Leaving the site

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Arial Wright

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Hey everyone :)

Well as most of you know, I finish high school in a couple of months. But before then, I have two lots of very very important exams. A couple of nights ago I was given one of the most shaking lectures, where I was effectively told if I cant get off the internet and do my school work, I am gunna screw up my life. And thing is right now, its true :(
Im skipping Uni prep year because Im sick of school and if I do another year I just might do worse! So these results are going to determine the rest of my life, they will determine if I get into Uni in a couple of years and if I'll get into the courses I want. Effectively if I screw them up, Im screwed!
With that said, I realise I shouldn't be on here as much as I am, but determined to go the full length, my parents are gunna cut our internet soon. I'm not actually allowed on right now, I have to sneak on :(
As much as it kills me, right now there is no way I can be on here :cry: :cry: but I hope I will be back one day, but at this point my future is so blurry I have absolutly no idea whats happening. If things go extremly well I may be back on before the end of December, if not...
I apologize to everyone I had plans with, Im so sorry :(
Finally I wanna thank everyone of this site for making it what it is, in character and out of character, this site has been a comfort to me in times of despair, and without realizing it, you guys have been there for me through so much! And I thank you guys so much :hug: Im gunna miss you all so much!!

Lenita Wright

(Aka Jarrod Passfield and Neita Wright )
Omg Neita! :cry:

I hate it when parents do things like that. I have been told that so many times but my life is fine.
School results are NOT going to determine the rest of your life. I got pretty average marks, only really enough to get in to an Arts degree, but after a while, school results don't even matter. There is always other ways to get to what you want.
You should be fine. Even if you don't get in to what you want to do, you'll be able to get in to something. And from then on you can move right up. I have faith in you, girl, you can do it. :)
It's a real shame to see you go! :cry: I hope you can get back sometime soon. For now, you just focus on showing your parents what you're made of and doing the best you can, cause I know you can do it. :)
Look forward to seeing you back again someday! <3
:cry: :cry:

Neita, I'm so sad to see you go! You are defiantly one of the people im closest to OOC. Parents are evil, but like Camilla said, school isn't everything. Your gunna ace those exams im sure of it!!! Arisa/ me are going to be extremely sad to see you/ Neita go! :cry: Im going to miss you, and hope you can come back to us!!

-Sammy :glomp2: :hug:
:hug: No Neita, this isn't allowed to happen :cry:

Well I know it has to happen and it's for the best. You are going to be sorely missed around her girl and never forget about us, we'll always be here for you WHEN you come back to us, no mention of 'if's here :r:

Anyway, as Camilla said no matter what happens with this year you will do absolutely fine and you'll breeze through the exams, no bother.

Come back to us soon
- Pat :hug:
No! :frantics:

You cannot leave! You will not leave! :cry:
I understand about stupid school :erm: But nooooo!
Aww well, we'll miss you heaps! Good luck, hope you get to come back!

Lizzy :hug:
:cry: *Sobs*

I agree with Ari... NOOOOOO !!!

Neiiitttaaaa :( *sobs again*

I wish you didn't have to go :grim:

Just think positivly anyways. You will do great in your exams, I know it. Specially if you do as great as you do at RPing ;)

Everything Camilla said is true. You can do it :) , and we all have faith in you, so know that.

And yes, we all have real lives away from HNZ, and sometimes they have to come first, as annoyingly as it is, so we understand...Goodluck, and hope to see you round soon ^_^

Em x :hug:
Awwww. This is so sad!! :cry:

I understand totally that real life comes first, and has to. Do your best and kick some exam butt!! Pop on when you are able to (*cough*Ang's house*cough*) and say hi, and come back to us when you are able to. We will miss you!!!

:hug: Lenita
will miss you
sorry am speechless, it's always hard when someone from our family here has to leave but we all know and understand why.
Have total faith that you will do brilliantly.


Till we chat again

Awwww man, Neita! This sucks! Rock out those exams, and come back to us whenever/if you can. We're going to miss you bunches!

Until next time,

I won't say goodbye, because I hope hope hope we'll hear from you now and again to let us know how you're doing!! :hug:

You are wicked smart and I know you'll do great! Good luck in your tests, I know you'll do wonderful, I have faith in you!! :hug:

Much love and I hope that one day you'll be able to return,

~Livvy :hug:
I used to be post all the time on a fansite when I was in school. It's different cos it wasn't an RP site, so I didn't have plots to keep up with, but I would always take a month or so off around exam time, and get right back to it when I could, until I went back one time after a couple of months break and the site had been sold to someone else and everything had changed :o :cry: But don't worry, that won't happen here. We're always here when you feel you can return. And yes, REAL LIFE COMES FIRST.

See you next time you're around. :)

I know we've never really spoken or RPed together before. But it's still sad to see someone go. I don't really want anyone to leave, but Real Life calls.

I hope you can someday return though. And until that day I hope you think of us often.

:cry: :hug:

Oh wow!! Thank you guys all so much!! :hug: It hasn't even been that long and I miss the site and you guys soooo much!! Am very very determined to be back at the end of the year RL and am counting down the days.

But thank you guys so much for making me feel missed :D :D

Miss you guys heaps!! :hug:

Imogen is gonna miss you! :cry:

Good luck in RL. You'll do awesome. And Come see us, every now and then.

It was a pleasure to RP with you.

See you in the near future.


Okay, so I realise I have already told you how bummed out I am that you are leaving this site, even if it is indefinitely so. BUT, I just could not not post here, in your sad goodbye thread. =[

I don't think I ever thanked you, but anyways, I shall thank you now. When I got sidetracked with real life and was absent from Hogwarts, even though I wanted to come back, at the time I wasn't feeling it. But you constantly talking about it and always updating me on who was dating who, or who got into a fight with who, surely made way for my now permanent return. If it weren't for me, you would not have known HNZ [and I'm proud of that. :lol: ]. But in saying that, I must also say that if it weren't for you I would probably not have come back. You reminded me when I was depressed or busy or just plane lazy, that HNZ was the love of my life, and my passion. Thank you for that. Blake definitely owes you!

And just as Julie said, you can come kick it at my house and pop on HNZ. After me of course. :p Yes, I really am offering to house you. lol.
I am really sad to see you go, considering how hard I know you have been working on your characters and how much you've already put into them. But when you come back, I'm sure something good can come out of Neita's time at Beauxbatons. :)

Just as you were my anchor, I shall be yours. I'll try my best to keep up with everything on HNZ, and to chat your ear off about it. But I'm not as active as you are or even as I wish to be, so do give me a break. =]

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