Leaving... selected characters up for grabs

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Jessame Rose Trewelly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Hi everyone.

I'm sad to say, I'm leaving the site.
Well, not really.
I'll still stick around, cos I like you guys too much, but I don't have time to RP anymore, and I feel bad for not doing my characters justice.

If anyone would like to take over the following characters, contact me.

Double King's Cross
b. 25 April 2015 | 10 years old
Little brother of Kenzington Cross, son of Maite Cross. Has strange beliefs like
-if you see a multi-coloured leaf, you have to walk backwards until you can't see it anymore to ward off insanity
-the oven is out to get him
-if you smile at someone and they don't smile back, you'll have to do something you don't like in five minutes.
-the number 2 is orange
-the number 12 makes people happy
He is a good-natured boy who loves to steal and wear his sister's clothes. He approaches everything with a smile and the belief that everything will work out okay.
If you take this account, you should get in touch with Kenzi (Amy) and Maite (arjane) to talk bout the family history.


Ksaafa Lowart.
Home schooled and muggle schooled, son of Emer Laude
Twin of Cale Lowart
Brother of Rosiee, Faxen and Ollie Lowart.
I've hardly RPd him, so you're welcome to make of him what you wish.


Emer Laude
If you take over this account, I'll have to be in touch with Nick and Livvy as to whether or not you'll still be Ollivander's shopkeeper.
She's 40 (ish, I can't remember), has five kids and a big heart. Hippie-ish, loves New Zealand and nature.

More info on all available if you want to take over the accounts
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