Closed Last Minute Apologies

Jasper Night

Auror | Funny | Chaotic | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Nell)
12/2035 (26)
Jasper had been conflicted all week. Exams were now over, and normally he would be looking forward to the holidays where he didn't really have to do much. But instead of feeling happy and carefree about the upcoming holidays, Jasper felt nervous. It didn't feel right to go home and enjoy his free time without making up with Lily. What would happen if they didn't talk for weeks over break and would then return to Hogwarts? Would they just... not talk anymore? But he was also worried Lily would cry again, or worse, not want to talk to him at all. But on the final day at Hogwarts, as everyone was packing up and getting ready to go home, Jasper found a muffin in his bag. Only one person would have slipped it in there, and it made it clear to Jasper that Lily was at least not angry with him. He abandoned his luggage temporarily as he went in search of Lily. He spotted her outside as he looked out the window of the first floor corridor, and ran out to meet her. "Lily! " He called, not allowing himself to think or worry about this too much. "Can we talk?" He asked as he came to a stop near her. He stuffed his hands in his pockets uneasily.
Lily had been having a rough time since the night of the kiss. Her heart had, quite simply, been shattered. How could she have been so silly? Of course the kiss hadn't meant anything. Jasper could never like her as more than a friend. This was a good thing, really, if she had allowed her crush on him to develop into something more and she had told him how she felt, their friendship would have been truly lost forever.

But now, they could be friends again. Hopefully. She had spent all her spare time with Elliot and Lars, putting herself back together again. They really were her best friends. It had taken some doing, but she had made Jasper his favorite muffins and slipped one into his bag. Even if he didnt see it before they left, he would know she wanted to make peace eventually.

She was taking one last stroll around the grounds, closing her eyes and enjoying the breeze in her hair, when someone called her name. She nearly jumped out of her skin, turning to look at Jasper with wide eyes. "Jasper?" She bit her lip, relieved that her heart wasnt twisting in her chest anymore. Just a painful little thump she could easily ignore. "Y-yeah," she stuttered shyly, glancing away and brushing her hair behind her ear. "I... I'm sorry. About before," she told him quietly. "I miss you..." she took a deep breath, glancing up at him with sad blue eyes. "Can we be friends again?"
At the sight of Lily, Jasper was starting to regret running up to her. She looked nice as always, and seeing her still made him feel weird. But he also couldn't stop thinking about how she had cried, and that image kept popping into his head as he looked at her. But before he could really say anything, Lily apologized first. Jasper shook his head, taking a step closer. "I should be saying sorry." He said quickly. "I did a dumb thing without thinking. I shouldn't have. And then I tried to take it back and I just made you feel bad..." He hesitated, looking down. "I miss you too." He admitted. "Thanks for the muffin..." He added, shuffling his feet a little. "I want to be friends again too." He added, giving her a nervous glance.
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Lily's shoulders slumped and relief washed over her. She darted forward, knocking into Jasper and hugging him. She was crying a little again, but it was happier this time. "Its been an awful year," she told him. "Rose punched you and I made a mess of things, let's never fight again, I hate it," she buried her face in his chest. She had really missed him, that silly little crush aside. He was one of her closest friends, not speaking to him at all hurt her more than him not liking her back ever would.
Jasper was surprised by Lily's sudden hug, but automatically wrapped his arms around her. "C'mon... don't cry." He muttered awkwardly, patting her back and trying not to touch her hair too much in case he had some sort of dirt on his hands. He had just been packing his dungbombs, and Lily's hair was always so nice. " I'm sorry it was a bad year, but it's okay now." He laughed a little. "We'll never fight again, and I think Rose likes me slightly better. I'm only on kicking level now, no longer punching." He joked, as he tried to lighten up the situation. "C'mon Lily... its alright." He added, patting her shoulder. "We're still friends, and that's the important part." He hoped that his kiss could be something that was now forgotten and in the past, even as he vaguely wondered what it would've been like to kiss her again. He had to push that away now. He wanted things to be normal again.
Lily couldn't help but to giggle at Jasper. "Kicking is better than biting," she sniffled, smiling as she squeezed a little before taking a step back. She wiped her eyes and gave him a wobbly smile, blue eyes still a little misty. She reached out hesitantly and brushed her hand against his. "Just... dont kiss me unless it means something," she chided him gently. "I dont know what Sierra thinks, but... it's supposed to be special." She tucked her hair behind her ear again. "I was more upset that it didnt mean anything than I was about the kiss." She admitted softly, looking away.
Jasper nodded. "Definitely, and if I knew biting was a danger I would have been ven more scared of your sister." He joked, encouraged by the smile he was teasing from Lily slowly. "Don't tell her I said that." He added. He blushed when their hands touched, and even more at her words. Jasper didn't know what to say, so he just nodded. "I don't think Sierra got it quite right." He agreed a little sheepishly. "But... we're good now again, right? Friends?"
Lily giggled at Jasper's words. "I think everyone is afraid of Rose," She admitted with a soft giggle, tucking her hair behind her ear. Lily nodded quickly as he asked if they were friends now. "Yes! Yes, of course. We're always going to be friends, Jas," She encouraged him quickly. "I mean, as long as you want to be my friend, anyway," She added just as quickly, looking away uncertainly. One thing was for sure, she was never kissing anyone again. Every time she did bad things seemed to happen. Mihail broke up with her and then she'd very nearly lost Jasper. Lily was over kissing, there seemed to never be anything good to come of it.
Jasper shrugged a little when Lily said everyone was afraid of Rose. "That would kinda stink..." He mused. "Does she know she's scary?" He wasn't sure how aware of it she was. He wondered if Rose had many friends, because he definitely would have stayed away from her if they had been in the same year. Jasper snorted. "C'mon, if I didn't want to be your friend I wouldn't have said that." He told her, lightly hitting her arm. "We should go to the forest again sometime, though without Rose finding out this time."

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