- Messages
- 518
- OOC First Name
- Sam
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Sexual Orientation
- Unknown
Table of Contents:
The Basics, Appearance, Style, Personality
In-Depth Personality, Favourites, Impressions, Emotions, Language, Goals and Ambitions
Immediate Family, Extended Family, Family Tree, Home Life
Photo Album, Character Video, Ballet Pamphlet, Ongoing Journal Entries
Education, School Favourites, Grades, Memorial Posts
Full Name: Lennox Mia Addison
Pronunciation: LEHN-eks MEE-ah AD-i-sen
Nicknames: L, Princess, Len
Name Meaning:
Lennox is a gender-neutral name that originated in Scotland. It often means “the place of elms”
Mia is said to be a diminutive of Maria. Mia is a Danish name that often means “mine.”
Addison is a family name passed down throughout ages of witches and wizards. Addison is a name that is associated with the English culture. It is said to mean “Son of Adam” even though there are no Adam's in the relevant Addison family line.
Gender: Girl
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hometown: Wellington, New Zealand
Character’s Birthdate: July 30, 2045
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Zodiac Description: Individuals with the zodiac sign of Leo are often ones that are on “Center Stage.” They enjoy being the center of attention as well as enjoy the more artistic side of life. Leos are often known for their sense of dramatics and at times stubbornness to be in the spotlight.
Zodiac Strengths: Natural Born Leaders, Sense of Pride and Selective Loyalty, Confident.
Zodiac Weaknesses: Overly Self-Centered, Fixed with Opinions, Cannot Admit When Wrong.
Zodiac Likes: Art, Dance, Fitness, and Movement
Zodiac Dislikes: Being Ignored, Dull Personalities.
Element: Fire
Elemental Description: The Fire Element is often associated with individuals who are creative and self-sufficient. They are passionate, much like fire, however often can 'burn' others with and without intent to do so.
Wand: 12 inch Straight, Flexible Ivy Wand with a Boomslang Venom Core
Wand Description: Average length for a wand. The Ivy Wood is often associated with wizards and witches of a social nature. They are for those individuals who adapt well and thrive when a difficult situation arises. Ivy is known for its healing magic. The Boomslang Venom Core is often associated with a skill in Transfiguration. This type of core is often known to boost hexes and jinxes.

Ethnicity: Caucasian
Preferred Hand: Right
Facial Type: Heart
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown (light brown)
Hair Style: Wavy, Long/Past her Shoulders
Height: Average
Birthmark/Scars: None
Other Distinguishing Features: Her eyes are the most notable facial feature.
Played By: Raegan Revord
Overall Style: Lennox has a very stereotypical 'girly' fashion. She enjoys skirts and dresses. She can never be seen in a pair of jeans. She only wears outfits a few times before moving onto something new. She refuses to visit charity shops (as she calls them) to buy used clothing. She will often wear a lot of layers and quite a bit of jewelry. She has a large earring collection that she chooses from every day.
Grooming: Clean cut
Wardrobe: When Lennox is not in her ballet tutus, she is often found in her school uniform. Outside of school, she prefers princess styled dresses with a lot of flare or fashion worthy looks with layers. A lot of her clothing falls in the colours of pink, purple, and on occasion silver.
Tattoos: None
Trinkets: Best friend necklace that both her and Jade share. It's a gold half heart necklace with small diamonds in the broken aspect of the heart. The chain is long enough, she normally tucks it under her uniform.
Overall Personality:
Lennox is an only child and definitely uses this to her advantage. She has her father wrapped around her finger. Her family believes in an easy life, one without struggle. Lennon has grown accustomed to such a life where she rarely raises a finger, nonetheless a wand, for any of her desires. The only activity that Lennox puts any effort into is Ballet. She works extremely hard in this sport even practicing in her free time whenever she gets a chance. She likes to be the center of attention, in both her family and friend groups. She is often considered the leader, but that is a title that she forced herself into. Lennox has been known to at times unnecessarily hurtful if she does not get her way. Yet this concept is so foreign to her, that she rarely has to act this way. Lennox is rather bossy and opinionated. She rarely listens to the opinions of others as only hers really matter anyway. Lennox is not always seen as this terribly spoiled child though. When she is with those who she respects such as her best friend, Jade, and some of her cousins, she can be rather caring. She loves individuals that she feels deserve such an honor. She can even go as far as being protective of them, especially Jade, who does not have the best family dynamic at home. Lennox has even begged her parents to adopt Jade in an attempt to help her friend in the only way Lennox knows how.
Hobbies/Interests: Ballet. Lennox adores the Ballet. She has been a dancer ever since she was four. She will go to multiple performances a year to watch the ballet with her family. Lennox also enjoys Bird Watching. She will often spend days outside in the garden watching the birds in the bird houses. She calls them her tiny dancers.
Skills/Talents: Dance (Particularly Ballet),
Likes: Sunny Days, Classical Music, Trips to the Museum, Art, Dance, People worthy of her trust.
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, Being Left Out, Being Told No, Not Getting her Way.
Sense of Humor: Harsh, At times at other's expense.
Superstitions/Beliefs: Has a lucky pair of pointe shoes.
Closet Hobby: Bird Watching
Strengths: Strong Willed, Passionate about her interests
Flaws: Easily Looks Down and Judges Others, Too Honest to the point of being mean, Spoiled.
Lures: Social Status, Success
Soft Spots: People who deserve her friendship. She is often loyal to these individuals if they have earned the title of friend.
Cruel Streak: People who Disagree with Her, People who don't give her the attention she deserves.
Quotes taken from “Delirium Series" (Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem) written by Lauren Oliver @Copyright 2011-2013
All Zodiac Information Taken from Astrology.com
All Element Description Taken From Astrology.com
Wand Wood Description Taken From HNZ
Wand Core Description Taken From HNZ
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