* let's say you made a deal with me ..

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Vivienne Esquire

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon

two could be complete without the rest of the world ..
Hey people, Helena here. I haven't done much with Vivienne recently, so I thought it might
be fun to plot something. I need someone to make a new character for me, and another person
that could involve their existing character (or create a new one if they'd like). Read on to find
out about the characters I need, and then I'll explain the plot for y'aaall. PS: Cow growing. If
you remember that, bonus points for you. ..Yes, I have been lurking old spams.


` new character !

.Okay, um. We'll call this guy "Jack" for now, but you
can pick a different name if you want. So right, Jack
has had a hard life.. His family are pretty poor, and
can't afford to pay the rent on their house - trailer, ..
shed, shack, whatever you want to call it - so they ..
might soon be without a home. His father is.. not the
nicest of people, and his mother doesn't care. He's an
only child, so their are no siblings for him to rely on.

. However, Jack is a strong kid. He's learnt to look after
himself, and doesn't take crap from anybody. He's a
bit of a class clown, but has a big heart. Jack is pretty
smart, but he doesn't live up to his potential. He gets
in trouble a lot, but he means well. He just has a
. . ..
short temper, so he does bad things (getting in fights,
.talking back to teachers, etc) occasionally. Jack could
be a great wizard, but he's just never had anyone to
show him that. But yeah, the fights and stuff are very
.rare, and most of the time Jack is funny and kind. It's
only when he's feeling depressed does he get worked
up. This character is a very lonely soul, and he's quite
.. complex, so whoever takes him: please don't make him
two-dimensional. In my head I can picture him as such
as interesting character, and it would be a shame if
that didn't happen. *sadface* So yeah, if you do take.
Jack and make him awesome, I will love you forever.
Oh yeah, and he goes to Durmstrang, but in Yr 11 I'd

. like him to transfer to HNZ. He'll probably be a Gryffindor,
but if you'd like to focus on the smart-but-doesn't-
know-it side of Jack, then he could be a Ravenclaw. ..
Feel free to change up the history, family stuff, back-
story, whatever.. Make the character your own, as
long as he roughly fits the description above. Lemme
.. know if you have any questions at all. The PB is Joseph


` old character !
Just for lulz, let's call this dude "Jill". So Jill can be an
existing character, because he's pretty general and
not needed for that long. However, if you are getting
some ideas, and would like to make a new character,
then go for it. If you do make a new character here,
we can think of ways to include and use Jill more.
.. Right, so Jill is a rich kid. His whole life has been spent
. in comfort and luxury. However, he is not grateful or
humble. Jill is a bit of a spoilt brat, to be honest. He
is very booksmart, and has a bit of a superiority . .
complex. His family are very successful, and are the
.. type of wizarding family that care more about wealth
and success than blood status. So yeah, they can be
of any blood, as long as they're fairly rich. The rest of
. Jill's personality is up to you/depends on your character.
For this plot, all he needs is to be proud and from a
. .
good family. What school he goes to doesn't matter, .
but HNZ would be easiest. Anyway, when Vivienne.
and Jill were younger, their granndparents kind of .
set them up. Not in an arranged marriage or anything,
but Jill was just kind of Viv's 'suitor'.. Because their
families are weird. Anyway, Vivienne actually had a
bit of a crush on him, until he tried to feel her up in
third year or something. So yeah, now she is thoroughly
. creeped out by him.


` and that be viv !
Okay, so I haven't RPed with Viv for a little while, so
she might be a bit different. When I first created her
she was kind of a Mary Sue (lolnoobkk), but over time
I think I've developed her quite well. Right, so Vivienne

.. is very spacey and gentle. She's all for world peace and
.. everyone getting along. When first meeting Viv, most
..people presume she's not very smart, because she day-
dreams a lot and tends to seem out of it. In reality,

.she's actually very wise. Not in a bookish way, but in
a personal way. She is very good at reading people,
and understanding what they're trying to express. ..
She has a rather subtle sense of humour, and tends to
laugh at the weirdest of things. Vivienne is very
emtionally-charged, sensitive and insulted easily. She
can be bipolar (not literally, she does not actually have
bipolar disorder), in that one day she's bubbly and

