Let Me In.

William Winters

OOC First Name
OOCOut of Character:
This RP is set 9 years ago, FYI

It was a warm and perfect day to take Ashton to the park and spend a few hours getting to know a son he barely gave a thought to. William Winters was satisfied with his family for now, and he decided that perhaps spending a little time with each of his children wouldn't put him in a compromising situation, and it did seem to please his lovely wife Jane. Ashton was a unique boy, and from what he heard from the others in his family the boy supposedly had many problems. William always thought him to be strange even as an infant, and the way the boy gazed at him did slightly creep him out.

It was odd for him to actually care about spending time with one of his children, because normally he didn't. Jane was his one true love, and even if he chose to take a lover every now and again, she would still remain number one in his heart. "It's a nice day to be in the park, isn't it?" William asked his little five year old boy. They had just arrived and only a few other families were in view. William wasn't much prone to put himself into parent to parent discussions and so this was truly the perfect day to spend at the park. A monday afternoon, when everyone was at work would be the time to take his children on outings.

William felt awkward talking to the boy, and so he opted to sit down on one of the benches and watch him for a little while. Luckily, the few people that were at the park were very attractive women, and so he also had them to watch instead of boring himself with supervising his son.
Little five year old Ashton wonder why out of any day of the week papa William suggested they took for the hills, were the park his mother Jane would often take him with his best mate Simon. Something told him, quietly that he shouldn't judge his father decision for taking him out today. In fact the voice encourage whatever relationship his father tried to build that afternoon, so Ashton grabbed his trainers hurried to pushed them on as quickly as the little boy can. You could tell how enthusiastic he felt just being in the presents of his father. "Yes papa, its nice indeed...are we going to spend the whole day together?" the small little voice question with do-eyed blue eyes. Many people always compliment Ashton about how soft his eyes always remind them of snow just like his last name winter. He sure look as if he were born on a winter day. His soft hues matching the alabaster complexion of his skin. If he didn't talk to himself often, many would've probably adored the boy more than he should be.
His fingers curled around the strong hands of his father hand. He seem so normal and pleasant in his father's present. Its just that kinda effect that filled the boy with admiration for his father. How he held on tight that day, yarning not to let him go. But the park. So tempting, so imaginative, just up ahead of them! How can he not resist to let go his father hand. "I want to play on the slide! No one on it!" he shouted, racing to the slide were no kid claim it as their throne just yet for the day. Its my throne today, its my throne for today!
Natalie Winters was ecstatic. Today would be a fun day for her and Leah, and Natalie planned to play in the park until her mother pulled them away from the swing sets at the end of the day. The five year old walked between Harlow and her big sister, holding both of their hands, much to Leah's dismay. She thought it strange that her older sister disliked being touched and shown affection to, and she constantly forgot and ended up being snapped at after a sudden hug.

They reached a part in the park near a lake and a few benches. "Leah, watch out for your younger sister, okay?" Harlow reminded her eldest daughter. The older girl was always the more responsible and clear thinking one, and so she had no qualms about leaving Natalie purely in Leah's care. Both of the girls nodded and Natalie trotted off towards the slides, leaving an annoyed Leah standing idly by a large tree.

A boy about her age was already at the top, which Nat frowned at. She was the Queen of the Slides, until Leah grew bored with the swings, and that for now was her throne and no one else's. Her face formed a look of determination and the girl marched over to the slide, staring at the boy. "Hey! You have my spot!" She climbed up the ladder and reached the top. The boy looked so pleased with being on top that she suddenly felt a little bad for yelling at him. "Maybe, you can be King and I will be Queen?"
Leah Winters, age ten, loved the park and her most favorite thing was the swings. She looked forward to jumping on them when they arrived, and as she listened to her mother request to keep an eye on Natalie, she absent mindly nodded while daydreaming about how high she would go this time. The swings were one place to escape from reality, and even at ten years old she had many dark things that she tried her very hardest to keep out of her mind. Leah's musings were interrupted when Natalie dashed off beyond the few trees that shielded this little area away from the slides and more benches.

