio spotted his boyfriend running towards him and immediately opened his arms for the hug. He wrapped his arms around him and returned the hug in earnst. He was able to make out what Ronald said and then pulled out of the hug. "I love you too," he assured him, he had missed him, wanted to spend more time with him than with anyone else but also knew they both had to balance schooling with time spent together. He leaned in and kissed him, before pulling a little out and saying, "Shall we go dance?"
Ronald is so lucky to have a boyfriend like Lumio so sweet and have a thrilling moment when he hears the lovable word to his boyfriend and Ronald reply to handsome boyfriend "I love you very much" and nod his head when he wants to dance and I know this moment will be memorable again to me and he wishes that this day will be not finished quickly because he wants to have a lot of time to his boyfriend.
Seeing the nod of Ronalds head, Lumio took his hand and dragged him out to the dance floor. He was so pre-oocupied with Ronald and having a good time, he barely noted the difference in the hall. But there would be time later to think about that. Instead now he could just spend the time dancing with Ronald. "How'd your exams go?" he asked loudly over the music as they danced.
Ronald and Lumio start to dance he notice the difference set up for this year Yule Ball like HOH of Ravenclaw said that this theme like the UK Hogwarts Yule Ball inspired, Ronald heard what asking of his boyfriend he answers it loudly voicing also and said "I got Outstanding to all of the 6 subjects that I enrolled for the 1st semester" and Ronald broad up that I apply the for the assistant shopkeeper at Inner Eye and waiting for the results at the view days Ronald telling his first job to apply.

Ronald asks his partner " How about you are you enjoying the Prefects duty and have a different common room?" I miss the moment that we have bonded in the Gryffindor common room and play your guitar and you sing to me, Ronald tells to his boyfriend that he misses him so much.
Lumio was quite impressed by Ronald's grades, he knew the boy was smart, but that was just soemthing else. That was so cool. "Wow, I'm so impressed," he told him, and that he'd applied for a job. Lumio hadn't bothered, not wanting to interrupt his time in Italy with work, though he knew he'd eventually have to decide what he wanted to really do, and work. But he was happy living a little blissfully even now. He nodded, he knew that between both of their work and things they needed to do, they'd perhaps not spent as much time in places. "Being a prefect is fun, a bit of work, but fun. I'm still in disbelief really," he joked with a little smile. "I'm sorry we can't hang out as much this year," he apologised, but he was sure that Ronald would understand.
Ronald smile at Lumio when he said that he can't believe that he is a Prefect in our House "you deserve your spot" and I'm very proud of you and wish that next year I'm becoming a Prefect too and will be together again and have a bond when the duties or lesson finish in the morning except for astronomy subject that we need to take in an evening class. Ronald take his boyfriend hand when they said that he is impressed with my doing and kiss it so he wants some more and they're dance so much and Ronald replies that it is okay that your busy because I also have a hectic schedule, but like this event or free Time of both of us, I know we will meet each other again that fine to me Ronald said to his boyfriend.
Lumio was sure that Ronald would likely end up a prefect in the following year, he thought it was more likely than him being a prefect. He knew that their business had made it more difficult to hang out and he felt a little bad for not having made more time for him, especially as his own studying wasn't always productive. "I'll be spending more time in the library next semester, we can study together more," he promised him.
Ronald heard his boyfriend opinion that possible to become a Prefect but Ronald don't pressure himself if he chooses it's good but it, not life will go on in Hogwarts, Ronald is excited next semester because we have bonded for the first time because his OWL exam will be given to Lumio for last semester and he tries to help his best to give some info to his boyfriend, Ronald ask Lumio if you will be celebrated holiday to your country again?
Lumio nodded. "Yeah, heading back to Italy first thing," he told him. "I know I need to eventually stick around and think about getting a job or whatever but at least until I graduate I think I'm always going to want to go to Italy rather than work." Lumio knew he was lucky for that to be an option for him, but he also knew it was important to relax and de-stress after a long semester.
Ronald doesn't know if he could back to his home or stay at Hogwarts again, but the decision will be to his parents if he hired tonite work that he is applying automatic I will stay at Hogwarts, Ronald asks Lumio "in my Divination Class Inhabe up and down in my reading about in our relationship because we cannot see each other frequently but Professor Le Fey advice me that I give trust to my love and whatever happen I will be ready but I think we will stick together for a long long time, Ronald smile again and kiss the cheeks of his partner.
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