Open Less Than Focused

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Lorenzo Vero

Homeschool Grad | Avid Reader | Changed
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
18 (2/2045)
Lorenzo tried not to yawn too big as he entered the Great Hall. His readjusted his jacket, hoping Gabrielle didn't notice how well it was not fitting him. He had grown out of his formal clothes since last year, and his mother was usually the one who made sure it had gotten hemmed and fit, but seeing as she was preoccupied with other things, this was his attire for now. Enzo tried reciting through a list of ingredients for one of the potential potions on his exam as he made his way over to the Christmas tree and looked at the gifts about, wondering if he should take one.
Leah cursed to herself as she entered the hall and saw the skating rink set up once again. She had thought they wouldn't have the same set up two years in a row or she would have insisted on wearing a different dress. Instead she went with the one her mother had picked out for her. It was pretty but a bit to formal for her taste. She scanned the hall for Chase but needed a distraction before she ended up trying to skate in a full length dress. So she headed for the giant Christmas tree and inspecting the presents. She had just picked one up and shook it lightly when someone joined her. It was an older boy she recognized for the tournament last year. She didn't pay him much attention until she thought she heard him say something. "What was that?" she asked when she heard the boy mumbling something but she couldn't quite make out what it was.
Lorenzo noticed a particularly small box among the box and stopped running through his study notes when he realized a girl was speaking with him. "Oh, um nothing. I just, well, I'm obviously very boring because I'm trying to study for class during a dance," he said with a laugh. He was sure Gabrielle would think it was odd as well and decided to not focus on academics for the time being. "Does it seem like there's anything good inside?" he asked the girl, taking a moment to pick up the very small box he'd noticed before.
Leah nearly laughed when he said he was studying. A stray giggle came out here and there but she did her best to keep a straight face. "Studying? At a dance?" she repeated back to make sure she had heard him right. "Not exactly my idea of fun." she said with a grin. She didn't want to tease him to much. It did sound like something Anisha might try when they got to fifth year. She was glad when the topic changed to the presents in front of them. "I'm not sure." Leah said, a little defeated. Her shaking didn't reveal much to her. "Maybe we can open them at the same time? And we like the other got more we can trade?" she suggested. She grinned at him hopefully.
Gaby wasn't so sure about coming to the Yule Ball. It had been more than a year in the school and she still hadn't really settled down. Yet, in the end, she decided to come around and see, maybe she saw Kiara or Enzo. And luckily, she did notice Enzo, he wasn't alone but still decided to join him. "Hey Enzo," she softly mumbled as she got closer to him, lightly touching his hand. She wasn't trying to take it as she wasn't sure how he would react but she more like gently stroked it. She liked him, he was sweet, soft and his company just made her feel so safe. "Hey, I'm Gabrielle," she held her hand out for the little girl to shake with a friendly smile. The girl seemed sweet enough for Gaby not to be mean.
Lorenzo scratched his head nervously as the girl teased him for studying. Was it really that weird to be thinking about class? He had a lot on his mind most of the time now, and trying to fit in studying where he could was important to him. But he knew most people at the school were focused on general teenage things. "I suppose not. I've turned some things into a song before, and that's been kind of fun," he threw out.

"That sounds fun," he said with a smile, taking a breath to begin a count down when he noticed a stunning girl next to him. "Wow, hi, you look beautiful," he said, feeling himself trying not to blush. Many of his friends tried to put on this tough exterior when it came to girls, but Enzo always tried to say what he was feeling, when appropriate, and this was one of those times. He had gotten to know Gabrielle a little more throughout the past year, and he enjoyed the Ravenclaw's company. It also didn't hurt that she was very pretty. Lorenzo looked at the other girl as Gaby introduced herself and realized he didn't even know her name. "We were just going to open up some of these presents. Want to join?" he asked the blonde, realizing at that moment he should also properly introduce himself. "My apologies, didn't mean to be rude. I'm Lorenzo or Enzo," he said to the other girl.
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