"Hey! Wait!" Her young voice shouted out. She knew that Nat would ignore her, which was not very uncommon of her little sister. Leah sighed and rolled her eyes, knowing that reality was back and it was entirely possible that the swings would not be an option until their next visit. The ten year old glanced at her mother, giving her a dirty look while she chattered away to a particularly handsome man with a set of twin boys. Even at that age, Leah was aware that her mother was very bad at the job she was given.

Leah calmed herself down, and instead of whining to Harlow she darted off after her little sister. Natalie was already halfway up the ladder to the big slide, and so Leah watched intently as Nat said something to the little boy who happened to be already up there. He looked a little familiar to her, but not once in Leah's short life could she remember ever meeting the boy. His presence creeped her out, however and so she quickly stepped over to where they were and began the trek up the ladder.
Ashton stumble back because of that stupid girl shouting frighten him unexpectedly he didn't say a word when she suggested him to be king. He was always scowled at, told never to talk to anyone except for Simon Fields. Sometimes he couldn't speak to Simon, though they've always did either way without the acknowledgment of their parents. "No your a girl, girls are ugly. Your ugly!" he shouted totally unaware of her older sister, till she started to climb the latter as well. He really didn't mean that, he actually thought she was very pleasant. Ashton was just a clueless boy. He turn his small eyes up to look for his father to realize he had already started chatting with someone he didn't know. A female, who wasn't mommy dearest. "Why don't you both be my servant and I be the king?!" his attitude quickly disolved. If father could talk to girls, don't see why not that he couldn't!
"I'm...not ugly.." The small girls voice shook a little as the stranger insulted her. Her mouth formed a frown as she was unsure of why he would be mean to her when all she wanted was to play and get along with someone her own age. Natalie crossed her arms, and held back insulting words to throw back at him. She couldn't find it in her to be mean to another, because unlike him, she would feel instantly guilty after saying something hurtful. "You don't have to be mean..." Was the only rebuttle Nat could muster.

Her dark eyes glanced over at Leah, almost pleadingly. She was always the one to stand up for her, and she hoped that today Leah would pull through once again.
Leah scowled at the little boy as he threw a parade of insults towards her little sister and Leah herself. She despised little cretins like this, the ones that would be rude without any cause besides hatred and stupidity. "You are an idiot."Were her biting words, in reply to his insults. "Apologize or I shall toss you off the slide like a limp doll." It was times like these when she wished that she were old enough to have a wand. One more year, and people like this jerk would be cursed into oblivion directly after uttering idiotic sentences.

She hated when people picked on her little sister for no reason, and this vermin would suffer her wrath if he chose to form any other biting sentence in their direction. In fact, she almost wanted him to voice something so she could have any excuse to push him down.
Ashton refuse to say anything, till the one much older threaten him. He felt unsure of this situation, his hues of blue staring intentionally at the older girl. If he had the strength too, he would like to set her a blaze. "Hey? Do you want to play someplace else?" he asked the youngest one closest to his age. "The sand box emptied, maybe we could play in there? Just us two?!" it was his way of apologizing, his eyes darting from the oldest back to the youngest. He moved away from the oldest, heading for the slides to go down. Don't worry she'll get hers! a little voice ringed in his ear. He like the sound of that, so much a smile appeared while he went down the slide alone.
Natalie's eyes widened when Leah made her threats towards the boy. "Leah...don't do that." She felt sad that he felt the need to hurt her feelings, but at the same time she didn't want to see him thrown off the slide. She smiled suddenly, when he offered to play with her elsewhere. "Sure!" Nat smiled at Leah, hoping she would follow along and join them in the sand box. "I like playing in the sandbox. Maybe we can build mud houses!"She was always one to forgive quickly, and since the kid showed his remorse in this way, she would forget his past words and focus on having a great day with her new friend. She climbed down the ladder and almost ran to the sandbox, and jumped in it, sending flecks of sand in every direction.
Leah glared at the boy as he neglected to apologize and instead asked Nat to have fun with him, without her. The way the boy stared at her made Leah feel slightly odd. His eyes had something about them that made him seem not quite right. Regardless of his stupidity, and lack of concern for his own well being, Leah begrudgingly accepted his offer to Natalie as a form of repentance and allowed him to walk away unscathed. Nat didn't seem to catch that he only wanted her to follow him because her eyes met Leah as if saying, Come with us!

