Late Night Snack

Caitlyn Scott

Well-Known Member
Caitlyn padded quickly and quietly down to the Kitchens at 3am, one week after sorting. Her first week had been so busy, meeting everyone, getting settled in, and starting classes. It wasn't like her to break the rules like this, but after all the stress lately, she felt the need to be out of her normal setting. Cursing as the door into the Kitchens creaked slightly, she slipped inside, sighing with relief when she entered the bright room. She wasn't hungry really, and politely refused all of the house elve's offers.

Sitting down at a table in the corner, she rested her head on her arms, closing her eyes against the flickering torches on the walls.

Lily had been at the cliff's. Since her first arrival at the school Lily had only gone there. She didn't know what it was about the cliffs which attracted her to them so much. She didn't know if it was the solitude or the heights or the sounds of crashing waves. All in all it was pretty awesome. A week of school had passed and Lily was feeling the effects. She felt unfit. She was anything but. Lily had spent this day doing excerise at the cliffs. Well the morning anyway. The afternoon, after the smallest of lunches, Lily had taken she homework she had and after getting dressed into something Better, she went back to the cliffs. Her place.

It was now 3am. Lily hadn't really lost track of time, she was well aware of the time, she'd just chosen to not do anything. She stayed at the cliff's edge, staring up at the clear winter sky and wishing she was at her old school. Lily had almost started crying she was so upset about being at hogwarts, but now she was here, Lily didn't want to show the emotion she felt. Lily was inside the dark and quiet castle. There was a deadly silence. Lily's green stiletto heels were making a small noise which echoed against the stone floor. Thinking that she probably shouldn't be caught by a professor, Lily slipped of her shoes and walked bare foot inside the cold, night school.

Not really wanting to go back to her dorm, Lily decided to go to the kitchens. Again, the strange creatures inside the kitchen asked her if she wanted anything. Lily said no, as she noticed a girl sitting at a table in the corner. It looked like a first year, and they appeared to be falling asleep. Lily was glad she'd taken her shoes off before coming into the kitchens. For the small noise of the shoes might make the girl believe Lily was a professor and not a student. Lily slowly walked towards the girl. As she approached Lily recognized her. The girl, Caitlyn was one of the only friends, if not the only one, Lily had. She liked the girl too. She was nice. Lily, with the hands not holding the shoes. Lightly shook her friends arm, before sitting down in front of her, and putting her shoes beside.

"Caitlyn?" Lily said quietly. Not wanting to wake the girl too suddenly.
Caitlyn was just drifting into an east doze. thinking about the next day's lessons, when she felt a hand on her arm, and somebody familiar saying her name. Looking up hastily, she blinked, before the face of Lily came into focus
"Lily" she said, feeling a little stupid. Her bleary brain wasn't processing information too well
"Lily!" she said again, realising it was one of her only friends. She wondered what Lily was doing here at this time of the morning.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.
[You used, Lily's real name instead of the fake one she uses. Lol, :D ]

Lily couldn't help but smile at her friend. The smile was rare. It was a real smile. Once that was seen about as frequently as when New Zealand saw heavy thunderous rain clouds. Lily couldn't help but maybe think that saying what she'd actually been doing. This was her only friend and she wanted to be a little more honest. Though this girl still didn't know her real name. Lily didn't know if she should tell her only friend. Deciding against it, Lily just smiled.

"I was out at the cliffs, and lost track of time. Hence the fact I'm still fully dressed in normal clothes." Lily said. "What about you sleepyhead?"
Oops, sorry! What am I supposed to call her? I get kinda confused :p

"Oh" Caitlyn said, not knowing what to make of that. She wondered what hr friend had been doing out there so late.
"Me?" she said slowly, trying to think of an answer. The truth was, she had no idea why she was here.
"I suppose... I just needed to get away from it all" she explained, knowing that that probably didn't make any sense whatsoever. What could she get away from at 3am? It was hard to explain, even to herself. As usual, she was lost for anything to say, even to her friend.

[Livia, You can call her Livia]

Lily didn't want to really ask Caitlyn about why she wanted to get away. Lily could kinda of see why she would. Everything at this new and rubbish school overwhelmed Lily. She was still getting used to everything. Lily did still hate the school. So for someone to like it and still find it a little hard to adjust it must be a big difference from where they'd come. Of course Lily was just guessing, she didn't know Caitlyn that well.

"I can understand that. It's all a little much. Plus, I don't even want to be here." Lily said. "Well done on getting into Ravenclaw. I knew you'd get in." Lily said with a real smile, towards her only friend.
Caitlyn resisted the urge to ask her why she hated it here. To Caitlyn Hogwarts New Zeland was great, though crowded. She had only met nice people so far. That might've been because she'd hadn't really made an effort to talk to people since being here.
Caitlyn smiled in thanks, looking down at her hands on the table. She had been very happy about getting into Ravenclaw, the house that her mother had been in at Hogwarts Scotland.
"And you're happy with your house?" she asked Livia quietly, looking at her.

Lily smiled. She nodded. Lily didn't really care if Caitlyn was a little wary of her being a slytherin and liking it. She liked being a Slytherin more than she liked being a witch. Most of the girls in her class had the best fashion senses. She was proud to be a Slytherin. Lily wondered why the girl, her only friend, was so quiet. She was a very nice girl, from what Lily gathered about her. Lily ran a hand through her long brown hair, which she loved.

"Yeah, I'm very happy." Lily said, lowering her voice slightly. "How have your classes been?"
Caitlyn shrugged slightly. Classes were good for her. School had never bothered her much, and she found magic quite easy, since she liked it.
"Pretty good" she said non-committedly
"For you?" she asked Livia. Caitlyn hadn't seen her friend around Hogwarts yet, and suddenly realsied, now that she was with her, how glad she was to be back with her. Caitlyn was quite surprised with her self. She'd never been so happy to have a friend before, even when her father had died.

Lily shrugged. Her classes hadn't been that bad. She surprised herself by enjoying one of them. She didn't really want to say that she'd enjoyed it. That would make Lily look like she was enjoying magic. Lily smiled at her friend. Caitlyn was one of the only people, LIly's smile was nine times out of ten, real. She wondered if teachers patrolled the castle at night. If so, Lily realised they could be caught.

"They're not bad." Lily admitted. "Have you signed up for any clubs?"
Caitlyn shook her head
"Not really into clubs oranything" she said, looking away. She hadn't been doing much around school. She hadn't been getting out or meeting people, which is what she'd told herself she'd do. It was slightly frustrating, but she just couldn't bring herself to. Just lying by herself, reading or playing with her cat was enough to keep her satisfyed.
"You?" she asked, looking sideways at her.

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