Let's Talk

Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (31)
Mallory hadn't called a student to her office before. But she had noticed Celia... not so subtly trying to skip ahead in class. While Mallory could understand where the young one may be coming from, it was also a bit dangerous to be trying advanced spells on her own. Mallory hoped they could come to a bit of a compromise. Perhaps private lessons? She had been jotting down a few thoughts, idly watching Amara licking Maxim clean as she waited for the girl to arrive.
Celia wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or relieved when she received the letter summoning her to Professor Corrins's office. She decided to settle for the latter because it would be good to address things head-on. In fact, if Professor Corrins hadn't called the meeting, Celia would have. She had not been pleased to discover that she'd received an Exceeds Expectation for the last class. Maybe that was a satisfactory grade for most students, but Celia had been aiming for an Outstanding. Perfection. She had mastered lumos and nox perfectly, and she deserved a grade that reflected that.

Before knocking on the door, Celia took a deep breath. It was strange. In all her years of muggle schooling, Celia had rarely been called to a teacher's or principal's office — unless it was to receive a prize. At Hogwarts, it seemed as if she was being summoned every other week. It was just another example of how far she'd fallen. Celia straightened her back and knocked. "Professor Corrins? It's Celia. You wanted to see me?"
Mallory looked up when she heard the voice, smiling softly and flicking her wrist to open the door. "Celia, yes. Come in, miss Vuong." Mallory beckoned the child in. "Shut the door, and please, take a seat." She flicked her hand and set the tea to boil.
Celia plastered on her best smile, the one she had to wear whenever her parents held fancy dinner parties — back when those had still been a thing. She pushed open the door and took a seat on the leather couch, her dark eyes sweeping over the room. It was nicely decorated, but she was a bit surprised to see that there were two cats. She turned her gaze back to Professor Corrins. "How are you doing?" she asked politely.

It hadn't escaped her attention that Professor Corrins had likely had her own reasons for calling the meeting — and Celia assumed that her teacher wasn't here to announce that she'd made a mistake in grading. So that left the question: why did Professor Corrins want to meet with her? This semester, Celia had worked hard to ensure she played the part of model student. She'd been trying to avoid meetings with teachers. Celia waited quietly, hope they'd get the pleasantries over with soon and Professor Corrins would explain what was going on.
Mallory smiled softly at the girl, pleased as her teakettle had begun to whistle. "I'm doing well, thank you for asking. How are you? Would you care for some tea?" She asked, standing and moving to the kettle as she fixed her own cup. "I'm sure you're probably wondering why I called for you," She stated, fixing a tray with two saucers, an assortment of teas, honey, and the kettle before moving back to her desk.
Celia tried to match Professor Corrins's smile though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm also doing well, thanks." At the offer of tea, her gaze flickered over to the kettle. Right. Tea was big here, though whether it was because she was in New Zealand or among wizards, she didn't know. Celia had never been much of a tea drinker — unless she was getting boba with her friends — but she knew better than to refuse the offer.

"Yes, please. Do you have black tea?" she asked, trying not to grimace at the thought of how bitter it would be without milk. She was very glad when Professor Corrins finally broached the elephant in the room. Celia was well-versed in small talk, good at it even, but she didn't enjoy it. "I was wondering that, yes," she admitted before pausing in the hope that Professor Corrins would finally explain her side of things. Celia had no plans to show her cards first, not if she could help it.
Mallory nodded, fixing a cup of black tea and one chamomile before offering the tea cup to Celia. She settled back in her seat a moment later, folding her hands in front of her and holding them in front of her chin. "Now, Miss Vuong. I couldn't help but notice in our last class that you were... looking ahead." Mallory began, studying the girl for her reaction. "I realize that some of our lessons aren't the most... exciting, but it is vital to learn your basics before you go rushing ahead,"

Mallory set her folded hands on her desk. "I can understand that thirst to know more, however," She gave the girl a small smile. "Studying advanced spells on your own, without supervision, can be dangerous." She told the girl, trying to sound at least a little stern. "I'm afraid I must ask you to refrain from doing so on your own." Mallory reached a hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear. "Perhaps I can interest you in some extra lessons?" She offered. "As long as you follow the curriculum in classes and not skip ahead, we can meet once or twice a week and go over some more advanced charm work to further your personal education,"
Celia pressed her lips together, fighting to keep her expression neutral. She'd suspected this might be the reason for her EE, but she'd also been sure that she had hidden her illicit practice well. Had her partner ratted her out? She would make them regret that. Her mind raced as she tried to decide what to do. Should she deny it? Chalk it up to a misunderstanding and say she'd misheard the assignment? Would that even be believable?

But Professor Corrins kept talking, and what she offered next was incredibly enticing, if a bit condescending in her framing. It had just been a color-changing spell. It wasn't like she had been trying to teach herself to conjure fire. "I'd like that, yes." The vindictive monster in Celia wanted to reject on principle, but even she could recognize that would just hurt her in the long-run. The truth was that she'd had practically no success with the charms beyond first year. Private tutoring from a professor would be invaluable.

Celia smiled. "Private lessons would be great, thank you. I'll be sure to follow the curriculum in class from now on." She would be in for several very boring classes, but hopefully it would be worth it. Celia paused before feigning confusion. "Wait, is that why I got an Exceeds Expectations last class? I didn't know we weren't allowed to work ahead. I finished the assignment pretty early in the class, so I thought it'd be better if I read about other spells instead of just sitting there," she said, trying to look as pitiful as possible. "I just wanted to make the most of class time." Was she laying it on too thick? Hopefully Professor Corrins would buy it and change her grade.
Mallory listened to Celia, almost doubting herself. But she had watched Celia through the class, and the young girl reminded her very much of her own little sister. Mallory shook her head gently, folding her hands in front of her. "Now, Miss Vuong. That trick didn't work for my little sister, either," She chuckled softly.

"I know it was a safer spell, but I would really rather you didn't get in the habit of studying ahead on your own. As long as you focus on the spells with the rest of the class, I'll work with you during the week. I know that the beginner spells aren't as complex or as exciting, but you can't build a house without a foundation." Mallory smiled gently, laying her hands on the desk. "Your grades are final, but if you come in you'll be one of the most advanced in your year. If things go well, I'll talk to Professor Haden before you begin your fourth year with him." she promised.

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