Silly girl. She thought watching their retreating figures. She would still have to watch them and luckily the swings were near the sandbox. Leah slid down the slide gracefully, and swept past the two children on her way to the swings. She would spend an enjoyable afternoon going as high as she could and keeping an eye or two on her little sister. The little boy could care for himself, she would pay him no mind.
Ashton kicked his trainers off his feet, he pealed his socks off and stuck them inside his chap pockets. His feet set freely against the sand now, while he hid away his trainers just in case father see them without it. Thinking of his father, the small blue doe eyed boy crank his neck to see if he were still in the same place. He confirm quickly and went back to today's mission. "We could do that or we could build a castle if you like?!" he suggested plopping himself down right onto the tan sand. He had his back to the little girl's sister. Ashton didn't like her at all, so he was trying to avoid her. Till he got his revenge, they will make mud-pie soon. Guess who will be their target. "What's your name anyways? I didn't hear you tell me it.." he began to stick his foot inside the sand more, digging with his hand to start on their sand castle if she agreed to it.
"A castle would be fun." Natalie replied, a cheery smile flashing at the other boy. She looked over the boys shoulder and stared at Leah for a few seconds. "I'm sorry about my big sister. She's not nice sometimes."
Hopefully, the boy wouldn't be too mad about her sisters comment, and they could have fun for the remainder of the afternoon.

"My name is Natalie. What's yours?" Nat traced lines in the sand, creating designs with the tip of her fingers. She wished that Leah would stop being so distant and join them. When her sister was in a good mood they would pass the days playing together happily, but today it seemed that Leah was not in the mood to make nice with strange little boys.
"My names Ashton! But you can call me Ash I let everyone else call me Ash, so why not you!" the boy said with a boost of energy. "Natalie when were done you want to play I don't know wedding? So that way we can rule this kingdom!" Ash was good at pretending, really good cause he learn from his father and the ugly voices that tells him pretending is alright even if you hurt the person while doing it. "I play it all the time with my siblings!" he grin merely, the boy packed some sand together and pokes his finger inside the sand to design the castle. He spit on it o make it wet and stick together, having seen his older brother done it quite at times when they were at the park together.
Natalie giggled. "Okay, Ash. You can call me Nat, if you want to." She had always made friends very easily, even if her sister tried to keep them away from Natalie. Ash was slightly different, and even at a young age Nat felt some odd about her newfound friend.
He had a strangeness about him that slightly drew her nearer. She wanted to know more about him, but at the same time he made her want to go away and hide. His eyes were intensely upon her, and she had difficulty meeting them. "Sure! How do you play?" She asked.
Ash drop the sand he gather up with his hand, than continued to dust away his hands from the dirt he had in his hands. "Well, we will need to go some place more bigger than this, it's to small to play pretend" he explain, his voice low, he look up and over her shoulder. He saw Leah that her sister was still there and won't be going anywhere else besides watching them. "What's wrong with your sister? Is she a nutter?" he ask Natalie, his smile hold mischief as he went off topic. "I think we should go play some game with her, you think she will like that? Play ghost and zombies attack?" he suggested, a wicked sneer paster his pale face.
William Winters flashed his winning smile at the talkative female sitting beside him. Flirting with her had passed half an hour fairly easily but now she was boring him. It was obvious the woman had no intentions of taking the brief flirtation any further; the proof being that she had talked nearly non stop about her husband and their children. The slight body language that had hinted at attraction was enough to draw William in, but the chatter regarding her family did nothing but push him away. "It has been very pleasant speaking with you, Lola, but I've ignored my child long enough, and he is most likely hungry for an afternoon snack." The mention of his child made the woman turn suddenly and look for hers. She was guilty of not paying attention to her children as well.

