Lawn-ing it!

Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Sam left the castle shortly after breakfast. He had finally caught up on all his assignments and figured he "chill out" today. He walked down to the lawn. The morning was crisp, he didn't mind. The lawn was completely empty. Not one person in sight. Sam smiled slightly at this. He sat down on the grass and put his hands behind him. There was a small breeze but nothing much. He looked up at the plae blue sky, there was no clouds. Which was surprising for Autumn. This is going to be a boring day, than relaxing. he thought bitterly to himself.
Aiden decided that he wouldn't eat breakfast this morning, he only had a cup of coffee in his hands as he walked along the lawn. Aiden took a long sip of it as he walked, feeling the warmth instantly he grinned. Aiden continued to walk, he was wearing a green t shirt and blue jeans with converse..his typical outfit now, when he wasn't in the Gryffindor uniform.
Sam was quite aware of noises and sudden movements around him today. As there was nothing else to concentrate on. He turned around when he heard footsteps, which were muffeled by the grass. Sam caught the boys gaze. He didn't know him, but it was too late to just turn back to his boredom. "Alright mate?" he asked, in a way of greeting him. "I'm Sam." he squinted as the sun rose behind him.
Aiden furrowed his brow slightly and said, "You're the kid that sold me my broom right? I'm Aiden." Aiden shrugged his shoulders heavily then took another sip of coffee then said, "How's it going mate?" Aiden adjusted his black ray bands slightly as the sun came over the two of them.
Sam nodded, "Right. Right I remember. Sienna Storm?" Sam chuckled. Sam looked down as the rays burned his eyes. "Its going good. Settling in and all." he said simply. So far this was the best expieriance he ever had. "What about you? What year did you say your in?" he asked trying to recall if he mentioned it.
(u dont mind me joining do u?? im bored lol)

Libby was arguing with herself about whether or not she should tell someone. She noticed Sam and another boy, who she didn't know. Libby sighed, trying to be confident, and went over to them.

"Hi. Can i join you?" She asked, raising her eyebrows as if she knew what to expect. "She looked over to the Griffindor, and gave him a weary smile. "Hello. I'm Libby" she said, introducing herself.
Aiden nodded his head and said, "I'm alright..things are a little bit less dramatic this year..I'm in my second year.." Aiden took another sip then he said, "How are classes going for you?"

Aiden turned his head then raised his brow slightly at the Hufflepuff then thought, Do I attract Hufflepuffs or something, God damn! I hate them so bloody much! Aiden nodded his head given a hesitant smile to the girl and said, "Nice to meet you Libby, I'm Aiden." Aiden let his harsh french accent out for a second as he spoke but then hid it up the next moment.
Libby was slightly confused about Aidens body language, but decided to let it drop. "Thanks." She said simply, looking at the ground, hiding herself from him with her hair, and suddenly became very interested in her watch. His loss, she thought.
Sam smiled, he wasn't going to get in what happened the year before. "Classes are going good. I'm enjoying Transfiguration the most. And of coarse flying!" he chuckled then he heard Libby from behind them, "Hey Lib!" he waved to her. "Whats brings you out this time of the morning?"
She smiled at Sam. "Not much, just wandering, you know, no idea where anyone is. Everyone's gone out somewhere." she said. "You alright?" she asked.

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