.. lively, and the next she's shy and depressed. However,
she's very good at hiding her feelings and putting on

. a brave face, and tends to bottle things up. Since Viv's
. had a comfortable, privileged upbringing, she often feels
. guilty, telling herself that she doesn't deserve it, since
there are so many more wonderful people that are
suffering. She is very self-critical and self-doubting,
too. Vivienne used to be quite naive and preppy in her
younger years, but since being diagnosed with diabetes,

.she has gained a bit of life experience and grown up to
some degree. While she does have a couple of friends,
Viv feels that she has no one that she can truely rely.
on (except for her best friends - Arianna and Arisa). .
This comes from the fact that her parents are pretty.
much 100% absent (being busy business and society.
people and such). Basically, Vivienne is a fun person,
a very loyal, kind and generous friend. However, she
can be rather tiresome and hard to deal with, when
feeling lonely or excluded. .


` plot time, homies !

.Okay. I actually have quite a lot thought out, but it would be lame to just
.spill it all here, right? That eliminates the surprise! So yeah, I'll just give
you an overview of the general plot, and we can discuss stuff if you get
involved. We can change anything, but this is just what I was thinking..
Alright, so let's say that every year, Jack goes to this crappy Summer
camp or something (Totally negotiable, I just couldn't think of another ..
way for them to meet). Vivienne usually travels to her mother's hometown
in France, but this year she too has decided to go to the crappy Summer
camp. Her parents are rather idk, fancy and stuff, so they don't like the .
idea. But since they're going to be away on business anyway, Vivienne ..
goes along despite what her parents told her. So okay, at the camp she
meets Jack, and they dislike each other at first. Jack thinks she's acting
like a poser, and Viv thinks he's brash and creepy. However, after a few .
days of being paired together, they realise that they share a lot of common
interests, and are both closet nerds (magical video games ftw). So yeah,
even though their personalities are totally different, they become good .
friends. After the holidays they return to their respective schools, but
.. communticate via mail. So yeah, after a while they kind of like each other
. and start seeing each other casually or something.. And then Jill reenters
the picture and blackmails them because Jack's poor and Jill is meant to
be dating Viv and then they (Jack and Vivienne) have a secret relationship
and some other stuff happens and it's all secrety and stuff and then Viv
self-sabotages the relationship and more secret stuff happens etc, etc. I
just realised it's kind of like Lady and the Tramp mixed with Romeo and
Juliet.. or something. Okay, I rambled. Remember, none of this is a must,
we can change whatever you'd like.

.. the sky is not the limit and you're never gonna guess what is
Dudes, I think that's everything. Post here or PM me if you want more info on the characters or plot. Or
don't. :p It's pretty casual right now, so don't be put off by this long plot page.. I was just bored. Lol kbai.

lyrics from 'red light' by the strokes. top graphic made by helena, others from gewgil.
Alright, after staring at those paragraphs, my eyes hurt. xD

Anyhow, I'm interested in taking 'Jack'. The plot you have seems interesting, but I would like more information indepth on what happens (Overview), some detailed information. And I also need more information on 'Jack' if possible, such as more background information, future plans, etc.
excuse me for not formatting beautifully (i'm kind of in a rush) but... if hamza has not taken jgl i would love to because i have a love life no one else for jgl and btw, i love 500 days of summer. awesome movie. we could totally use gifs for it. i average around 200 to 300 hundred words usually but sometimes i get museless as we all do so keep that in mind. i also am a verreh busy lady and find it difficult to reply instantly, i mean rl comes first, with that said, i am committed to my characters. i roleplay a few others here and if you'd like to know for the sake of deciding, pm me and i'll let you know as i'd like to keep this one to myself as much as possible.
Thanks Hamza and MysteryPerson :)P), I'm going to PM both of you later tonight to discuss
it, and then I'll decide. :D Because yeah, I don't think I know either of you enough to decide
right off. xD So cooool, I guess I've got 'Jack' covered either way, but I'd still like a 'Jiiill'! :p
Alright, cool. Just let me know. ;)
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