They bid one another goodbye, and William kept an appreciative eye upon Lola's wiggling hips as she bounced off to find her children. Waste of time. He cut his losses and strolled across the park and through the bushes, looking for Ashton. The boy was very skilled in entertaining himself so William didn't have to really watch him when they went out on a father/son day. In fact, the boy was probably used to being left to his own. Jane usually kept herself busy with the other children, choosing to leave the odd one to himself most of the time.

William scanned the park, his eyes landing on the sandbox that held his son and another little girl. He smiled. Ashton had made a friend. William passed by the swing sets, ignoring the raven haired girl that seemed intent upon staring at him, and walked up to the sandbox. "Time to go, son. I'm feeling a little hungry." He barely gave a glance to the little girl beside Ashton.
Leah watched her little sister with her sharp eyes never leaving the sandbox. They both continued to glance over at the swings, making the ten year old wonder if the two kids were up to something. She was worried about Natalie. This boy gave her the creeps, and she wondered what they were talking about.

That curiousity disappeared as a tall figure passed by, his pace quickly headed to the sandbox. Leah's mouth dropped open as she stared wide eyed at her very own flesh and blood. "Father?" The girls voice was hushed, hardly a whisper. The man didn't hear her. Leah stood suddenly, not wanting her mother to miss out on a chance to see the one man that had ruined their lives. "Mom! Mom!" She darted off past the slides and ran up to her mom who happened to be conversing with a fairly attractive man. "Mother, I've seen-"

Harlow cut her off, turning away from the man she had been talking to previously. "There you are, Leah. Where's your sister? I was just about to come and fetch you." Leah opened her mouth to speak. "Mother, over there is fa-"

Harlow hushed her. "Aren't you supposed to be watching your sister anyway?" She sighed and told the man goodbye. "Wait here. NO! Wait here." Leah's mother once again cut the girl off. She began to walk towards the trees, leaving her daughter near the park bench. Leah allowed a smirk to cross her face, hoping that William Winters would get just what he deserved.
Natalie once again poked her head out to see if Leah was watching. Of course she was, her big sister never let up on guarding her from anything and everything. "It'll be hard getting away from my sister." Natalie confirmed. She stood up and looked around, trying to figure out a plan of action.

Just when she was about to step out of the sandbox, a very tall man appeared in front of them. She looked up at his face, his presence making the little girl feel smaller and smaller. The man spoke to the boy and Natalie realized he must be Ashtons father. Noticing this made Nat remember her mother and she looked over at the swings and saw that Leah had disappeared. This was weird to the girl because Leah never left Nat alone with strangers. "I need to find my mom and sister. Goodbye, Ash." Natalie smiled at him and ran off to the place that Harlow had been earlier.

As luck would have it, she and her mother crossed paths right away. "There you are! Time to go, dear." Harlow said, scooping the little girl up in her arms. Harlow carried her back over to Leah, and took her eldest daughters hand. Natalie glanced down at Leah and saw a dirty look cross her face. Leah stood still staring past the slides and at Ashtons father until Harlow tugged the girl away.
Ash felt excited to be pressuring Natalie to join him in a game. To excited, he did not see his father coming. The man startle the boy and he seem to have startle his new friend Natalie. He was sad to here that they had to go, even more upset to see Nat had to leave too. dad must've scared her away, the girl was small. She maybe afraid of strangers, just like when Ash was afraid of the old lady who live next to them. He would be surprise to know the old woman fear him the most, if he only knew.

"Bye Nat"
he called past his father, the man grab the boy's hand in a very strong grip.
There was no chance they would cross path again, his father didn't go back around like they had came in. instead he walk out of the park and apparated them home, avoiding the likes of Leah and her mom.

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