Lalala, this girl needs everything

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Iman Khalid

OOC First Name

Iman Laura Alexis Khalid

Is the sister of Hamza Khalid, born at Michigan, USA on November 18, 2014.
She might be cute and kind but she's a spoiled little girl to her family. Iman get's
what she wanted and her parents will give it to her. The good thing about Iman
is that she's kind and always makes people laugh whenever they are sad or downfall.

She likes girly stuffs and do what girls do all the time. Iman is too much girly
and will always will be. So, she needs everything, like a friend, best friend, enemies,
and/or a crush (she will not be having a boy friend until 6th year, so, yeah, talk to
Hamza for that if you want to be her boy friend). I just need to roleplay this cute girl
here. Don't ask, I know the girl behind this.

If your interested just reply here or if your have any plots that you want her to
be, just PM me about it and I will get on to you for an answer.
I can offer Blair white, she's rich, spoiled, Girly girl and is the twin sister of bella white
I have Charlotte!

Charlotte is a little spoilt, as she is the youngest of her family. She is very kind, but she is very quiet and she is very girly.
She could be one of Iman's best friends?
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