Open Last One Alone

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Rosie Archer

kind; soon to be new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie was feeling better than she had earlier in the day and this was good, she had given most of her co-workers on Accio more time, and was doing a lot of the photography for the dance herself. She didn't have Xinyi and could just do this while the others were able to enjoy their time with partners or friends. So she was glad she felt up to it. Rosie was moving around the hall, taking pictures of the couples and friends, the dancing people and those just lingering in the background. Though she was happy to do this, it did make her miss Xinyi.
Elise was getting used to carrying a camera with her as she went to school events. She was a part of Accio now and needed to participate. She had started her night taking some more abstract shots of the dance floor. First capturing only people's feet and then only their heads. She wasn't sure how they would turn out but she was excited to find out. She also made sure to take some 'normal' ones of a few couples as she walked by but suddenly her camera got jammed and she wasn't sure what to do. Thankfully she spotted Rosie and approached the older girl. "Rosie, do you know how to fix a camera or a charm that will?" she asked as she joined her.
Rosie glanced at one of the newest recruits to Accio and then at the camera. "Oh sure, let me take a look at it," she said. She could fix most camera issues that were simple enough, anything more complicated and she wasn't sure she'd be able to, but Rosie was keen to try. "if I can't do anything you borrow one of the spares from Accio while we get this fixed,"
Elise eagerly handed over her camera to see if the older girl could help her out. She bounced on her tose impatiently and resisted the urge to groan when Rosie mentioned that she might have to go to the Accio room. It wasn't far but she didn't want to leave the party and risk missing anything good. "Notice anything?" she asked after only a minute or so. "Sorry if I'm taking all your time." she thought to mention since she figured most older students probably had dates.
Rosie took the camera, and was pretty sure that she could figure out what the issue was. "I think so," she said, "I need a bit more light," Rosie said, moving slowly to a spot where there was a little more light. "Oh it's okay, my boyfriend graduated last year, so I'm on my own anyway. Are you meeting anyone?"
Elise felt relieved when Rosie said she thought she could fix it, and she eagerly followed the older girl to where there was some brighter light. But when Rosie mentioned her boyfriend she felt a little awkward. "Oh that's....unfortunate." she said finally. It probably wasn't helpful but was all she could think to say. "Maybe just my friends later." she answered simply. She had her job to do first but she'd probably catch up with Lucy or Hazel at some point.
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