Last night in the castle

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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
Elveras's office was all packed up. the contents of her rooms a row of boxes by the fire ready for transportation to Le Fey cottage the following morning. all that was left on her bed was three outfits. her nightgown, a dress for tomorrow and her ball dress. She didn't want to leave the school it had been her home for twenty years however a few weeks she had been scrying and had seen that from now on her path was in a different direction. and who was she to mess with fate. she had felt its crew sting many a time before. and she knew that even if things felt painful they would work out better in end. it may hurt her now but it would be less than the alternative se had seen if anyone found out who the father of her daughters were. and she had seen that in the near future if she didn't get out of the school. and she had given him her word.
The nearly ex deputy headmistress undressed and changed into her dress before she started the slow decent down from her tower to the great hall.
She entered the hall and looks around hoping to see some of the many friends she had made in the castle. to spend a night of freedom. to forget what she would be doing in the next few months, starting a new business. and just enjoy the night.
Stefan hadn't often attended the ball when he'd been at school, when he was working at the school he didn't go either opting to go home to his wife instead and spending evening staring at his beautiful wife, but he'd been given the shift before the Yuleball, tidying up the last of the items within the library before the holiday, the last of the books returned from all the hours of studying. He had heard rumours of a certain professor who had changed his life supposedly leaving the school, and so the librarian, once he was done wandered down all the steps and into the Great Hall. Once he'd seen her and asked her about it, Stefan intended to leave, go home to his pregnant wife and prepare for the holidays with her, their last just the two of them. The librarian ignored the lovely sights and the how beautiful his young cousin was currently looking and noticed Professor Le Fey in the crowd after spending a moment adjusting his glasses and letting his eyesight become used to the darker light. Stefan wasn't exactly dressed for the event and he just waved at the professor as he walked over to her, "I heard you were leaving," he said to her, he didn't want it to be true, not seeing her about the school would definitely make him miss her, her kindness had saved his life and he didn't think he'd ever been able to repay her for it, "Are the rumours true?" he asked tentatively, holding himself back from giving the woman a hug.
Elvera saw someone walking across the hall towards her. It was Stefan. it was funny to think how far he had come since they had first become properly acquainted. he was hardly recognisable as the half dead boy on the street. now he was a healthy, handsome young man. when he spoke she had to bite her tongue at first. "unfortunately the roomers are true." she said. a tone of sadness in her voice. "I am going back to England to spend more time with my daughters, homeschooling them" she said. she would bring them up the same way she had been brought up. learning about herb lore, and old magic as a supplement to the more usual necessary childhood education. "how are you and Kate?" she asked wondering what he had ben up to and feeling a little regretful that she hadn't spoken to him properly for a while.
Stefan prepared himself slightly for hearing the news he dreaded, and indeed she was leaving the school, and going all the way to England, it had been one thing when he'd believed she'd still be in New Zealand, but all the way in England, "England?" he repeated quietly. Stefan felt himself smile a little sadly at the prospect, as much as he didn't see her often, there had always been the option for him to do that, but now there wouldn't be, Stefan felt saddened by the news, knowing he'd miss her and looked up at the question, unable to stop himself smiling at the thought of what was to come, "We're good, Kate's pregnant," he told her with a small but clearly excited expression on his face, "Just over two months pregnant," he clarified and he didn't know what else to do, all the residue feelings for all she'd done for him, for all the help and guidance, how much time had passed since then, how much had changed for him since then, for them all. It was strange to think this might be the last time he see Elvera for a long time.
Elvera could see stefan surprise when she said she was moving back to england. Truth be told she hadn't really thought of the friends she was leaving. she had a circle of fiends there too. "I am moving back to the house i grew up" she said. it was an unusual house, it was almost hidden in the ground. but it was so le fey that was almost the best adjective to describe it. however she was not the only one with news it appeared as stefan announced that kate was pregnant. "Congratulations." she said her face lighting up. "I will have to keep an eye out for you and send a gift." she said thrilled by the news. she had seen stefan from so much she was happy he was able to start his own family.
The librarian could definitely understand her wanting to go back to the house where she'd grown up, having done the same. Stefan smiled a little more at her, knowing that this was hardly going to have been an easy choice for her and she likely didn't need him making it more difficult for her by being overly sad about it. The man just smiled happily, telling her his good news, the joy he felt over being a father was immeasurable, he had his fears and they seemed worse given the time of year, but he knew they'd be fine, just like he was sure that Professor Le Fey would be fine, "Oh you don't have to, just come visit," he told her with a warm smile, he didn't care for gifts it would be better if she just visited if it was possible, "I can't wait to be a father," he added with a smile, knowing it was partly because of her that he was even able to become a father, because of her help, "When do you leave?"
it was weird Elvera some how felt proud of stefan achievements in life. she felt hard about a lot of her students achievements, but there were a few who she felt extra connected to, stefan was one of them. "I will visit too. but i will have to get you something when the baby arrives. if it is a girl you can have some of the clothes the twins have outgrown too" she said. baby clothes were the kind of commodity that got passed from family to family as often they were outgrown before they could even be worn more than a dozen times. the older professor smiled when stefan said hecouldnt wait to become a father "I bet you can't and thats because you are going to be a darn good one" she said gesticulating as she spoke.
at the question as to when she was leaving Elvera nodded. "i have been traveling back and forth a lot in recent months. but officially the move will be on christmas. I am planning on having the girls first christmas present be a pork key there" she said. she had made sure the new home was decorated like a magical christmas card ready for them on christmas day.
Stefan could help but feel warmed by her words, by the continued kindness that she had shown him in all the years that he'd known her, and he nodded at her, "That would be great," he told her, despite how well both he and Kate were doing he knew that a child would be expensive and anything they could be given by the kindness of others would be well received. He would be happy to receive that was for sure. Stefan smiled at her and shied slightly at her words, "I hope I will be," he told her with a nod of his head and was just unable to stop the smile on his face as he spoke, he honestly hoped he would be and he was so excited at the prospect of being a father even if it scared him. He glanced up at her and just nodded, it was soon, and then unable to help himself, he wrapped his arms around the woman in a tight hug, whispering his thanks to her. He was honestly so thankful for all she'd done for him for all her family had done for him. He pulled away and just smiled at her, "You are welcome in the Moon-Archer household any time Professor," he smiled at her, "I should go home to my wife, good luck," he replied and with one last smile turned and left the room.
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