Closed Lazy Monday

Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
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Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (64)
Now that Monty was unemployed, he suddenly found himself with a great deal of free time on his hands. He knew he would have to get another job eventually, but he had no intention to rush; there were places he wanted to see, things he wanted to do before it was too late. Though nothing was set in stone, he was currently planning a trip around the world on which he hoped to collect and study, amongst other things, some of the rarer potion ingredients. But mostly he just needed a holiday; eleven years at Hogwarts had taken its toll on him, and while he did not regret the time he had spent there (for he had learned many things and grown enormously in confidence), resigning had been a great and overdue relief.

While he was researching for his trip he received an invitation to tea with Chalcedony. He accepted immediately and made his way to the man's house later that afternoon, carrying a small box of cakes he'd made with his granddaughters earlier in the week. They had rather overestimated the quantity of ingredients and, despite packing as many as cakes as he could into a tin for them to take home, Monty had been left with more than he could eat by himself. He found the door to Chal's shop open, as he had said it would be, and let himself inside. It was still and quiet; sunlight climbed lazily up the wall and an illuminated an open book sitting on the counter. Monty made his way upstairs and knocked on the door at the top of the landing.
Chalcedony had been having a bit of a rough time lately, with all of the drama amidst his family, and had decided that really he just needed a bit of time to relax. He spent most of his time alone in his gardens, but for some reason he was craving company. It was a rare thing, but one he had thankfully a decent solution before. After inviting Montgomery over for tea, Chal went about setting out the teapot. "Door's open, Montgomery," he called, pouring the tea.

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